LOL @ Serbia

>be Serb
>make an army with Bulgaria around 50000 strong
>get wrecked by Lala Şahin Pasha + 800 men
>same Pasha gets wrecked by a Herzegovinan nobleman (who was even outnumbered by said Turk)
>would have been fully obliterated at Kosovo without Catholic aid
>Moravian Serbia (most of Serbia) becomes an Ottoman vassal and Turkish auxiliary troops
>defend Ankara and fights against the rest of Europe at Nicopolis
>try to prevent an uprising against the lord Sultan in Bosnia led by Catholics and Muslims, help them with the siege of Constantinople, battle of Karanovasa, battle of Rovine and many other battles
>fight on the same side with Turkey in the 2nd Balkan War
>only times they killed Turks was one Balkan war and a few revolts
>proceed to LARP as kebab removers because they killed some Bosnian civilians
The absolute state of Serbs!

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With that fugly face she should be on mandatory euthanise list.

dem tits tho

>mandatory euthanise list
never change australia

Russians were real cockroach removers, they should stop stealing our achievements.

You forgot a few other things, so let me help you out

Serbia the "remover" of kebab and one of the few nations in Europe without its own culture, a rogue state of the balkans

>spent almost all of its medieval existence as a vassal of byzantium without any notable achievements
>entire medieval heraldry borrowed from byzantium
>'''''their'''' cyrillic script was created and spread by bulgarians
>had an '''''''''empire'''''''' that didn't even last a single generation, left no notable traces or built anything of significance
>medieval core of the serbian state formerly known as raška now more popularly known as Sandžak, given its name by turks
>medieval core of serbian state is now majority muslim
>betrayed each other at the battle of kosovo
>betrayed crusaders in crusade of varna at a key moment in battle against turks dooming the entire balkan peninsula
>later fought extensively on the side of the turks
>230.000 registered muslims in serbia (excluding kosovo)
>150.000 registered gypsies in serbia, third largest ethnic group in the country
>spent half a millenia under turkish occupation
>over 8.000 turkish words in the serbian language
>got rid of the turkish occupaiton only after centuries of internal strife inside the ottoman empire and with extensive help from other countries
>first serbian dictionary came to existence only in the 19th century
>chimped out 4 times in the 90's larping as crusaders, manage to lose each war
>kill a few thousand muslims but still lose kosovo to them, another center of medieval serbia
>kill a few thousand catholics and banish several hundred thousand from bosnia
>destroyed and looted over 300 catholic religious objects in the wars of the 90s throughout bosnia, serbia and croatia including monasteries, graveyards, churches that survived the ottoman invasions
>have to act as russian cockholders and use them as leverage for politics because they have made enemies from everyone in europe

Serbs are the niggers and villains of the balkans

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Kek, saving this one. Good post.

>t. butthurt Croat diaspora
We lost 90s because whole western world was against us. Zionist shills from CNN chose their side and it was Bosnian and Croat. I'm not gonna refute the rest because it's mostly bullshit.

They see themselves as good guys they are really delusional
Le butthzrt serb
You faggots stole all the guns and tanks from military bases in slovenia and croatia (most officers were serbs so they relocated everything)
You cry about nato bombing you but you bombed the living shit out of bosnia and even bombed unesco protected sites

Your dad was literally a fascist militiaman who changed his identity to avoid justice and is now a motivational speaker

>Be Serbia
>Spend hundreds of years under Islamic occupation
>come out of it with a sizable Christian population and still have strong caucasian genes

>Be Western Europe
>Have huge, multicontinental Empires
>Be incredibly rich and powerful
>Wage multiple successful crusades over the Mohammedans throughout the centuries
>be the vanguard for Western ideals and freedom throughout the world
>Somehow manage to lose everything to Islam and be replaced by shitskin brown people within the span of one lifetime.

That's a YIKES.EXE from ME dawg!

Attached: YIKES.jpg (900x900, 60K)

pls make a post like this about romania

>still have strong caucasian genes
Caucasian as in “they mixed into grekoarmenoid subhumans”? Then true

>be Hungarian

As in they spent hundreds of years occupied by muslims and turks and various subhuman scum and they still look like pic related.

The Western nations will be negrified within this century. We will be lucky if there is one white in every ten-thousand.

Attached: olya.jpg (599x800, 144K)

Wow, that's a lot of NATO-funded Roman Catholic butthurt!

