Do you legit think your country is the best?
Do you legit think your country is more important than britain and germany?
Do you legit think your country WON world war II and your not just saying it for beef?
No. My country sucks.
Yes, we’re way more important than the UK. Germany makes better sausages though. They got us there.
We dropped the bombs, didn’t we?
*you’re not just saying it for beef, not your. Faggot flag hider.
It used to be the best, for a brief period. Lets all be real about that. Those days are long gone though.
I'm not a burger but I'll chime in anyway.
>Do you legit think your country is the best?
2nd amendment, 'nuff said.
>Do you legit think your country is more important than britain and germany?
Might is right. America is capable of projecting power in a way that brits and germans can't.
>Do you legit think your country WON world war II and your not just saying it for beef?
Saying that they won the war might be a stretch, but they certainly ended up on top once it was over.
They beliefs always seem to come back to "muh sacred texts muh bill-o-rytes muh constitushun"
which is basically like completely fucking ignoring their own eyes and eyes in preference of some weird EGO MANTRA they were taught in grade school.
2 words, Lend Lease
He says while living in a nanny state with a Monarchy at the top - no wonder you don't understand the value of a declaration of liberty.
oops, wrong image.
>can't own a gun in sydney, CAN own a gun in timber creek
>can't own a gun in chicago, CAN own a gun in lubbock
America is not really special or unique... the only thing special is maybe how much trust they have for ink and parchment over reality and substance.
My country is the best.
My country country is cultural core of western civilization and more important than any other in the world.
My country significantly contributed to winning WWII. From my understanding Russia bled the most, so I think go to them.
No i dont think my country is the best. But i love it the most.
>Do you legit think your country is more important than britain and germany?
For me yes, just like how britian is for british and germany is for germans.
meme word. 75% of US niggers surveyed believe that free speech is a form of physical violence.
Spics aren't much better
>Important than Britain...
They're never manufactured to pursue a political agenda. The sad fact is that the US for all its troubles is still the only one where the people have any concept of liberty at all. Look at how docile people are in Australia by comparison. A people who refuse to use their intelligence are no better than animals that have no intelligence. As such they are beasts of burden and steaks on the table.
>Do you legit think your country is the best?
Hah no.
>Do you legit think your country is more important than britain and germany?
I'm a German-US dual citizen so bias source here
Culturally no, in innovations in tech no.
Currently in the balance of world power unfortunately yes it is more important than either. Germany still has an allied occupation government.
My greatest wish is to see the US along with all other European nations uncuck themselves and ally. The real grand alliance would be uncucked USA-GroßDeutschland-Russia. This would be unstoppable.
>Do you legit think your country WON world war II and your not just saying it for beef?
Once again, German-US dual citizen, so consider the source
This is a more complicated matter. Anglos didn't do shit in WW2, period. The USSR lost the majority of the blood to the Germans. In a sense they are the ones who "won" the war, however without burger supply they would have been wiped out in the early-mid stages of Barbarossa. Burgers (namely the communist known as FDR) did them a big favor by opening up the 2nd front. The only good commander on the entire allied side was Patton. Without him Burgers would hardly have broken out of Normandy. If it was just anglo-burgers vs Germany the allies would have been brushed aside like a fly.
There's also the contention of the Dritte Macht and Antarctica, alot of conjecture there and impossible to prove. Hope it's true and they save us all, but I cannot rely on fairy tales.
Good thing they only get 3/5ths of a vote right
>disregarding data before you see it.
I tourist may go to america and explain clearly in their own words what they think and feel. To do this every day. I promise you the first black person they meet will assault them.
In China I can say what I want. people walking past might say I look like a junky or am disgustingly fat, etc. Even those "above the law" are not surprised to hear such things. they easily insult you back. there is no offence or violence from words and air pushing games. there is no custom of censorship like in the west. all arguments are valid until someone walks away or begins to act as a child.
so america presents a warm welcome yes, but a big "FUCK YOU" in the face of my typical sensibilities and understanding of free speech and liberties.
This is interesting. Nobody "won" WWII. We all experienced various degrees of losing it merely by being involved in the murderous affair. Hitler fatalistically lost the thing by starting it; the way to "win" it would've been by not fighting it.
Manufacturing enemies out of friends is a very dangerous social strategy.
America had the least impact out of the other super powers but got all the reward. fact.
Heres my geographical location, i dont think its relevant. Im a wealthy 50% scottish 25% english 25% polish man.
America should be an expansion of the british empire and britain should be doing what israel is doing right now.
