Hi guys, i recently decided to drop out of college because depression is getting the best of me...

hi guys, i recently decided to drop out of college because depression is getting the best of me. I cant help but feel guilty because of all the money my parents already put in, and its near the end already and im giving up. im scared that once i leave i cant come back, and i’m stuck with “highest education: high school” on my job apps for the rest of my life and suffer from the shame. im afraid that im making a mistake and just taking the easy way out. I want to justify for my suffering but how do i know everyone else isn’t suffering from the same... Please give me some advice. Am I fucked for the rest of my life

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Hey you gotta reach out and tell somebody about your mental health. I mean it won't immediately fix your problem, but baby steps. And if you can't talk to anybody you can talk to me

I don't know what to say man. I feel like doing the same too... Fuck

i tried reaching out for hell when i notice it getting worse but i guess it was too late. I started taking prozac about 2 weeks ago and things have only gotten worse since

I'm actually in the same situation right now. Honestly have no idea what to do with my life anymore. Do you at least have friends to talk to about this?

this is he hardest part honestly. having no friends to talk to. I live in a suite style dorm so Im always in my room. I’ve already locked myself in for 3 days and didnt eat or shower. None of my three other roommates noticed, which is ok because i dont want to explain why ive become a failure.. Im so lonely I wish i had more friends to talk to, but i have really bad social anxiety and talking to others is just so fucking hard idk why. My discord is Litten#1116, add me if you want to talk, i know it’s a hard decision to make

i'd say look for other people who are doing the same or maybe people in your hometown who didn't go off to college.
it's way easier to recuperate when you have friends that are in the same mental place as you

You're only fucked if you want to be fucked. Granted I'm a loser so what do I know. You need to try and resolve the issues that lead you to this point.

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I also quit university - 5 exams from finishing - because of depression. I regret it immensely and it's made by depression worse by orders of magnitude. What you should do is keep studying, do NOT leave university, and get yourself a good doctor and medication for your depression. If you fall out of your daily routines and the world of study and employment, there will be no turning back. This is how you end up a suicidal shut-in. Keep studying, finish university even if it takes a few extra years.

Don't just walk away. Talk to the relevant dean and get a "furlough" or whatever they call it at your school, that lets you come back within a year or so if you're in better mental shape.

And use the time to get help getting into better shape

Listen to this guy. I was in a bad bad place during grad school. It took me years (3+ years longer than normal) and they were the worst years of my life. I barely dragged myself over the finish line. But now I'm in a better place.

Take care of your mental health. Slow down if you have to, but don't quit. It is hard as shit, so get the counseling and care that you need. But you'll be in such a better place if you actually finish.

>muh depression
I hope you at least feel really guilty for wasting your parents money because you are too lazy to study. If you have any respect towards your parents, just power through and graduate. Waste less time throwing yourself pity parties and more time working. Depression is a lazy people disease, when you slack and do nothing it's easy to occupy yourself with your, in most cases imaginary, suffering and misfortune.

Yeah dropping out and having no Routine or goals totally helps with being sad.

Is it because you are retarded.? Are you sad about that you lil brainlet?

I'm on medical leave for some fucked up pain shit that fucked up my brain, AND im going to go back. If your bitch ass thinks you can just sit at home on your computer because of depression you're fucking wrong. You have to go back.

I think some of you guys are oversimplifying things, especially given that we don't even know OP's full circumstances yet. I agree with finishing what was already started though, since it's apparently near the end already. You never know what's in store for you tomorrow.

>Depression is a lazy people disease
Fuck you with every atom of my being, just fuck you. You're a fucking idiot and you should shut up because you don't know shit

>depressed about dropping out of college even tho almost finished
>depressed about wasting parents money
>don't even consider therapy or any sort of guidance
>"a-am I a piece of shit???????"
Gee, I don't fucking know.

You seem to have the answer already, you're just being a selfish cunt right now and obviously want to self-wallow in your sadness which is 100% GUARANTEED to magnify if you drop out.

