Even Spic Fuentes is off the Trump Train now

It's ogre. Trump has fucked over the base one too many times. Anyone who votes for ZOGnald in 2020 is just furthering the kike agenda.

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These retards are just exposing that they're on payroll and will be indicted for being unregistered foreign agents.

Nick, no...

I'm beginning to realize that /ptg/ are, in a strange turn of events, shills. Remember "Big League Truth"? I have a feeling that never ended. Even the_donald is in complete meltdown right now with tens of thousands of deleted posts and the downvote button being removed. The only trump supporters left on the internet are /ptg/.

>foreign agents.
Wouldn't that have to imply that the USA is a country?

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/ptg/ is unironically run by bots funded by Kushner.

>all these low energy quitters

yep better vote for Kamala Harris, any Dem is a better option

You are schizophrenic

You just barely fucking noticed? Jesus Christ fucking commit suicide right fucking now.

its not a nation but it is a country.

havent been following the news but if fuentes is off the boat he must be the last eceleb to abondon ship lol

what has trump done??

he has until 2020. stop trying to start outrage because 2 years in he made you sad. He has 2 more. After that judge him.

I give up trying to push for ideals, ill be voting strictly for UBI tbqh, and i dont much care what other strings come attached with that. Fuck it, youre all a bunch of assholes anyways.

>He has 2 more
oh you sweet summer child

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He isn't even American anyway. Some 56% manlet fuckboy from El Salvador calling his show "America First" is cringy as hell

trump has less power now than he did 2 years ago to effect any meaningful change. if people are disappointed over the last 2 years just wait for the next two now that his opponents know he is vulnerable lmao

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I'm gonna vote for him whachu gon' do NIGGER

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He's going to sign chain anmesty that would allow all illegal minors and any members of their households to stay forever.

spic fuentes
>how will the rest of my family get to america now?!
>how could you do this DRUMPFT?!

ORANGE you glad you spent the last two years punching right and hitching your wagon to Trumpist civic nationalism, Nick?

Good. Many of us are. Fuck Trump at this point.

Give ONE single viable alternative that won't just immediately open up internment camps for right wing people after the election night.

Every SINGLE one of the dems would destroy everything you believe in and make sure that you can never change a thing about it.

Republicans? Trump is the only one who has even said anything against immigration.

Trump is the only viable alternative for an election.

No the time for hoping merely politics will solve everything is over. We have to educate the people, get out, network, change things from the root up.

>Every SINGLE one of the dems would destroy everything you believe in and make sure that you can never change a thing about it.

So fucking WHAT? Trump is doing the same.

So you would vote for someone that 100% will end everything we believe in (all Dem candidates) or someone that has at least tried (Trump)?

Accelerationism is the solution.

Accelerationism is low-IQ LARPing bullshit. You have never broken a law in your fucking life you little nerd.

Accelerationism isn't about breaking the law. White genocide is happening slowly in the background under Trump and Republican rule. And because it's happening in slow-motion the People are easily distracted by other issues. However, Democrats will open our borders and put the issue of white genocide in the faces of every European American. It will wake them up and hopefully they'll start fighting back. Try not to fall for JIDF's perversion of Accelerationism. It's about waking the masses, not committing terrorism.

And what if it doesn't collapse? What then.

Gimme a break, Brazil survived as a shithole for DECADES, no reason same thing wouldn't happen to USA.

D&C discord tranny

We're collapsing the false reality the normal person experiences. We're collapsing Zionist control over our Country. We're collapsing the Matrix.

Brazil and South Africa were always nigger shitholes. America and the West aren’t.

Are we already doing the...
>Drumpf will never...
Seems like these come earlier and earlier every year.

Why not at this point? Accelerate it to Hell. I've tried for 3 years to back Trump and the (((Republicans))). I'm fucking done. And I mean done.


You know, this is gonna get old to you really soon.

The USA is beyond salvation. It's best that we kill it as quickly as possible to save Europeans from the damage of America's death spasms.

Well, at least he has an ounce of integrity. Good for him.

OP is jealous he's not a real alpha right-winger like pic related

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>And what if it doesn't collapse? What then.
Then it becomes a weakened rump state without the military or financial power to project globally, thus granting a reprieve to Europe and all the other former vassal states of the American empire.