Ignore flag, I'm a half American mutt.
Yes. Living in a stalinist shithole like canadastan, even Detroit seems like fucking nirvana.
Fuck, yes. Germany and UK are caliphate countries now; the United States should just first strike you right now, save aggravation latter.
Did the US win willywilly duce. Are you stupid? Yes, unequivocally, with a shit load of help from the rest of the commonwealth. American industrial power, took the fight to the enemy, combined war production and agricultural muscle kept the UK from starving and going under, kept the russians fed and in the fight 42-44, and ran it back at Japan on a massive scale. Pommies weren't total fuckwits back then, either. They had backbone, they were hard little cunts. But, go look up war production stats. The UK pulled amazing prodigies of production under fire. American output was staggering. Just individual programs, like the B-29, liberty and victory ships, LST's or the Essex and Escort carrier programs are still almost beyond comprehension, let alone building, from scratch, concurrently, the shipyards, plant and logistics to make it happen.
Americans may seem like buffoonish Ozark hill billy's, but those guys scare me. Get them wound up and pissed off, the US becomes a fucking force of nature.
You eurotrash should give your dreams of marxist superpowerdom a reality check, get a grip on things, 'coz none of this has a good ending. The Brussels faggots figure they can dick over the Americans behind a smokscreen of buddy-buddy bullshit, cozy up to the nrussian fucknuts and win.
That's not going to break the way they figure.
Its sort of strange for any normal rational human being to look at WW2 and speak of the might of the united states after seeing a list of super powers try and take on a country the size of texas and lose 3 men for every 1 german killed.
Waiting for your opponents to bring each others countries to the brink of destruction then coming in right at the very end is not a victory claim or a chance to claim superiority. Germany was superior USA was the final little hyena to finish off the lion.
LMAO that's my city
What a random fucking example to make like how the fuck does some rando aussie even know about this spic infested shithole.
>Do you legit think your country is the best?
No. certainly not anymore. what's exactly to blame for that is the central question behind most political shitposting on the internet
>Do you legit think your country is more important than Britain
>Do you legit think your country is more important than Germany?
That depends on Germany's next 5 - 10 years. The potential for Germany to arise as the unquestioned center of a De facto single European state is undeniable; that would give it power, directly or by proxy, over some 800,000 people with incredible combined buying power.
the likelihood of Germany actually doing that is probably pretty low. But if it did happen, then Germany would certainly be the new center of the West.
>Do you legit think your country WON world war II and your not just saying it for beef?
I would say that we were instrumental to the victory. it would not have happened without us. Zerg-rushing soviets would have been much less effective without Germany having another front to contend with.
whoops - 800,000,000 people.
yes absolutely
also yes we didn't get invaded like you dumb limeys either, sorry your britlet attitude shines right thru the meme flag because you're the only ones dumb enough to contest and or whine about it
Again, 2A. I can (do) own firearms that out perform what soldiers get in most cases.
We arent the best but that makes up for all the nigger shit. I can always resort to throwing lead.
>Do you legit think your country is the best?
America is a beautiful looking country but the arrogance of its populace lets it down
>Do you legit think your country is more important than britain and germany?
America, I am your father and the most ingenuative country in the world
>Do you legit think your country WON world war II and your not just saying it for beef?
Russia called to say they stormed Berlin
The Americans literally started from scratch, boyo, as did most of the west. The Royal Airforce and Royal Navy dwarfed the USAAF and USN at the start, fer instance.
Un-preparedness and denial give a prepared aggressor, even a tiny one, an enormous advantage.
Germany was tooling up and on a war footing five years before. The pacifist wishful thinking that infected western nations didn't get redpilled out until adolph rolled all of europe up and the Japanese had gobbled up 2/3rds of asia pacific and were tapping on your front door. Yup, germany was a hyena, but a hyena is bad juju in a scrap, and the german strategic command staff were, frankly, amateurs that still almost pulled it off. Japanese industrial capacity was laughable. The Axis caught everybody unprepared, and even a midget can beat down joe atlas if he sucker-punches him in the nuts.
The professional military types on the axis end realized what the american potential was, they knew that if the US got into the fight, and it went to an attritional slugfest, they were fucked. They had no depth, and limited resources. Their early successes had much more to do with the allies unwillingness to honour the threat.
As to the 3 to 1 killrate, the Germans were hard little fucks in those days. they fought like demons with nothing. Shit, even at the peak of nazi power, most of their military transport was horse-drawn!
