Normal dudes (not chubby chasers or sticc lovers), how do you feel about a girl with a little extra tummy?

Normal dudes (not chubby chasers or sticc lovers), how do you feel about a girl with a little extra tummy?
I'm not talking burgerland tumblr "extra tummy", i mean just enough to jiggle a little or grab.
How do you feel about a girls who's built very thicc with a little extra chub?
When i have a little extra weight on me, i look similar to Demetria Obilor (i'm not black). I think she's pretty but I don't want my partner to leave me because i'm chubby.

Attached: IMG-20171106-WA0000.jpg (480x480, 27K)

like this but not black and with bigger boobs

Attached: XVTyU8T0_400x400.jpg (400x400, 31K)

same girl, less flattering picture

Attached: 6c956f366f213bc2ea8c868a51b0f338.jpg (1080x1350, 147K)

What ya mean? Protruding guts are gross.

At what level does it go from acceptable tti gross? It'd be cool if you have pictures examples

>tfw went from a 6'1 thicc in shape latina to a 5'6 latina who looks african american who has a pooch

Extra tummy sucks, it's definitely not attractive. Maybe if you're taller you can pull it off. When you can get a big grab of tummy and it looks like a roll almost when you're fucking that aint fun.

Could you provide a picture example?

If she carries her weight well. I had a gf who was about 177cm and 80kg and I loved her body.

U show me.

Well the woman in ops pic is very tall obviously and thicc it's different being a sexy thicc weight and being non thick and just normal with a belly.

I'm just saying if a guys used to having a woman with a flat stomach he's not gonna enjoy a big belly most likely, i've gotten sort of used to it but we're not going steady otherwise i'd tell her to lose it.

Pic related is no bueno, this woman isn't thick she just is out of shape.

Attached: belly-389557.jpg (590x747, 61K)

when i gain weight i'm similar to this but with bigger boobs

Attached: 80ce39f8fc9665abf6f7f607e2a7676d.jpg (849x1327, 198K)

this doesn't answer any part of my question
I listed in op that i'm not amerifat chubby and that i have hips and a waist. I'm not like that gross whale you posted

Just post a body pic on /soc/ already.

I'm not that weight right now so it wouldn't be helpful

As long as your hips are wider than your waist, you’re golden.

What would you consider better, being moderately curvy with normal sized boobs or being outrageously curvy with bigger boobs but a stomach?

>I don't want my partner to leave me because i'm chubby.
please ask your partner how HE feels. how I feel is utterly irrelevant. Your partner might say "I like you now (obviously he does or he wouldn't be your partner) but I think it would be hotter if you were thinner." Or he might say your body is perfect just the way it is.

but since you asked, I'll give my opinion. keep in mind my preference (and societies preference in general) are secondary to your partner's preference. you should strive to make him (and yourself) happy, not me or the rest of Jow Forums.
love it, sexy af, could do thinner. I like to exercise with my girls (maybe you consider it weird but a girl that can beat me at tennis is my personal dream) so I like someone who's fit but someone with that body could be fit if they put in effort. girls who squat good have 10/10 thighs and ass

I feel like guys subconsciously lie about how they feel about curves. He said he loved it but i felt like he was just saying that to make me feel better. Im not trying to impress Jow Forums i just want a general consensus of what the average male really likes

Post you with no head.

Stop being an insecure cunt that is ruined by her low self esteem. If you want to lose weight do it. If nor then don't. He probably was turned off by your constant need for affirmation.

To be fair, most average girls are like that in the US.

The former hands down. Unless he has a fetish, super big boobs aren’t as great feeling as firm boobs.

Let me tell you a story.

At one time i worked as a pantry cook at a little french restaurant. The chef was old school, did shit like lock the health inspector in the walk in fridge and smoke cigarettes while working the grill.

He was teaching me how to make creme brulee and i asked him, how do you know when they’re done?
He told me they are like a woman, they should jiggle but not slosh.


I'm laughing at all these low test males

nasty. stop trying to rationalize your weight problems and get thin already.

I'm thin right now, i'm considering gaining weight though

yeah uhhhh dont gain fat
its bad for your health unless you're on a muscle building regimen
I'm by the way

this is not "a little extra tummy"

this is fat

it is gross

you are gross

It annoys me a bit but it's fine if she doesn't dress like a wale in snake skin.

Pro tip: Work on your legs to compensate, a bit of extra belly won't matter if you can emphasis other attributes of your body

Have fun with your joints being fucked up
That shit ain’t healthy

I think the women you posted so far are fat and I hate that body type.

if it bothers you so much just work out fattie
any self conscious fatties is a turn off
dudes will fuck just about anything anyway

also lol at posting black girls examples as if it looks the same on white girls

like i dont get how people are so fucking fat. ive been trying to gain weight for months and i can only put on like 3 lbs and lose it instantly. its so fucking hard to eat so much shit.

Giant fan. I love a good, solid tummy on a woman.

Spotted the guy who justifies only being able to get fat girls because Jow Forums told him he's cooler for it.

This. The OP is fat. Not "thicc." Which is a stupid fucking term. Protip: any girl you think is hot while she's thicc is going to turn into obese when she's in a relationship, and cartoonishly obese after a kid.

God, her posture is atrocious. She's actually just legitimately fat, and tilting her pelvic to make her stomach less apparent.

What are YOU comfortable with OP? Do you love yourself? Do you want to improve? Can you have confidence to be seen naked as you are and not be ashamed?