My favorite crazy hypothesis from earlier today is that ICE, DEA, or ATF will just Ruby Ridge the illegals instead of arresting them, knowing that DOJ won't bring charges. >thanks, AG Barr
there's not much to expect from the US, if a radical change in western civilisation has to come in the future it will be in Europe. In other words we're fucked.
Nicholas Harris
Sharing is caring!
Bentley Thompson
i will seriously fight william shatner for his bad taste any day of the week. it is unacceptable
I'm no fan of the bill but what the fuck is she talking about?
Lucas Hughes
I’m going to trust Ann before any of these spinning fucks.
Jordan Adams
So is Trump signing the bill or is he not signing it? I have heard both from BreakingNewsLive and other sources. I hope he doesnt fucking sign that shit.
My hypothesis is that it doesn't apply at all, if the detention/removal proceeding isn't "based on information shared by [HHS]". Just use Sec 208 to gut the rest of DHS and pump fucktons of money into investigators for ICE. It's like a whole new miniature FBI, but for kickin' spics.
Noah Jones
It's all fucked
Zachary Allen
MAGA dead, country to follow.
Jayden King
>Law prohibits building any border walls anywhere ever Yeah, pretty sure it doesn't say that Ann
Christian Gutierrez
Come back at 10a.
Tyler Perez
Basically Vietnam throws a party for Rocketman in Hanoi and shows him how much better it is to be on the US's good side economically and militarily. It's prep work for the big Trump Kim summit.
>detentions go up >HA TRUMP BTFO It's almost like there was a change in detention policy, or somethin'.
William Wright
Increases for what ppl want, the bad points are increases for things that ppl don't want. Add in the difference between the 2 & you get what the spending bill is for 6 months
She thinks the restrictions on the funds granted in the bill will stop him from using any funds to build any wall from now on, because she doesn't know what an allocations bill does. Bill still sucks though
It's mystifying why Republicans would go along with making it easier for illegals to get in and tying the hands of border enforcement from deporting illegals. My guess is that this is what the majority of Republicans consider immigration reform, to just let in people.
Julian Kelly
>gut the rest of DHS If that includes shifting the Coast Guard to DoD that's a LOT of money.
Lincoln Cooper
I hope he doesn't sign the bill, but only because FUCK neocons and shit, only to get overruled by the end of the day. Regardless, this literally isn't amnesty, effective or otherwise. It'll be a bit of a pain in the ass for ICE if DHS doesn't funnel their money right, tho.
Jonathan Ward
50 miles of wall from Place Where There's No Immigrants Pouring in to Place Where There's No Immigrants Pouring In!
Charles Brooks
I was wondering what was up with Coonman.
Gavin Russell
Yes. He's throwing his white voters under the bus once again. Its all fucking doomed.
Cooper Diaz
Yes I have it. I'm not going to upload it either though.
Christian Hernandez
MSM seems quiet on this one
Maybe a quick Friday mention on a few shows then memory hole time??
What do you want that the bill provides? I cant find a single thing that is better for border security over a clean resolution other than the 1.3b.
Alexander Wilson
Trump didn't call her back or something.
Ryder King
Welcome to the unilateral.
Ian Edwards
It's possible under Trump they still operate like normal, but the second a Democrat becomes President, they are going to use this to severely weaken if not destroy border security.
That's the bill, not the national emergency finding. But you already knew that didn't you? ;^) Boy you trannys are salty tonight
Nathaniel Sanders
55 miles, it's shit but congress now say a wall is needed for drug smuggling & ppl trafficking. The wall extends & drugs & illegals are still going through, the wall keeps going till the numbers come down to whatever is deemed appropriate.
Adrian Davis
yo lil Donnie
Hunter Torres
All for what? A shitty fence? That wont even cover the entire border?
Joseph King
Cause only jews are allowed to peddle disinformation.
Evan Price
The national emergency is a red herring. The spending bill and its provisions are what really matter. So no, you're not getting a wall.
Logan Bailey
>6 months Is that how long those policies last before they have to redraft them?
Christian Clark
God this bitch is ignorant, literally every other day the sky is falling. It must be nice to get attention just for being "le independent woman".
We're getting at least a thousand miles of wall and $8B.
Vietnam knows we have no desire to conquer them, so we make good allies against their ancient enemy - CHYNA. I always laugh that Trump had their head of state pose for pictures in front of a USMC flag.
Luis Kelly
>this literally isn't amnesty, effective or otherwise. Expand your nigger brain to imagine what will happen under the next democrat president. Like DACA but encompassing the entire illegal population.
