He's what comes before
Trump isn't the next Hitler
Yep, he’s either not good enough or legitimately a traitor. It actually doesn’t matter which. Both are subhuman
Americans won't get it through their thick skulls that diluting natives and native culture is bad until its to late
He was definitely a catalyst. I may not be happy about all the MIGA shit but we wouldn’t even be having a national debate about immigration if he hadn’t won. And remember even if we die the shit skins aren’t allowed in Valhalla.
The next hitler will be a far left radical. White people and Jews will have to pay for their crimes.
Acceptable outcome
>The next hitler will be a far left radical
Spare me. HE will be something beyond left and right
Death to the left.
Sleep lightly leftists the reapers coming in the non to distant future.
Frankly if I was a leftist I'll go into hiding or hero.
Diluting Natives and Native Culture is bad? Couldn't agree more, ya fuckin' whitey immigrant!