How do you deal with depression by yourself

This shit is starting to catch up to me and I need to not. The-rapist is not an option and there's nobody I can trust to talk to tips and tricks?

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I always solved it by finding some way to socialize with people who weren’t gonna judge me for being depressed, people who get that life can be a struggle like that. basically, hate to say this, people who are cool and positive but aren’t chads and staceys.

Why is a therapist not an option
Medicines especially can fix you up right away

>meds can fix you up right away
this, provided it’s good treatment and not some fucking bullshit.

>why not therapy
also this. therapy is covered by public healthcare.

where do people like this even exist though

If you try to deal with it yourself it's just going to continue "catching up with you". And it might even be worse, because you might con yourself into thinking you've beaten it, only to realize later that you've been fucking kidding yourself.

Just see a fucking shrink. If you're so poor that you don't have health insurance, then you probably fit the criteria for medicaid, in which case apply for medicaid and then see a shrink. That's what I did (thanks for footing the bill btw, hehe)

people who are cool and nice but not chads and staceys? everywhere.

it’s hard to form social connections in a lot of settings though. for example, the “meet someone at a coffee shop” is bullshit advice if you live in bumfuck where the only coffee shop is a roadside Starbucks.

I'm just bad at making friends. I always feel like no one wants to talk to me because no one ever does. Even when I put myself out there rarely does anything happen. Makes no sense desu.

Feel the same. Guess I just have to keep trying somehow.

are you a young, not physically strong, straight white male with depression? because it makes perfect sense in that case. the laws of nature are kicking your ass. it’s like a vicious circle where the reason you’re not making friends is because you don’t have any, and the reason you’re not being passionate is because you’re not feeling passion.

So why exactly is therapy not an option? That's the first question I need answered and then I'll give you good ass advice.

and the reason you can barely make money is that you barely have any. and the reason you can’t get a great education is because you so far have mediocre education. and the reason girls aren’t interested is because other girls aren’t interested. and the reason you can’t get good job experience is because you don’t have good experience.

it’s like a swirling black hole of death, how any animal will die in the woods if it doesn’t wake the hell up and have a do or die moment of trying against the odds.

I think I have a bretty good mix a of friends but none of them I talk about with because I feel like I'd be a hypocrite because I absolutely can't stand when someone is constantly saying "erh muh gurd I'm gonna kms" I'm not suicidal everything just feels suffocating for no reason
I've tried it before, didn't like it and I hardly have the schedule for it. I also don't like the idea of meds for this. I wouldn't take meds for a similar reason I'm reluctant to try weed. I'm not sure if I'd be the same person and I've heard too many mixed reviews to be comfortable taking anything

okay so you’re not desperate for psychiatry. good. although each generation of treatment is an improvement on the last, we are very very far from perfection.

>I don’t have the schedule for therapy
yeah, bullshit. you do have the schedule and you’re right that a therapist is more appropriate to talk about your darkest badfeels to than your friends.

although there are some friends that it’s good to talk about deep shit with. it depends.

Hi. Have had issues with depression and suicidal tendencies for a very long time. I don't talk about it with anyone. Tried therapy a few times over the years but I find I can never be truly honest. Things have been getting better for me recently. Here's what I'm doing:
1) Exercise. I just ride a recumbent bike while watching TV. I do go to the gym and lift sometimes too but not regularly as of late.
2)Meditation. No, really. I meditate on a thought of gratitude daily.
3)I wrote a list of things I like about myself, positive traits. I started with 5 things. Now i have 25.
4)I have accepted that I may always feel like this sometimes. But I know it will pass if I just give it time.
5) I do a couple things every day: make my bed, brush my teeth, meditate. I figure if I can at least do those things maybe I'm not a total piece of shit.

This isn't /soc but lmk if you want a far away friend.

Just call a suicide hotline. Speaking about your problems to someone over the phone will help your problems immensely. You’ll get over it eventually.

Hey frendo, I really appreciate you sharing. I did do excersize before and I felt really good about myself but I fell off. I'm going to put significant effort into getting back into it.
I know a lot of people meme on "clean your room bucko" but I can understand how your surroundings can effect your outlook.
I think it would be really good to write something I like about myself. I truly appreciate you sharing what you did and wish you a bright future

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Start being there for others and helping them with their problems. Depression is a lot about looking inward at yourself and looking at your faults. If you help others with their problems, it turns into less about you and more about them.

read a bunch of self-help books on cbt and depression, it's essentially the same as talking to a therapist if you really can't afford one. then practice the tools and techniques you learn.

can't afford books? get a library card.

Get enough sleep and make sure you have enough Vit D3, omega 3, magnisum and B12 in your diet.

I was depressed and about to plan my suicide
Then some day I took like a 30-1 hour meditation to rethink everything about life and compare it to everyone else in the worse, compare my family, my looks, my life, everything.
Then I discovered that I look like a chad but I just have acne and that was the only excuse for people to call me "ugly", I actually have friends, I realized that the main problem for my depression was just temporary, my family is definitely not stable but it's not the worst.
And then after that I realized that my life wasn't the worst it could ever be but I can improve on somethings.

You should try doing it, knowing where is your spot in life right now and knowing what you have that is good and what you could improve is very important, after doing that you have a base so you can focus on what you want to do in life later on and it doesn't feels like everything is the worst and that your life is completely out of control.

This is a more of a "how to deal with yourself" since it involves just yourself basically and nothing more.