>Was tracking at $160 mm opening 2 weeks ago

>Now tracking at $100 mm

We can’t let celebrities keep getting away with this shit! You’re going to exclude white men, those that made capeshit what it is today?

Fuck their virtue signaling racism/ sexism towards white men in the media. We need to knock Brie Larson down a peg.

Pathetic that she even needed a butt double for the movie.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The film doesn't look good anyway. The buzz and spin people don't know when to stop with the wokeness. It's self defeating and doesn't require a boycott.

Disney must be pissed. Fucking bitch cant keep her politics/SJW shit out of the film. Remember, if you white and male its not for you. You also cant criticize the film either.

You're not going? GOOD. So I can bring more of my FRIENDS to watch it.

>You're not going? GOOD. So I can bring more of my FRIENDS to watch it.
Haha based level trolling.

Is it Sweden? No it's Germany...

Among the based and red-pilled, quote Brie Larson all you want, but there's another angle of attack around normies. Captain Marvel was at one point a black woman. Around normies, blacks and sjws say something like "oh, I'm not going to see that, they whitewashed a black character so they could use a white actress".

Attached: Monica Rambeu Captain Marvel.png (215x463, 137K)

keep up the public outcry against white men brie it's great for the republicans

What is captain marvel?

why do you care about this gay shit?

Capeshit is guaranteed shekels from good white goys

Boycott all Hollyjew productions.
Superheroes and comic books are literally jewish subversive garbage.
There's a reason every episode of Seinfeld has superman in it somewhere.

That's supposed to be a woman?

An attractive, young, Hollywood actress?


I haven't bought a movie ticket in 12 years.

it looks pretty bad judging from the trailers but than again so do most marvel movies and it didnt stop them becoming big box office hits

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The marvel and avengers movies are simple and dont require thought but I like them because of that. They are legit just fun to watch, they arent trying to put in too much subversion and propaganda. Like all of the coolest ones are still white chad dudes. I doubt captain marvel will be great or terrible, but it will probably fit and help tell the story.

Disney owns Star Wars and look where that SHW bullshit led. How do we know Disney isn’t promoting or allowing her to run with it?

Do they wear Bed Sheets?

Like there’s a fucking limited amount of Capt Marvel viewings to go around

Don’t forget to bring your wife’s son with you

What do you expect for a movie based on comic book characters? Chariots of Fire? Ordinary People? Kramer vs Kramer? Perhaps Yentel?

Only when me and the boys are BBQing.

Ant-man is the best franchise in the MU. There. How you like them apples?

What the fuck did she win an Oscar for?

Larson....Larson...that is a Swedish name if I am correct. I think there is some validity to the the ESP or racial connection theory. All Swedish women are absolutely fucking horrible, the only god damn thing these abuse seeking cunts can create is life. Everything else they destroy. This movie will bomb because its a complete abomination. They will blame sexist white men for boycotting. Not mentioning literally no men saw it. She will feel vindicated that she is not in fact a shit actor. She will lie to herself
She will lie to herself
She WILL lie to herself
It changes nothing

>Some more of my friends
Geez. Now wouldn’t that be a disgusting sight to see?

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Stop giving her attention

Implying I was giving to watch this nonsense.
Id rather watch a Sergio Leone movie for the 983rd time.

i hope this goddamn pile of shit bombs hard just like that piece of shit female ghostbusters movie.

IT’s not worth anything but disinterest.
Who cares about what ugly chicks are doing? Not me.
Just sage everything to do with this crap, they clearly want interest,
was a big FAKE deal because we objected to it and they were deleting all negative comments so WITHOUT SEEING IT we wrote gushing glowing wonderful experlatives about it.
These cunts want some of that so this time just yawn and move on. Let it flop on its own.
Not enough people even know it was us that faked the whole WAKANDA thang,
Just yawn sage and ignore.

Only CAPATAIN SAGE and his super power (disinterest) along with his side kick the YAWN BOY can defeat CAPTIN WONDERFUL WAMIN or whatever that ug is called.
...and I’m out. Bye.

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The Rape Room or some edgelord POS like that. I’m convinced you get an Oscar based on how bad you let them denegrate you on film.

why is she so ugly? actors used to be attractive lmao

obvious i dont expect some masterpiece but the quality still went down the last years. the first iron man movie was really good

>I think there is some validity to the the ESP or racial connection theory.
No. Races act alike because genetics has a tremendous fucking influence on behavior. This is why fourth/fifth generation Americans with Scandinavian ancestry in Minnesota still invite hordes of Somalians. Blood always tells.

Leave Monica out of it, fgt.

For your information.
>Larson experienced trauma when her parents divorced when she was seven.[11] She shared a dysfunctional relationship with her father; she has recalled, "As a kid I tried to understand him and understand the situation. But he didn't do himself any favors. I don't think he ever really wanted to be a parent."

