Is there anyone else on this board that would consider themselves to be BETTER talking to women than with other dudes?

Is there anyone else on this board that would consider themselves to be BETTER talking to women than with other dudes?

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Yes, I only have female friends basically
I feel weird with most guys
Chill with all girls

How did that happen? What do you guys talk about? How do I become like you?

Idk man, guys always bullied me, girls where somewhat nice but I was anxious
>Got Jow Forums
>Got a friend that was female
>Got another one
>And another one
>And so on
>Went on dates
>Didn't work stayed friends
>Realised women are basically just boring and weak pathetic version of men
>Good thing they got vaginas
>Started going out with them every weekend
>Made out with my friends, fully confirmed fact that they ain't shit
Still virgin trough but I barely started

Just meet one girl that's nice and befriend her, you'll met her friends and befriend them, and their friends and so on

I basically now have girls that will pick me up from my village with their expensive BMW while they live in far away cities to hang out, it's a really nice feeling, trough they always complain I'm cold and emotionless, I believe women friends are superior to guy friends
You can also make out with them and fuck their friends so that's nice

Yeah, me. It's weird but the penis does wonders.

Oh also, dn shit, I actually got some into PUBG and others into SAMP or such games, those are attractive club girls mind you not nerds

Just talk bro, doesn't even have to make sense, talk about your dates, life, the fact you're hungry/cold/angry, anything, girls love meaningless talk

Should also mention that you'll get called gay a lot, better get used to that
Till guys see you in action and realize you're a genius

>get called gay
lmao who gives a fuck? these dudes can say whatever they want if I'm literally surrounded by women that I can potentially fuck all the time.
godspeed user, your life sounds fun.

*raises hand*

Most of my friends are female.

aren't you the guy who tells everyone to drop out of college

He's also the autist who tells people that "confessing" to a girl belongs in real life, as opposed to anime, instead of asking her on a date like a normal person

Depends on a lot of things. I think separating them so distinctly is part of the problem, ultimately

>we're playing the "we're going to ignore all facets of this argument just to smear someone"
Ah come on, corny shit works all the time. It's only you guys who keep trying this shit on strangers and, thusly, meeting with failure.

Don't blame us, or the method of choice, when your failures are self-wrought.

Ya, I didn't have any friends in high school so the majority of my time socializing was spent with a girl I was dating for a year, so I'm a lot more comfortable talking to women than men. It sucks because I could really use more male friends.

Do not give validation
Do not ever pay for them
Call them out on their bullshit
Do not listen them talk about ex'es and boyfriends
Do not do the favours if they don't reciprocate

They will flirt with you, sometimes so obvious it's embarrassing


Show sexuality so you can fuck when drunk, not enough to validate them

Do not flirt back



Make her think you're smarter than her, don't ever let her believe she's better than you in any way.

For your validation she must work.

Remember, in most opposite sex relationships the girl is advantaged, to make it equal it takes work, you'll have to act as the boss for a while.

What failures?

Everyone in the thread this guy was in the other day were trying to him that "confessing" is not a viable way to get women to like you.

He went around calling everyone who disagreed with him "evil" and "liars", so yeah, I think autistic is a pretty good description

if you do half of these things without being chad you'll be branded a creep (at best, arrested at worst). if you're ugly and act aloof, mean, etc. to women they will just stop interacting with you (and tell all their friends)

Oh he's an autist but then I was in that thread and you're twisting it. Most of us, him included just said corny shit works just fine, you just can't break it out on strangers willy-nilly. But you can't really break out anything on strangers, so it's not like an exclusive point.

But if you're just on Jow Forums to put tripfags down, A) they're tripfags-- they know how shitty their lot in life is, that's why they're tripfags. Don't give them attention, and B) I can't even imagine what kind of life you have if you come to an advice board to play games like that.

He also beats women, did we cover that? He confessed to beating girlfriends

gay man reporting in, most of my friends for most of my life have been women. i have a hard time making friends with straight men and have had this issue for the past four years.

women are really easy to talk to, just view them as a normal person. most are good at socializing so they'll go along with the general guidelines (see: women gently rejecting men that they're afraid of hurting them).

All you gotta do is talk to them in a non-creepy way. Trying to talk to men is like talking to a brick wall desu, they don't send of any signals or cues and usually seem disinterested unless they're directly talking to you. It's also hard to bridge the divide like men won't throw you a conversational bone, the conversation sometimes has to be constantly lifted by you. Whereas a woman will go back and forth unless she's sensing a come-on or something. It's easy if you're not trying to get into their pants basically.

