Attached: Screenshot_20190214-233713_Messages.jpg (1080x1920, 295K)

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What'd you get from Domino's bro

I was so close to falling asleep
Shit nearly gave me a heart attack.

Attached: Untitled_3_01.jpg (1200x628, 100K)

This is the future of the west.

Nothing it's just some valentines day ad, I dont know how to turn that shit off. More importantly though I think someone got abducted.
You got it too? Do you live near Toronto?


Came here to see this. Can we modify this service to only include white names? Can't say I didn't smile a bit reading about a stolen poo kid

>it's only abduction when the father does it
the absolute state of gynocracy

also: poo in it

Why is it ALWAYS a silver Honda

I just came back from the 401 and can confirm the car isn't west bound.

Why is it always a silver car?

Always. Fucking ALWAYS.

>96% battery
>picture is full

i think the battery indicator is resolution in 20% or 25% increments.

Based desi dad wouldn't put up with his princess bad mouthing him.

>tfw silver honda driver
Aw yeah I'm gonna show up on an alert one day

he was saving her from FGM. because he can get more $$$ for her uncut.

>not posting the original

Attached: visa recipients.png (1192x624, 540K)

Day of the Roopesh when?

I literally posted this graph and someone edited that image on to it brainlet

That was my first and last amber alert, glad my phone had an easy way to disable it.

And why the fuck did I get this in Ottawa?

I know it was a joke. I was the one who made the edit. Lighten up brah.

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Oh good he is found. Now I can sleep without a screaming phone. Fuck poos.

womp womp