Levi Moore
>trump wants "more immigrants than ever" >trump wants a fence >this bill gives him both
classic trump. art of the deal really. red states have plenty of room for the new americans, the wall keeps people out.
Meme answer and I’m not mad bb Retard shills so transparent lmao. GET NEW TACTICS, SHILLING AS IT IS DOESNT WORK ANYMORE
To be fair, ive been let down by trump and have my own complaints, the lack of the wall among them, but shills are retarded. Why not build a trench then use the dug yo dirt as a wall? Boom! Double the wall for no extra cost! Lmao really though, trump is in the right for doing this, think of the dead American children. I wish he wasn’t such a fucking boomer though
Blake Nelson
Even a few $billion would make the difference between being strapped for cash and being a lean, mean, immigrant hunting machine. He could do that without even declaring a state of emergency.
Samuel King
You don't have it.
Nicholas Myers
Nobody wants this bill you fucking retard. Do the NE alone or fuck off about MAGA
Ian Rivera
Die in a fire you kike.
Jackson Morgan
William Wilberforce Trafficking Act of 2008. > All children from Central America (as opposed to Mexico) caught at the border without parents – unaccompanied alien children (UACs) – must be turned over to HHS’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and then resettled into our communities and schools.
(Sec. 235(a) of the Wilberforce Act) > authorizes the resettlement program only for those children who are > 1) indeed children under 18 > 2) have no parent or guardian present in the country > and 3) have been victims of “a severe form” of human trafficking.
= Federal law requires federal immigration and border control agencies to turn minors who cross the border alone over to HHS if they come from countries that do not border the U.S. = The department’s Office of Refugee Resettlement then works to find a sponsor living inside the U.S. to take care of the UAC until an immigration court hearing.
This is the law regards to UACs as not read by Satan.
Now how does the above translate to real world? This is where the Satan comes in. > 80% of the unaccompanied alien children (UAC) who came into the U.S. during the height of the border surge in 2014 and 2015 were placed into the custody of illegal aliens already residing here > Of the 71,000 UACs who came into the U.S. between February 2014 and September 2015, more than half were placed in the custody with their parents, according to data provided to the Associated Press in a Freedom of Information Act request filed with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). > In the overwhelming majority of cases, these teens have legal guardians in America who themselves are here illegally. > 80% of the UACs were settled with other illegal aliens, most often family members. > Most others were placed in the care of uncles, aunts and siblings. > Thus, they are not unaccompanied.
This is big loophole that is used to foster the Central American migration. The new provisions will be read by Satan and will produce more of this.
Yes, the next spending bill can change everything. Everything in this bill only affect the money used in this bill. Luckily for us, Congress hasn't passed a full funding bill in over 15 years.
Brandon Hall
internet wall around russia NOW
Ian Stewart
Republicans = Democrats = traitors
Hunter Moore
>implying the President can't already DACA everyone Who's the brainlet, now?
Dylan Walker
She knows she cant “lose” if she is always as pessimistic as possible.
If things turn out well she moves onto the next thing or argues they turned out well only because they were influenced by her.
Austin Hernandez
>congress now say a wall is needed for drug smuggling & ppl trafficking
Supposedly in a few months, Russia is going to do a test of disconnecting their part of the Internet from the rest to see if everything still works fine within their country. It's probably just to show the US that if they try to kick them out of the Internet it's not going to do as much damage as they would hope. But still that's something that *might* happen kek.
The emergency is part of what frees up the $8B iirc.
Parker Fisher
>> 80% of the unaccompanied alien children (UAC) who came into the U.S. during the height of the border surge in 2014 and 2015 were placed into the custody of illegal aliens already residing here
1000 miles alone is all trump wanted, which is about 50% coverage not including naturally difficult to cross areas.
Lucas Nguyen
Kiss a dick you raging faggot, all night people have been sucking it off trying to say its not that bad or everything wrong about it is a lie. Neck yourself kike slave.
Eli Walker
You are by all standards. MAGA is dead
Ian Roberts
Yes this time its a law nigger.
Tyler Ramirez
Because it’s people holding Trump’s feet to the fire that averts bad shit. Now go carry some more water for this betrayer.
That is what's going to happen whenever the next Democrat gets in office period, doesn't matter what Trump does. Amnesty and citizenship would have already happened if Hillary had won, the only thing that can even slow the problem is a physical barrier that would be too expensive to tear down.