Attached: yellow_guy_crazy_hg_wht.gif (350x350, 33K)

Actually UN made Slobo review his forces realing croatian serbs alone (14% of croatian population). But back in 1995 they didnt do the same with Croatian army in bosnia not to mention NATO bombings in bosnia and bombing during operation Storm. Serbs in bosnia beffore operation storn controlled 60-70% of bosnia
Actually believing wikipedia numbers. I have seen /his/torians debunk a battle where romanians were outnumbered by 4 you are going to need more
Not to menition that there were only bosnians on kosovo no sizable catholic army we called for. Did you know Tsar Dusan wanted to go full carholic only to have papal support against turks before he died? You also seem to forget thst we were the ones to actually start ottoman collapse in balkans and later with other balkan people drove them away. You faggots were on the same side as turks in WW1 too as well as bulgarians

>muh muslims ebil
>muh king of jews
>Jewish God please save me!!! I've been a good goyim

Attached: 44e.jpg (400x400, 28K)

Recall with forces leaving croatian serbs alone*

>grrr christianity bad *tips odal rune*
>uploads a picture of yuri bezmenov who defended christianity
epic fail

>be Serbia
>occupied for long time
>still Serbian

>be Germany, UK, USA
>non white in 70 years


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We are actually proto indoeuropean, all other south slavs we are the only remaining proto indoeuropean population other than scandis. Not to mention according to hg serbia is closer to swedes rather than turks. And keep in mind hg passes from father to son, when we account female part of pool turkish influence becomes even more tiny and irrelevant

the nato shills have been out in full force lately
open the catalog and you'll see hundreds of threads just like this

Christian Europe unite! No more brother wars!!

The Great Satan of Islam has a 5th column in your cities, floods you witg boats of diseased foreigners, and is building at your borders.

Quit falling for the divide and conquer habib threads, take down the EU, and unite under a true European banner without the open borders treason.

This is a muslim tactic to divide Europe to keep the real invaders coming. The Muslims are the problem. And fuck NATO too because they include the demon Turkey and the bombed Serbia.

the average turk is whiter than the whitest serb

Genetic studies seem to debunk your claim

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You should know, Hans, your country will be 95% Turk within 2 generations.

>Implying that he isn't an Albanian Diaspora nigger living in germany

>source:ms paint
oh you subhuman
does your monkey brain understand the concept of citations and sources

shut your slutmouth you serbian euronigger

which battle?

Attached: popcorn nigger.gif (301x250, 1.46M)

>shut your slutmouth you serbian euronigger
I'm Anglo-Saxon you fucking Kraut retard. I can't wait to see your country browned. Germans are the scourge of all white people.

The West is doomed. We have turned our backs on God and he is allowing our enemies to devour us.
Good. We deserve this and much worse.

Eastern Europe will survive us all.

>be italian
>never got invaded by turks
>get called a turk by a country under turk rule for centuries
nigger if you gotta say we're niggers do it properly

That’s not the average Serbian face (too light) and she looks inbred. Being occupied by turks didn’t change them as much as mixing with subhuman greek sandniggers, gypsies and bulgarians

>The Western nations will be negrified
Serbian president is literally refugees welcome cuckold and their prime minister is a lesbian

>she looks inbred

Attached: nigga-you-gay.png (720x540, 650K)

>she looks inbred
If you say so... to me that looks like the most stereotypical south slavic facial structure

You can check europedia yourself and see its true. Serbians mostly lack R1b which is present in turks ( 2nd the biggest share) and rest of europe. All other turkish HG seem to be equaly spread among serbs and rest of europe

Okay there, chair anthropologist. Had no idea Slavs in the Balkans lived outside of Slovenia and Northern Croatia. Does she look Dinaric? No. She looks like a mutt with no identifiable subracial type and her mouth-to-nose distance says a lot about cousin fuckong in her family tree

all your female white kids are getting raped by packies
go exstinct you subhuman niggerlover race with bad teeth

maybe only because the russians raped the shit out of your population

Check europedia your self. We lack 2nd most important turkish hg as most of europe has it. It has more to do with that your are both meds rather than invasions and stuff. Your E1b and J2 percentage seems to fit turks more than serbian does


Westfags think that our women took the turk cock and lived with it ... truth is that with the help of proper herbs you can cause a natural abortion. When that does not work, they went to the nearest cliff/lake and killed themselves to not bear the shame of spawning a mutt.
I've been to Serbia, Greece, Romania and that thing that changed its name, and I've been to Istan... Tsarigrad I mean. The turks dont look balkan at all.

Attached: 23972362_1967585273497531_1956370389_n.png (743x764, 476K)

Study by

Germany, I expected better from you.

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By that logic, turkey should not have 100. Get what I mean?

Why would you expect better from a German? They're horrible people. Their country is a blight upon the world.
And this is coming from an ANGLO.

>two 20% E1b grekoarmenoid sandniggers with gypsy cum all over their family trees think that they are Europeans
>this is coming from an ANGLO
servian, stop

>implying Serbia is white

Attached: 1547310373274~3.jpg (251x242, 19K)

Whiter than you magyar.

Which battle you nigger?!
Because all battle we had were in numerical inferiority

I genuinely doubt it.