The Ultimate Red Pill: Saint Valentine Edition

A man needs a woman. It is the natural order of things. The natural order that Christ established.
A man with a loyal woman is capable of anything. Although he harbors doubts about himself, his shield maiden will stoke his ego. At night, whispering in his ear all of the glorious deeds he will accomplish, propelling him to greatness. Like a spy in enemy territory, he will fear nothing, stop at nothing, knowing his cause is just. She will not only give him confidence, but heirs as well. The only problem is, finding this woman. Go to church, user. Any woman openly declaring herself to be a Christian in this day and age has a 75% of being right wing, the rest are simply in it to subvert the rule of Christ. You will find them waiting for you... if you show up. This woman does not need to be a Helen, but you will find many Cleopatras, willing and able to bear you strong sons. Do not be overly picky, do not be vain—be realistic. Go to church, user. You will find a loyal woman, loyal to you and to your God-King. The fate of Christendom lies on your shoulders. That is all. May Christ, Emperor of the Universe, bless you and your progeny. Amen.

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Better red pill than all that stupid shit that you just typed.

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this is true, too bad our women have no capacity for loyalty

Go to church, you will find a loving wife, all you need do is look for her.

Don’t give up, user. She is out there, waiting for you.

My thirst is quenched, brother. I hope that you find happiness as well.

The girl I found is basically the girl I described in that screenshot... it's a long story. I had another girlfriend too and she was OK I guess. I moved to another state and we don't see eachother anymore. But it's not as sad as it sounds, there wasn't really much there.

I've gotten laid a couple times since then but it leaves me feeling empty. Now I'm just keeping my options open until I can marry into European royalty. After I become a multi-billionaire, of course.

Like I said, be realistic.

All women have a built-in masochistic streak, it's just that they aren't all aware of it and most men aren't sadistic enough in the ways that are socially acceptable to bring them to heel properly. de Sade will do more for you than Jesus.

If you are interested in worthless roasties, maybe. But not if you are seeking eternal life.


I am being realistic. You have no idea how powerful I am. I am on the precipice of achieving Total Recall. Soon I will unlock the secrets of physics and bring about a new age of peace and glory.

This is babby's first red pill. Being that sadist isn't as glamorous as jew porn has told you it is. Just about the worst thing you can do is feed into the feminine desire for destruction. You pretend to be so trad but you indulge the fancies of psychotic whores... lmao.

"Female masochism" is kind of a misnomer anyway. It's actually a bit more complex than that. This isn't just masochism. It's an obsession with pain and suffering of all kinds. Psychologists came up with a bitter descriptor for that kind of neurosis a long time ago and it was called "algophilia." That's what women have. The reason their algophilia isn't expressed towards mens' pain is because nobody gives a shit about the suffering of men. Your fixation with women's "masochistic streak" is proof that you have a gynocentric mind. Not only that, but you play right into that narcissistic masochism every time you play the big evil movie monster in the bedroom. Think about it.

The Christian afterlife is for kid-diddling queers.

>Emperor of the Universe
There are many names in the litany of Jesus but this isn’t one of them.

I wish, user. Truly, I do. But none of these things will be possible unless Christ gives you His blessing.

Begone, Pharisee.

Master of the Universe, King of Kings...what is the difference and why does it bother you?

It's not about glamor, porn, sex, or what they "want", it's about knowing what you're dealing with and understanding how to work with it. To think of Sadism purely in terms of sex is reductionist, it's more along the lines of an ideology stressing radical self-interest.

>de Sade
Not if you want a lasting relationship
How redpilled is this place, really?


Because I liked your post until I cringed

Radical self-interest for men has never been the norm historically or biologically. Advocacy for male sadism against women is clearly advocacy for what amounts to aberrant behavior.

>A man needs a woman. It is the natural order of things.
> A man with a loyal woman is capable of anything.
You're absolutely 100% right. That's why the Jews went about corrupting women through every publication they could and every source of media they could. And they do so now more than ever.
And the result is a demoralized male society. Who doesn't do anything.
And in this way, society is intended to collapse, and blame for it will be on what good qualities it had, and then the new order will be established.

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You expect me to read all that shit?

That is what I call him when I pray, if it offends you, I apologize. But, it does fit Him.

There is nearly not enough suitable women for all who wants them, even if you aren't too picky. So what do you propose?

Men need women but only when a man can be head of the family. The current women in the United States, the current laws that favor them, the (((media))) - in this world men need to black pill the fuck out of themselves just to survive.

What you say is true. The Synagogue of Satan hates the natural order, everything they do is motivated by their hatred of Christ.

I don't even know who you are, so no. You're probably too stupid to understand it anyway.

You will find her. Go to church, if you do not find a bride, go to another church. Declare to the priest that you wish to find a loyal woman, get married and have children. A good priest will be able to arrange a meeting for you. There is no harm in trying. Christ is with you, user.

Again, your thinking is too limited. It's not men against women, it's men against everything around them. Not in the sense of lashing out or destroying but in the sense of striving to dominate or outcompete, which is in fact perfectly normal. The radical part is a suspension of morality on the premise that it has failed.

>She is out there, waiting for you.
They don't believe. Nor I for that matter. Oh I believe in Jesus. In Christ.
But society is in the process of shutting down and so are men. Because we don't believe in women anymore. We don't believe in love. Family. The American dream.
No really. There's guys who are virgins at age fucking 30. Lots of them.
It's because they don't believe. It's because they KNOW it's not true and women aren't worth it.
We're already destroyed. We just don't know it yet.

You are correct, these are dark times. But, there are many women, as loyal to Christ as the Vestal Virgins were to their own goddess. All of them seek a man to lead them through. You will find them if you look for them.

