Good luck to your children Jow Forums

Good luck to your children Jow Forums

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Is this perhaps related to the drop in sperm count over the years?


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>birth defects affecting dicks
>men becoming more feminine
>women becoming bitchier
>children wanting to be girls
>preference for nurturing government on the rise
Totally unrelated, our extreme reliance on plastic and pesticides is totally not going to make us extinct in less than 200 years.

People not circumcising.

>"Oy vey, you should circumcise your son to make sure his peepee stays healthy!"
We know all about your tricks, schlomo.

Rate are rising because in the past, the man with the non perfect penis had very little chance to reproduce, but monogamy and advancement in surgery made easy to have children even for men with defective penis. So now they have the chance to pass their defective genes to the next generation. Lack of natural selection leads to genomic degeneration. Hopefully in the future we will find how to artificially repair the genome.

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Probably the vaccines. I had maybe a dozen before 12, now it's far more than that when they're still babies.

Hypospadias is not genetic. It is caused by hormonal issues to the developing baby i.e. too much estrogen

More medical problems "on the rise" and we're not sure why. Hint. (((the vaccine schedule)))

>birth defects
Babies are given vaccines while unborn (yet)

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I mean not given vaccines


>muh dick
>the documentary

Hi Shlomo

The mothers are though

I happen to be an expert on baby dicks
/spoiler/because i have one :'(/spoiler/


Vaccines have been around for a while without issue. I had tons of vaccines when I was born 30 years ago and my dick is fantastic. You anti-vaxers are literally mongoloids.

More like in modern medical science when you don't know the answer to something: "GENETICS!"


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> are among the most common birth defects seen in humans
> and rates are on the rise
> better start your childs HRT early, goyim!

The way it's written it can also mean development from birth onward, as in, something during birth in the womb or out of the womb caused a problem that persists throughout the boy's growth.

You forgot your meme flag.

How could circumcision affect embryonic development, retard?

post more feet

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Is this why I have smol pp?

chernobyl posting

Anyone who thinks a vaccine is without side effects (albeit if small) is an actual imbecile.

We are evolving to a penis-less gray race.

I had a developmental disorder with my penis, it grew too enormous.

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Plastics can enter the placenta and pass the blood brain barrier, fuck up hormones, and mess with puberty. This shit is all because of the plastic jew

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Fuck off dickhead 30 years ago kids were only getting half a dozen vaccines now they get over 70. Bet they cut the end of your dick off too for (((health reasons))) you fucking filthy kike. Do they pay you by the hour or per post schlomo

Don't pose as a footfag you fucking pedo

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It is all the hormones and hormone mimickers in what people consume and interact with. This has been affecting fresh water fish in which there are smaller penises, deformed ones, lower sperm counters, and increased rates of hermaphrodites.

hahahaha me too

Circumcision caused penis problems more than anything else, tarded jew


Dick owner here that got Jewed; it works great, so....was my ex lying when she said it looked like it was done well? I guess some dude's get lazy heebs and they chop too much..

Because the embryo fears for its dick and mutates it before its born, so it doesn't get snipped by the face cream jew.

Pregnant women get vaccines though.

penis is on the rise, and thats news?

I like diversity in my feet. You're only limiting yourself.

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Super cute! I can't wait to be a father.

thats a funny way to say micro penis

>give your kids tranny meds
>wonder why their penis is deformed

>endocrine disruptors in all plastics
>birth control in the water
>dumb THOT moms continuing birth control during early pregnancy before realizing pregnant
a perplexing mystery.


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We deserve it

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Estrogen in the water caused by birth control pills. We dont even use rainwater towers anymore

We are under attack. Pray to Christ for salvation. He will come back and destroy these demons.

Who else here is a dicklet? Feels bad man

its because of the Christians.

vaxxers BTFO

I blame plastics. We need to go back to getting iron poisoning.

>poison everything around humans
>be surprised that People are sick and get defects

Live away from the city. Do no subject yourself to the modern poisons of the city. The air is full of carcinogens, the food, the water, it's all toxic. It will harm your and your wife's health to the point your children are unhealthy. Even if they are born healthy, they will be raised around chemicals which will degrade them. Do no let this happen. Fuck the cities.

Estrogen and estrogen mimics. Keep shovelling down that retexturized s0i, good cattle!

Kill yourself you fucking footfag

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>tfw have hypospadias and so does my bro
>mom had us when she was 33&35
>smoked for 20 years
>got gestational diabetes with both of us
God fucking dammit


Probably just God's punishment for allowing homosexuals.

No. It is endocrine disrupters of which,
Vaccines are not a part

Not me, get BTFO user. KEK.

Kek, newer generations of guys will have mutant penors!

Kek sucks for you. Has a woman ever made a comment about it?

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What is this?

bisphenol a

BPA, they've known this for at least 10 years

Muh dik posting.

Take your white dick
Put it in a white woman
Make white baby.

It’s literally this easy you faggots.

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White women do not want relationships anymore.

Mention genetics and how it's more likely IF the father have it.
Then mention all the same talking points those incel right wing conspiracynuts online babbles and cries about.
Really makes you go "Hmm..."