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What makes whites feel guilty for slavery and colonization?
Kayden Adams
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Levi Rodriguez
too much pitty, Im spanish and I dont feel the least bit bad of what my people did.
Kayden Wright
What do white liberals think? What makes them hate their race and culture?
Dominic Edwards
because they realise that much of their comfort now has been built upon centuries of slavery
but this type of attitude is inherently american.
though there is a level of guilt for colonization here it isn't nearly at the same level and we certainly wouldn't do this, or kiss some negro's feet.
slavery was a mistake all around. no question.
Aiden Ross
and they lie to our children and tell them WE are the colonizers
Kevin Robinson
Liberals hate the successful. Read Industrial Society and Its Future, it's the very first thing Ted talks about:
Nolan Davis
absolutely false
Brandon Hill
I don't feel guilty about the past or the things that the globalist people in charge do today
but i still want to stop them from doing it
Luis Carter
>because they realise that much of their comfort now has been built upon centuries of slavery
And so? Japanese do not feel guilty for the Nanking massacre,Turks do not care about the Armenian Genocide, why only whites feel guilty.
Josiah Hernandez
People like Jussie Smollett
Hunter Sanders
Brainwashing. This shit is pushed in academia at an early age
Christopher Morales
a foreign morality has been forced on us
slavery and colonization are actually based
Kevin Howard
Jewish propaganda. Also:
>being this new
Lurk moar newfag
Isaac Lewis
those are homos
nothing to see
Isaiah Cruz
Those who have that thought are the left-handed subhuman cucks left, in my country they also feel bad for "the conquest of the desert" are imbecile people, who continue denigrating themselves as people if that makes them feel good.
Josiah Lopez
Every individual excluding little kids should be shot on sight
Thomas Butler
Beats me user; I'm of Polish descent and we never bothered anyone; yet I don't see anyone tripping over themselves to apologize for all the invasions and forced enslavement.
Probably one of the reasons Poles, as a group are "stubbornly" refusing "migrants" as well; we can't be manipulated through guilt because we didn't do anything wrong.
>Tl:DR Poles never enslaved anyone so fuck off with your guilt complexes.
Hudson Stewart
the pope will lead you and your people to hell if you let him
Cooper Hall
is this the white house staff?
Cameron Long
Capacity to feel shame and have a racial identity more cohesive than their immediate surroundings.
Grayson Perez
Larping is fun.
Blake Morales
the media portraying niggers and race mixing as "cool". whites, specially the males are portrayed as bland and beta, add that to susceptible white liberal minds and you get self hate, they at the least want to be accepted by non whites, some go further by creating non white kids that they can parade around and be seen as a minority ally or some shit.
well, fuck the pope and the dumb people that fall for dumb shit, ive ran into mestizo spics that try to make me feel bad because my ancestors bleached them, I tell them to fuck off and be grateful we gave them an upgrade a notch above niggers
Adam Rodriguez
>MFW Sandnigger
>MFW my people have probably enslaved more than any other race
>MFW white people get the blame for slavery
Alexander Clark
I think that white people should not feel guilty for their misdeeds against black people in former lives. Instead, they should honor and even celebrate how black slaves contributed to the growth and creation of this great country. I fully support black history month for that reason and would encourage all black Americans to seek out their family's history with America and how they fought for their freedom. It really is a great story full of bravery. I completely disagree with the drastic reparations which some black people demand from white people, however. People will realize with time how stupid racism is and it will fade away greatly with this next generation and the one after that. Organic change is best- it's only been 50 years since black people were finally allowed to sit in the same rooms as white people and look at how far race relations have come since then. Pushing drastic legislation to give black people better and more numerous opportunities than white people will only anger white people and create racism where it should be diminishing. But that's just my three and a half cents.
Julian Flores
because of the longevity of the slavery, and the fact it was crucial to their nation's power and strength. america literally started with slavery.
the only way to move past this is through reconciliation
i mean don't get me wrong, these people are fucking retards and this isn't the way to do it, but that is a reason why.