No one suspends morality. Ever. Every judgment you make is you exercising your morality. The morality that harms women and children is one I oppose and I'll kill and fucking batter any cocksucker who proposes I compromise on it–even if that cocksucker has a cunt.

The only women at my church under 31 are mentally simple or terrible breeding stock physically. With the exception of the priests wife.

are you a catholic

>do not call anyone father on earth for you only have one Father and he is in heaven
>matt 23:9

never opened the book huh
Guess what Pope mean

Do not give in to despair, user. Christ is with you, and he needs brave soldiers for what is to come. Go to church, tell the pastor/priest that you would like to marry, bare children and raise them to be champions of Christ. He will introduce you to all of the elidgible maidens in the parish.

Go to another church, and another, until you find her.

Out of the countless married couples I have met, the only ones that last in the long run are classic religious couples and only because laws and community stopped them from divorcing. After divorce laws slacked and community is no more, women have support from all directions to be alone...there is no point. If you are blessed you may have a relationship that lasts 6-8 years, but when it ends you will be so hollow and owe her so much money you'll never recover.

The Bible is clear: women are closest to the serpent and they heed his call more than men. They don't care the situations they cause or the damage they do because they are always a victim and now society defends them in this. Women still to this day do not bear the consequences of their actions. The only people who find lasting love in this world are lottery winners of the grand kind so please stop making these threads like there is enough for everybody because it is a grand lie.

The woman was created by God to be the loyal companion of man. Those men who maintain the correct religion (Christian) must take the reigns of society, forcefully if necessary, and shepherd womankind to their appointed role.

Women don't want God they are very clear about that. I've been to church and most of the women there are 45 and up. Probably not even firtile. Women don't want God. It is not beneficial for them and all the laws stop us from forcing that.

>women like rape
Boring tl;dr that this faggot thinks is deep and insightful. Probably unironically an incel.

what an absolute cuck

religious girls take dick like crazy and lie about being virgins

all of them

fucking all of them

I know how you feel. Do not give in to despair. All seems hopeless, but that is not the case. Visit many churches, tell the priests that you wish to marry and are looking for a bride, they will arrange meetings for you.

I had my dream girl, 100% based. She loved cooking, wanted children and was happy with being a stay at home mum. She was loyal asf
plus she was super smart with a well paying job, the only issue was that she wasnt white. Still kills me inside and I miss her so much. I haven't met anybody like her and I regret everything now. Church girls are nice and all, but finding some sort of spark between them is hard. The ones I have spoken too seem bland sadly, but they are still better than roasties.


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I’m sorry if that has been your experience. I feel your pain, brother. Many women are deceitful, but there are many that are truly virtuous as well. Find a good priest and declare your intention. He will help you find a worthy bride.

I’m sorry to hear about your loss, user. Keep looking, ask the priest to assist you if necessary, you will find your shield maiden.

Yes, a reminder. Christ sent European man to spread the Good News to the rest of the world. They were chosen for this purpose. Chosen to enforce the King’s law. Do not disappoint him.

It is late and this tread seems to have died. I will repost it at a later date. This is an important message and it must be disseminated widely. Farewell, brothers. May the God-King bless you in all of your endeavores.

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>Doesn’t realize the 10 commandments refers to your father
>Doesn’t realize Jesus himself refers to the Pharisee’s father’s in Mark 7
>Doesn’t realize he’s been calling his male parent “father” his entire life
Protestants quoting verses from the bible and drawing ridiculous conclusions from them is such a shitty meme
I can see how this conversion strategy would work on illiterate peasants without the internet who couldn’t just look up what the Catholic Church has to say about common Protestant objections

Christ was controlled opposition.

How many women have you approached in the past week?

Please don’t do this it will come off as very creepy.
Join the church’s men’s group.
There, the men of the church’s community will vet you and then introduce you to the broader community.
Vetting yourself will let you do warm approaches to girls in the commmnity at community gatherings (even the informal gathering that often takes places after mass).
Don’t fucking go to a priest and ask him to give you a wife wtf lmao.

At night. When it’s dark and I lay alone in bed. I open the Bible app and begin to read. Just from the faint light emanating from the glassy screen I saw wonders, miracles, wisdom, and a world full of colors.
Sometimes you just want to get lost in it.
God is with me always.

Thank you. You are correct. You should make sure that your local priest knows your nature before expecting him to help you. You must put in the time, attend mass and prove your worth before approaching him. But priests know their flock and are interested in growing it, if there are truly no elidgible maidens in your locality he will speak with his brother priests on your behalf.


That is a very high grade of woman, but her gesture is indefensible.

>The Ultimate Red Pill
They're performing magic rituals right now with pictures in the thread thumbnail. As above so below arm positions are everywhere and not dropping. This one at least has replies. Sage

tl:dr feminists secretly want to be dominated.

this common knowledge has really blown my mind

I have no part in whatever it is you are describing. Magic is nothing but a perversion of correct religious practice. Anyone attempting to use magic deserves the same fate as Simon Magus.

What a dumb, textualist observation.

Do you take everything written literally, or just everything in the Bible?

This isn't a redpill, it's just a cringey mess

>Turn up at local church
>No idea what you're supposed to do there anyway
>Also 98% shitskins
>Hello I will take 1 wife to go please
Great plan

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Three. The rest have approached me and disgusted me.

>this is the ultimate redpill
>this is what "Jesus Christ", the "Emperor of the Universe" wanted

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Cringe and bluepilled

are you a satanist? if not, maybe look into it

>Be me
>go to christian church
>pastor is jewsih
>People praise Jews all the time as part of the speeches
>Feel its heavily subverted
>Don't like it
>Never return
>Do other things
>Read books
>Learn about budism
>Become the way of the Ghandi
>fuck your Jewish religion

fuck off Hans.

> church is hard,wut do?