Listen, I don't care about whatever circumstance you're in, you're in COLLEGE, which means you/your family can afford it, which means you're in the 1% of 1%. You probably have a bunch of classmates who are also depressed but they're toughening it out because they're almost finished and aren't bitching on Jow Forums.

There is no either/or option. You finish this fight. You can decide to switch majors after.

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Instead of depression think of it as a bad car accident. If you were hit by a car, and couldn’t finish out the semester there are provisions for that. Figure out what they are and make sure you do what you have to do so you can go back when you are ready.

Then go home, get a basic job or sign up for a couple classes at the community college so you have some place to get up and go to. Then work on setting up the habits (exercise, meditation, eating right, vitamins, therapy, less screen time) and supports you need to be successful.

Your parents problably care and love you, this is just a setback.

t. some lazy slob

Yep, OP, do not DROP out of university. At most, take a semester break, get your mental health in order, have a PLAN. I was a NEET for 3 years after dropping out of university and regreted wasting those times not doing anything.

>i’m stuck with “highest education: high school” on my job apps for the rest of my life and suffer from the shame. im afraid that im making a mistake and just taking the easy way out.

this is 100% will make you even more depressed because you keep thinking "what if I finished university?". Trust me OP, you'll be even more miserable.

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I had to leave in the middle of a semester after getting tossed in the loony bin because of a suicide attempt. It's a fucking nightmare doing all the paperwork and shit to come back after dropping out, and I came back the semester immediately after. If you need to take a break, take one, but don't delay returning any longer than you need to. Preferrably you should just take a couple weeks off to breathe, just skip class/exams while not actually dropping out (if a class has an attendance requirement, just show up and space out in the back row with your phone or laptop) and take the hit to your grades, it's certainly better than just failing outright. If your school has therapists or paychiatrists for students, holy fuck use them. They don't help at all but it makes you feel like you're doing something about your depression, which does help. I sincerely hope you get out of this rut OP, I was lucky and managed to graduate and find a well-paying career after my escapade with college depression, I know you can do the same, if not better.

If you’re a girl maybe i can adopt you?

I dropped out of community college lol... I'm poor and got beat as a kid... nonetheless I'm a genius of sorts, a real poete maudit lol, I plan to light myself on fire in a public space.

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Don't drop out no matter what happens, it will make things worse in the long-term. you can't easily undo a decision like that. Soldier on fr now..

Drugs won't help you. what is the real problem?

How old are you and how far into your major were you?

Fuck off you scum piece of shit

Yeah user, literally me, working with my stepfather like a madman since I was a little brat. Even better! You need to study in your free time! Bad grades? Fuck you, there is a lot of people working and study so you need to do the same!
I despise holiday days because the hours I’m not going to school I’m gonna work them.
Yeah, I want to do nothing, to be lazy, to kill myself,
But it is because I hate work, I hate study and I hate the shitty people I live with!
I’’m barely fucking 18 and I feel old already!

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You're an absolute fucking retard. Go fuck yourself whoever posted this.

Same thing happened to me. After I sat around feeling sorry for myself, I realized that I was mean't to take a different path so I did. I'm 30 now and I'm happy, life is good. My resume` makes up for my lack of college degree so get out into the work force, get some valuable skills and get past this bump in the road. You've got the rest of your life to pay your parents back if that's whats bugging you.

It's okay if you didn't become a neurosurgeon like you thought you'd be when you were dreaming about college. Take it from me, the future is never what it seems like when you're young.

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How is this dude holding up.

I have suffered from depression since middle school. If you are on course to graduate then you shouldn't drop out. I think doing so will make you feel even worse.
Did you ever try clubs? I recommend it at least once a day on here to guys in your position.
I know once depression has its grip on you it seems impossible to escape, but I find the fear of missing out on something good to be a useful ally when I notice I don't want to go out.