I'm far from Chad, not even close to it, and the longest one kept with me for 4 years, the others I have gotten recently but they're still "submissive".
You just have to play your cards right, they always call me an arrogant ass but they'll still dance on the top of the club to get me free drinks and call me at 12am to tell me good night
Just keep above them

What do you mean putting down tripfags? Sorry, I don't keep up with all the lingo on here.

And I never meant to imply that corny shit can't work, but something like that is too much all at once, you can do small and cute gestures, but confessing is too many complex emotions all at once. Chocolates, stuffed animals, flowers, pick-up lines in an ironic way, that's the kind of corny stuff that can work.

Also, I don't know what you mean by play games, I was just trying to tell OP from that board that confessing was a bad idea, and that he should just try to ask out his crush and hang out with her to see if he did have strong feelings towards her as a person, and not the idea of her he had built in his mind.

Also, didn't know about the beatings, jesus christ that sounds dark

>It'ss easy if you're not trying to get into their pants basically.
This so much, don't flirt even if they initiate

I'm generally pretty good at people, but the few times a girl's been into me and I didn't feel the same, it's been pretty damn easy. But that's mostly just the fact that they'll eat up your autism in that situation, and not because you're actually better at it.

You are a chad. Women are not attracted to arrogant ugly guys

If you're not a chad they won't initiate. So if you don't, absolutely nothing will happen (though failure is still destined)

>So if you don't, absolutely nothing will happen (though failure is still destined)

no, you'll have talked to a woman without failure. you might even gain a friend out of the experience. there's such a thing as talking to people without other intentions.

Yeah I did that, now I'm a eunuch for 10 girls who won't set me up with any other friends - but I do get to dissuade lecherous rands coming onto them in clubs

oh nooo having ten friends what could be worse.

No I ain't, I'm an average guy with mild Jow Forums induced autism

I'm the same way except I can't talk to females romantically. I can flirt like crazy but only if I'm not interested in the girl at all. I also can't stand to be friends with males.


I'm 20 years old, half black half white, currently in a relationship, and I'm Swedish.

I find myself getting along with women much easier than with men. I am generally liked by both genders, but I always seem to have more meaningful friendships with women, because women often open up emotionally faster than men do, which make you "real friends". Men stay in the "talk about relevant topics you both care about"- territory far too long before they start gossiping and confiding in you like friends do.
One important difference between women and men, in my experience, is that women are much more accepting of you telling them what to do, like "can you please bring me this thing". Men often dislike you when you do such things, because men are so freaking cool, while women just see it as natural, and women don't see the underlying "dominant-submissive" game guys play all the time.

I really don't know why girls open up to me though. I think it's because girls like stupid and simple jokes (which I often make) more than guys do, girls are less socially awkward than men, girls are less afraid of new friends generally. One thing I think makes a big difference in making friends with women are that they can SMELL and feel desperation and/or sexual flirting like dogs smell fear. Confidence is also very important, because they can smell that too. So if you start talking with a woman without having some ulterior sexual motive, they usually accept you into their (unironical) "friend-zone" (as opposed to them not seeing you as a friend at all, or worse - they seeing you as a threat).


If I do have an ulterior sexual or romantic motive with a women (like I had with my gf), I usually behave exactly the same, except I make it clear that I don't just wanna be casual friends. There is a really important "timing" to this. You have to appear non-threatening and make them see you as a friend, but you also cant settle down in their minds as just a friend. So you have to flirt with them in the spot between "friend" and "friend-zoned", if you get my meaning.

I hate making autistic science of people, especially women (and I also hate the word "friend-zone"), but I have more female friends than male ones, so after a while you just start to see patterns in your and their behaviour.

i grew up with two older sisters and a very emotional mother and a relatively distant father so i am always more comfortable with girls than guys. now i’ve learned how guys work for the most part though, i have a lot of guy friends. but i spend the most time with my girlfriend, and i was always very romantic.

I can't talk to guys and I friend zone every chick I meet but I swear I'm not gay!

I only hang out with girls. I'm not gay so I don't want to stare at a dude's face or smeel a dude's smell all day.

My father was distant and my older brothers were dicks so I get along much better with women.
It's kind of hard to convey that I really just want to be friends sometimes.