Do you think sex doll rental agencies will cause western populations to decline or stagnate?
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Ideally it will cause men to form thoughts independent of women.
People used to think women would follow men (husbands) in voting and thus women voting might be pointless. The actual result has been quite the opposite - women using sex to create a beta class of men who will vote for the government to provide for those women and for the somewhat less human men they fuck.
Men don't play with dolls
Interesting. Would you mind elaborating on how these beta cuck classes would vote towards Doll legislation?
>tfw my city recently busted a chinese sex shop for selling "dangerous" sex dolls
>tfw they sent a team of SWAT and CSI team just to confiscate women-shaped latex Chinese plastics.
>tfw any fat fuck that bought a chink fucktoy will be raided by armed men with guns
>tfw black/muslim-on-women sexual assaults are skyrocketing.
>tfw police don't care
Nar thats all the shit they are putting in our food, water, vaccines, and environment
Sex dollars are just a backlash against (((feminism)))
good sex dolls should be cheaper
I doubt that the men interested in these were going to breed anyway desu senpai.
I think their real purpose would be more like population pacification.
It's a toy and nothing more. You don't ever hear of us men bitching about dildos and vibrators, do you?
>aborting thousands of kids daily
>sexual revolution based on widespread use of birth control
>constant media shilling for couples to not have kids
Yeah, it's the sex dolls that are going to cause declining birth rates...