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Pathetic that $100mm worth of fans still support this trash.

I like how you think.

this board is for 18+ and alteast 85 IQ.

If you still go to the movies you are an idiot. You are funding pedophiles. You are funding anti white propaganda.

Holy shit, that's 29? I'm 28 and I still get carded. She looks 35, easy.

Heroin fucks you up fast.

>excluding your target audience
lmfao it's like they hate money

so you're saying it wouldn't be a lie. do you think she knows and is trying to take control of the discussion before she gets called out

also based and redpilled

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I wasn't planning on seeing it anyways, so this is an easy one for me. I'm so burnt out on superhero movies. In fact I'm kind of burnt out on movies in general. Hollywood is so obviously bankrupt for ideas and it shows.

both directors are not Semite ... and the main actress is not a fiend too ..

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it doesn't matter who they are. what matters is their plan. newfag.

Dont go see the movie Goyim its anti white .. white woman hate you whitoid goyim

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Was tanking in the box office part of their master plan?

waht matter is you take your BS back to /b/ were you belong New-Zealand


Disgusting wall ravaged tranny.
The only thing more disgusting is her attitude toward anyone not like her.

wtv wallaroo you probably 12 and retard and who cares anyways ..

That's a Australian you stupid leaf.

>let’s make a super hero movie
>also, white men aren’t allowed to see it
I have a feeling this is gonna work out like Battlefield V. White men are the entirety of Marvel’s audiance.

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wow you a fucking rocket scientist or something ?!

I have one friend who wants to watch it with a woman. He hasn't learned what I learn. Don't let women pick movies. They like shitty movies as much as good ones. Take them to movies you want to watch.

Mohammad said she said she don't like white people lets boycut her

Fucking black characters always have Italian names, so fucking annoying.

I don't understand why they think they can just force people who don't care about the Press Tour to come just for the sake of "inclusivity".

The film is sjw bullshit, isn't it?

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Monica = My nigger

This is how you wage meme war

Mah Nikka

you should stop watching capeshit period

Can't boycott things that I never intended to watch in the first place. At best I can download a torrent if reception will be somewhat positive.
Besides, the last capeshit movie ended pretty much everything and had quite satisfied end. After this I expect they will start shit with multiverses, change actors for the heroes, and other usual murican superhero comics bullshit.

>We can’t let celebrities keep getting away with this shit
Stop sperging out and just don't go fucking watch it. Let it flop like all the other outrage marketed movies.

thats some fucking terrible cgi. Everything about it is trash, the animation is absolutely amateur tier, the materials are fucking terrible.. the most advanced shit they did was bumpmap the texture on the floor. I barely know how to use blender and I could have made that trailer given a week of dedicated work.

Cape shit is a 100% jewish invention through and through. Don't tell me shit about the white man making capeshit what it is. If it was made by whites maybe it would actually be good. Currently it's too jewish.

That's not the trailer. That's the climactic fight scene to one of the biggest capeshit blockbuster successes ever. I wish I was joking.

Sage this shit. I wouldn't put it past the Big D to hire some Brock Boys to generate Jow Forums bants... the saying they prove a "troll campaign to ruin Capt. Marvel."

How many times can you kick a dying horse before he's done in?

Disney wants to promote the politics, even at a loss

Haha you have to sit through capeshit movies

also won a bafta for special effects

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Worked for Basedlo. Movie still didn't get even afaik.

Why do you have to sound like a faggot though


nobody on pol would ever watch this garbage in the first place, stop wasting your time

what am i looking at

is this real?
I dont remember it being THAT shitty?

dont watch capeshit.
never watched capeshit.

Because it's unfinished scene without post effects that wasn't even in the final movie release. Weak bait.

Why leave it to Captain Marvel? Boycott everything. Download, watch and tear the monstrosity apart in reviews.

Christ. That's no Crysis 3...

t. Streisand effect

Fights from Tekken 1 on my PS1 looked better than this fucking crap.
Why do they feel they have to put CGI everywhere ?

Just gimme endgame so we can get Donne with this already

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Disney probably instructed her to do this, she's just following orders.

The John Adams series HBO did like 10 years ago (more?) is on Prime Video right now. Don’t watch cape shit.

>1 post by this ID
this thread keeps popping up. obvious slide thread. go to catalog.

That was a pretty good series. The bullshit they hammed in about the niggers building the white house was over the top though.

All white ppl worldwide need to unite and delete those anti-white racists and (((the instigators behond it)))

We need a white revolution and the elimination of anti-white seed.

We need to celebrate everyone who takes action.

Every time I look at this bitches face I get tired. I'm not kidding. I have never had this before. But this cunt is like....draining me. Psychically or something. Just stare into her eyes for a minute.
You get physically older. Fucking hell I feel frail.

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>watching any of the MCU capeshit

Who gives a fuck about that trannies fag movie she looks like a wrestler on roids in the 90s