Have a friend

>have a friend
>use to be into him
>tell him
>get rejected
>move on
>fast forward six months later
>got over my feelings but miss friend
>decide to chat him up
>he acts aloof, doesn't respond or gives v short replies
>tell him I won't talk with him anymore causee he is a dickhead
>2 months later
>find out from mutual friend that my friend's life has been going downhill for months
>mfw I just acted like another jerk in his life

what do I do adv? I feel bad because he is going thru rough time and it made him really nasty and made him push ppl away. But idk if I should try to help despite my last words/??

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Just let him alone, society already expects men to be strong and get up by themselves so whatever

Reach out. "Hey I heard you were going through a rough patch. I'm sorry how I behaved earlier and just want you to know I'm there for you. If you like, let's go drinking (/ whatever you used to do together) old times sake. "

Girls are dicks. In other news water is wet

Send him some nudes to cheer him up.

this mutal friend doesn't want me to revel that I know these stuff because then it would be obvious she told me them and it would cause issues

nudes are a cheap move

>v short
Is it really that hard to type out the whole word very?
No wonder nobody likes you

Cheap and effective
Like asbestos

"hey sorry about what I said , hope you're doing well"

You sound like one of these faggots nobody ever invites to a party

Wow look at you using full length words! Very good!!

Attached: download (3).jpg (225x225, 15K)

I hope you know you sound pathetic

you already made this thread and we all told you you should reach out

they actually improve a man's self-worth though.
OP, I wouldnt feel guilty. If he rejected you you are entitled to take your distance, even if he is going through a tough time. Although I would apologise I would not let yourself get potentially sucked into a situation where you hurt yourself too.

people suffering from depression often push other away to avoid being a burden on them, it is possible this is why he rejected you
there is nothing you can do to force him out of this state, he has to decide he doesn't want to live like that anymore

>abandon friend because he wont fuck you
>buthhurt when he has no interest in you

Just leave him alone, you're obviously cancer.

Doesn't mean much coming from you. Hahahahahahaha

>abandon friend because he wont fuck you
more like abandon friend because he acts like an asshole and can't be bothered to put any effort into the friendship

Wanna be friends with me? :0)

...why do you want to be friends with the OP?

Leave him to die


What is wrong with you? Are you a female?

Wet water? BLASPHEMY!

His problems are on his own shoulders, don't worry about his life, even if you're rude to him, still his problem.

You should gain from this situation in the future, not the past. Learn to be a nicer and more tolerant person to others at all times, because you never know what's happening behind the curtain. If you learn this lesson now, then you'll save yourself from this mistake a thousand times in the future, rather than fixing one time in the past.

>preaches to help people in one thread
>tells anons to ignore her friend's problems in another

yo this sounds familiar

does your name start with M?

if so i'm sorry i pushed you away

tripfags, man

Lay an argument against me. Let's have a discussion and seek the best advice for OP. I'm always open to having my ideas challenged.

What would you advise for OP, user?