Jow Forums gave me autism

Jow Forums gave me autism

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your Australian how can you even tell?

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Jow Forums just exacerbated your latent autism.

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Some cunts at the pub gon' feel my drunken autism tonight

Jealous of pub culture to be honest.
Bars in America just don't feel the same.

Much like taking psychotropics with preexisting mental illnesses, and thinking the LSD made you schizo, Jow Forums does the same thing for your latent autism.

>Americans drink from plastic cups, rather straight from the beer bottle.

Fucking Mutt faggots.

Keg party.

>What is a keg.

Nigger there's no fucking bottle. If its cups its kegs and vodka.

fake news, these thots never heard of the holocaust. but they all know how big Tyrone's cock is.

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Kegs are gay, and they can't contain anything that is worthy of drinking as ale should be drank (glass). You pour a pint from a keg, it's gonna be flat as shit, or have a fucking huge head.
We just get 100 beers in when it's just the 5 lads. Easier to tell how many Bevs you're on.

Drinking is bad for you user.

I know, user. I know. I have a weak personality when it comes to intoxicants. I am not proud of it. I have been eliminating all the various forms of jewry from my life though, slowly. Ale is the big one.

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Me too.

It helps if you say they starved because allies bombed the supply lines, that way even though you are denying the holocaust, which they don’t like, you are blaming our own side, which they will like.

who gives two shits, normies should not be your friends

is holocaust denial a common thread on this board?

>source: I'm a bot

Enjoy it while you can. By 2020 the Muslims will have outlawed it in their new colony that you might be allowed to stay in.

Protip. Starting a sentence with "As an English Australian" has netted some bretty fun times lads


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>Chav FC, the post

Plastic cups are for niggers. Get some beer steins you fucking degenerates.

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>never floating a keg with your bros

Why even live

This is literally me everywhere.

Yeah I felt the same way when I was in Ireland

I had to say, 'ill just shut up now before I get myself in trouble,' when after about a month at my new job I got in an argument with someone about how physics is total nonsense and low key mind control. Next day everyone looks at me funny and I see them talking about me when I walk by. Now I get the feeling they are trying to get me to argue more because I guess I convinced a bunch of them or made them think twice. Theyll say shit right next to my desk like, 'what we need is a candidate like bernie sanders,' or they'll say 'in general the younger left is more well read then the right,' or 'walls don't work', one dude whos about to retire and wears an old crusty nasa hat and waddles over to talk about elon musks latest launch at least once a day. I want so bad to release the limiters, take off my weighted clothing and reveal my power level but I force myself to stay calm and go to the bathroom or something.

Kek! Take pics and post Friday!

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stop getting mad at basic bitch normans lmao

Kegger!!!!!!! Cucked college parties.


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Sound like a normal Friday to me.

I recognize that gay blowjob

Hell yeah, Stein parties are the best

Haha. This is the reaction I got when I joined some coworkers at my new job as CNA at mental hospital. I was at a table with 4 females, two doctors and one nurse and when I jokingly told them
>"men prefer debt free virgins without tattoos"
They flipped their shit and threw a lot of feminist crap at me. Tried it again with some other girls while I'm outside smoking and they got upset but didn't say anything except give me the stare.

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Yeah most apolitical people love being redpilled by a mental bull who knows his shit.

If you can't learn to control your power level you shouldn't be here.

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>tfw in perpetual legendary SSJ God Ultra Instinct state

this one time my friend said Obama was a pretty cool guy and I just hit him with the ''lol he's a satanist who sacrifices children'' and now he won't talk to me anymore

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>I'm a bot
I wish you were Tay.

lmao anyone know how best to say this subtly?
also we need to change it to "men prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos or excess weight", it's time to do something about the average BMI in this country

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i unironically love Jow Forums niggers, it shows we are a diverse breed of autists

>now he won't talk to me anymore
I've noticed this anomaly too. Think about it. You and your friend disagree on something. In each others eye, you're both 100% wrong and evil. And yet, he cut you off. Wouldn't you be well within your rights to cut him off for having the opposite opinion as you?
To this day I am yet to hear of a right winger cut ties with a left wing friend/family member. It is ALWAYS the opposite.

The fuck are you talking about? Just got home from a pub where everyone knows my name, and I know everyone else’s. Feels good. You either live in a shit town or you’re going to the wrong places.

It’s a Clown World anons

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Nobody likes their world view to be challenged I guess, but leftists hate it even more because their world view is rooted in a comfy fantasy world.

Anyway I'm gonna head to bed since it's 6 am in Weedland. Peace out cunt.

"Single mothers are a cancer on society."
"Real lesbians look nothing like TV lesbos."
More frowns
"I'm on the spectrum."
Encouraging smiles
"You girls sure are broad across the beam."

I did it jokingly as the women started talking badly about men, and I jumped in and said Shit about women, and I told them that I know the secret to getting a good husband. They lean in and wonder what it is. Only to recoil with shocked face and getting angry. They got over it eventually but the initial reaction was to good to pass up another try. There is something about that sentence that makes women coil in fear.

I get away with it because I'm only male at the place and the girls working there really want more men in the workplace. If I did this at an office I'd be at HR on the spot. One of the few advantages of being male in female dominated workplace. You get away much easier being a douchebag.

Jow Forums gives power to those ok to have it.
The good (((globalist))) gives autism.


that's strayan level of bantz

yeah but I unironically want your leaf ass to fuck off.

the only time beer should served from a keg is at a pub if not at a pub just sink a carto

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Someone said it

I often reveal my power level and always get away with it. Sometimes I even get a high five.

The real question is why the fuck would you waste your time trying to inform a bunch of low iq roasties whose mental capacity barely gets them through a day without crying about some bullshit.

Yo, lil' Donnie