It's over for AOC shills

Ben ourguy Garrison has just proved she is NOT ourgirl

Attached: DzZodN1VYAArhoI.jpg (1000x764, 257K)


He did a good job capturing her annoying fucking face. It almost isn't a caricature.

yes. spot on. quite.

Stalin stale ale, haha


when will you dumbasses realize the more you make fun of her the more popular she becomes? the more you mock her the more you hype up people to support her? the more you talk about her the more brand recognition you give her. you morons are falling right to the trump trap leftists fell in 2015

Nobody likes free market fundamentalist libertarians.

As long as each joke actually points out the flaws in her policy instead of just calling her racist or sexist, it is different

its not though.. you constantly make fun of her face and looks.. just like how they made fun of trumps hair and color

you call her "commie" and "stalin" just like they were calling trump nazi and fascist

literally the same dumb ""arguments"" from different view. these are more likely to make people like her even more

>completely missed the chance to make a green leap forward joke
Goddamn Ben get with the game

Ok but where is the original?

This, she is unironically the most famous Democratic politician now

- appeals to minorities
- appeals to white college kids
- considered an "outsider" non-Establishment figure
- engaging personality/sex appeal

You gotta take this shit seriously, I see a left-wing Trump in the making.

this dumb spic makes my shit state look even worse

Attached: attack in new york.jpg (620x330, 33K)

Ben is clear and precise.

Nothing like the unwarranted bogeyman of communism to bring out the aristocrat-worshiping boot-licker in us all.

Damn, the green new deal really gets the terrifying aspect across.

Show your tits, AOC.

>Aristocrat worshipping
Where exactly?

this obsession of his is unhealthy

>no ice


Was kinda hoping to see her tax cardi bs 8 million.

Attached: images (3).jpg (182x277, 11K)

they look just like huma abedin's

>You gotta take this shit seriously, I see a left-wing Trump in the making.

Good, we need the acceleration

He made her a white bartender because it’s what she used to do before she suffered a blow to the head

>no ice
even as a spic I gotta say that's a pretty good one
also he should've put a fairy in the marxarita or green new deal for an absinthe joke

donkey face lookin bitch

>big guy

>green jew deal


she never was kys


Attached: baneposter.png (892x810, 50K)

Huma is way hotter

The difference is when middle America Joe Blow goes to look up Trump's real policies and positions, he finds out they're actually reasonable and fair to him (despite how the execution is working out)

When they go to look up AOC, they confirm that she's a moronic socialist with no clue what she's talking about

>the more popular she becomes?
worked pretty well for congressperson antisemite

The stuff he did under his original pen-name was based.

Ben “Zion” Garrison

>when middle America Joe Blow goes to look up Trump's real policies and positions
user, you're killing me.

omg can this boomer just stop, he's not helping us with this lame ass boomer shit

No you moron, left voters literally don't CARE. THEY. DON'T. CARE.


If the left can't even denounce the Quran, then they might as well be considered a bad but effective mob.

Funny thing about Ben Garrison is that he knows that the only people who like his "drawing" are retards so he has to label every shit.

>late term abortion
>shaken baby syndrome
>ice cold

instead of giving 38 billion dollars away to israel how about we spend that money improving things here in the united states?

Her vile fucking donkey face makes me angry. Vapid bitch.

You can Tell Zyklon Ben was a little horny and a little thirsty when he drew this one.

So is this the commie the banks are pushing forward with?

Benny G really went downhill. He used to be a notorious white supremacist, now he's a Trump shill.

>It almost isn't a caricature

Almost, and I also like how he subtly makes fun of the kind of dudes that are tricked by a pair of tits into the monstrous acts


This phase needs to be photo shopped on her actual photos