How to find meaning in life? No, I don't mean any of that "find what you want to do" or "find someone special" bullshit...

How to find meaning in life? No, I don't mean any of that "find what you want to do" or "find someone special" bullshit. I want genuine answers on how to get out of this nihilistic hellhole I am in.

Attached: nihilismi.jpg (700x509, 92K)

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>dont give me that 2 + 2 = 4
there is no point to life other than doing what you want to do and being around people/places/things that make you feel a way that is desirable to you. you’re just giving your depression a philosophical flare and possibly (largely due to the depression) not doing what it takes to solve it.

Spend an eternity pushing a rock up a hill.

Attached: 1516139156393.jpg (537x360, 27K)

With the information we have, we can't know a meaning for life or existence 100%, that's why a lot of persons want to know a truth and try to seek it instead of complaining.
The lack of information we have is not a reason to conclude that there is no meaning or truth.

>how to get out of this nihilistic hellhole I am in.
Therapy. Possibly medication. Mental stimulation that takes place off the internet will help, if you don't do that already. As well as things you find personal and professional fulfillment in doing. Companionship and a support network, both platonic and romantic also matter.

Basically you find meaning in life by dealing with your depression or whatever other bullshit you have going on that prevents you from seeing meaning, all of the above things will aid in helping you find that meaning, as well as more stuff that you can find out from a series of sessions with a qualified professional. If it treats your depression/apathy, it will help foster meaning.

Not just that, you have to recognize the futility of your actions, that like sisyphus, you are engaged in a pointless struggle, but that while you may be condemned to do it, you're not condemned to feel a certain way about it.

Your rock, your life, they're your things, and you decide how to use them. You'll never find meaning, you'll only ever create it.

Read Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the myth of sisyphus, and being and nothingness.

Understand your relationship to our uncaring universe, then make an informed decision on how to respond to it


He's saying 'I want genuine answers'
and you're talking about conceptual shit, wtf anons

what's your current situation ?

I found meaning in life at my job. I take care of little children. They're full of love and happiness and I love giving them the same in return. They love you unconditionally, even when you're not at your best. Can't say the same thing about my husband though, most of the time I dread coming back home and seeing his stupid face. Well, at the very least I am happy at work.

It's hard but humans are built to feel fulfilled when we do certain things. Chemicals shoot off in our brain and we feel good about it (usually involved the process, not the end result). If you have depression then usually those chemicals are really fucked up and you just don't feel it. This is where that nihilistic feeling usually comes from. Keep in mind nihilism is a concept, not a feeling.

I used to feel a lot like that but then got diagnosed with bipolar and started gettting therapy and medicated and all that sort of thing and it really helped me start doing productive shit that made me feel ok about meaning and how I was doing in life. I'm not saying that you need to do all that stuff but if we're speaking strictly chemically about the brain, then there are things you can do to help it. The two big ones are exercise and eating well. It's really hard to start doing it but you'd be surprised how much it helps with basically everything in your brain.

If that doesn't work then you may need to talk to your doctor about clinical depression which needs treatment of some sort. Therapy like CBT can really help with that.

Anyway thats as objective as I could go I think. the TLDR is that that feeling is usually a chemical imbalance that can be fixed.

start with the greeks

chemicals come from what we see
Your mind, anyone's mind is before science
With depression you'll find that using science to try to help people is not only unefficient, potentially dangerous (cuz you can get people to get stuck in stuff that's so far away from the core of their problem) but also a bit absird because it's besides the point

CBT now we're kinda getting somewhere but don't go justifying it by talking of chemical associations

Meaning is what is meant by something. Only humans can do that. Your problem is want.

Exercise can help.

What is wrong with your husband? Why don't you help him? Why punish someone who is miserable?

He made my life miserable first, let me tell you that. I am depressed because of him being a fucking asshole to me.

life probably has no meaning but that's good because you can do whatever the hell you want and nobody can tell you really that you're wrong. do what you want within the rules of society!

here you go op:

Women and kids...

Seems a man is nothing but a sperm donor.

Nope, they're not. If you're an asshole all you can give me is a good fuck but not always.

Jordan B Peterson - I find his viewpoints very helpful and inspiring.

Why stay ?

The meaning of life is to live it and stop striving for something - anything. Stop constantly striving, searching, adjusting. Don't believe any of your thoughts to be reality.

Being a nihilist means taking the first step but going no no further. If you accept that life has no meaning, then why would you think of it as something that can be "found"? This is illogical. Meaning is something that you forge yourself.
To live a meaningful life is to be engaging in meaningful activity. Meaningful activity comes from having to be depended on by others. Being dependable means adopting responsibility. Grow up.

god shut the fuck up all you stupid faggots posting camus and shit lol... can't stand you faggots identifying with some lame mediocre loser like camus, sartre, derrida & whoever else... psychiatric philosophy lol. yall aren't even close to discovering nihilism don't post any recent philosophers at all until youve read everything leading up to them...

A sperm donor, and an ATM

This but unironically

You give meaning to life through your own values. Nobody can hand you a convenient answer.

The point of life is to live a good life