I had to unsubscribe, what a dipshit.

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That's based. Fuck Israel.

>t. discord tranny
you are going to HANG soon

Oh, I think I get it. Yeah mean I love Israel too. BASED

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Who is this and why should I give a fuck?

self replying jidf shill detected. Fuck off kike the goyim will only tolerate your Star of Remphan shit for so long

try harder with your subversion shill.

Fuck Israel. Gas the kikes.

What's most important is realizing that Jews all over the world are a serious problem. The world's biggest problem in fact. Right, user?

Also interesting, Feb 14th has passed and Israel still exists. And Jews all over the world are still our biggest problem.

Attached: JewsAreOurBiggestProblem.jpg (3884x7735, 3.62M)

Obvious and boredpill

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You didn't listen James now the zundel prophecy is unstoppable enjoy the ride faggots

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Fuck you and fuck Israel

Looks like J. B. Pritzker

Zundel died like a faggot!
fuck yourself!

I wish you schizos would kill yourselves

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Zundel was a great man! Be gone from this place, foul demon!

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cringe and bluepilled ilhan omar coat tail rider

>Dnc, Congress, and Senate heads are all Jewish
Plz nigger

AIPAC shills are so mad


ah another yt'er with the same talking points.

Does he know what the fuck he's doing? Shut that shit down. Unbelievable.

Wait. Why is any of this a big deal?

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Fuck off jew. The more non-white non christian people enter this country, the more likely jews will be exterminated.

how dare he die at an old age of a heart attack after having his house burned down and being attacked entering a court house. fucking kike.

Fuck you faggot

Fuck jews and Fuck Israel.

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You fucking Kikes.

Attached: Shhhhhhh Jew.gif (600x338, 2.12M)