The imbalance in kill ratio is thanks to the standard soviet methodology of throwing huge numbers of illiterate goons at you until you run out of ammunition. Zhukov would blow through a million of his own troops in a fifty km advance.
And, any grunt knows a prepared defender has a big advantage, and the attacker is going to bleed.
I'd say, do some reading before you make presumptive, sweeping statements informed by digger arrogance and a marxist public school indoctrination, but that's rather much to expect out of a kid these days. Your understanding of history is very deficient.
wew laddie.
if you must know, I googled "texas town" and scrolled my sweet ass rightwards until I found a name I did't recognise.
You traded you ingenuity for American ships.
You literally had sonar capable of finding the uboats but couldn't implement them fast enough to defend yourself.
I still feel that Scotland is our father. Economics etc.
Im talking about history not the present
And foundational industrial processes, chemical engineering processes, heavy engineering, whiskey and work ethic.Scots don't get the credit they deserve. They weren't just sneaking up on sheep up in then thar hills.
Radar, the cavity magnetron, Robert Watson-Watt, a Scott. That alone shortened that shitshow and spared hundreds of thousands of lives.
You have never lived in China.
we’re the best until 1a and 2a are dead
>Social strategy
It was the best, some European will regain that status uncontested, if they haven't already.
We project world jewry now, used to be brits who did that so in that aspect we're the most important.
The jews won, through the US & others, creating the Jewish empire we're under now.
>Do you legit think your country is the best?
For its population size, yes. Need to reduce that by heavily curbing immigration.
>Do you legit think your country is more important than britain and germany?
Those two fucking dopes who started two World Wars in the same century? Fuck yeah.
>Do you legit think your country WON world war II and your not just saying it for beef?
Who came out of WW2 ahead of everybody? kek
Like the Swede at the top of the thread my flag is irrelevant.
>America I am your father
Britain invented the most lad
>My country is a suicidal Israeli pawn.
>In the current year, we are more important than the UK and Germany.
>We were on the winning side of WW2 but without the USSR idk if we would've beat Germany. idk how much they helped against Japan though.
For all my ameribros, you better be lifting, and you better own a gun. Do you want to be sitting on your fat ass when the fighting starts? You could start getting fit now, and by the next presidential election be in good shape. Get to it.
>Be America in 1776
>Create document that outlines the system of government in which all civilized countries would come to model theirs after up until modern times
>Be America in 2019
>Highest GDP, largest military, mecca of culture worldwide(gonna be lots of salty eurofags that dispute this one), Not have unelected government like EU, highest upward mobility in worlds history, be dragged down by democrats but ok because they're too stupid to ever win in the end.
I can't wait until the day that we stop giving handouts to the rest of the ungrateful world.
Ok lets throw another question in here:
Do you have any connection or care for the "AMERICAN IDENTITY" what ever the fuck it is?
Do you see yourself as an "American" or do you not give a shit about people who identify as "american"?
This question should also go to Australians or any white person outside of europe.
(pic unrelated but appropriate)
>shan jan isn't rrrl china loosr its liek full rrrban moessadem gyneece r liffn in da wilderniss in filf n sheeit if u wozza a rurl gyneece yewd piss n shit on gyna lyk rrry1 elce coz gyna iz sew badddd
>own 2 small islands
Yeah, well, the shitposting starts, and I just don't get this jew hate fest. Yeah, a lot of shit heads at the bottom of this mess are supposedly 'jews'.
A lot of gooks, russians, krauts, limeys, snowniggers and dego are total genocidal opportunist fucknuts, too. Doesn't make all of 'em inveterately evil. The marxists are busy convincing everybody that Caucasians are all evil. Are we? So, why are all jews evil. Secure that shit, 'cause that's what it is.
So, it was an interesting discussion until the JOOOOOOOO! brigade shows up. G'night.
To me, the american identity is whiteness. And I see myself as white before I see myself as Anglo, or German which is my mix. Sometimes I wonder if Europeans see themselves as europeans before seeing themself as a spaniard, italian, serb, russian, etc. Because that would be basically the same thing I do. Then again, I'm kind of a mutt so idk.
The goal is the death of the jewish DYNASTY of power not working class normal jews who pay for their own food and shelter.
(((They))) find ways to bring the worst out in their enemies. Do not bully, aim to purge the (((elite))) and expose the jewish ELITE.
The American identity is exercising freedom and and excellence. It matters not your skin color or religion if you value these things.
mutts are white. Couldnt i get you to agree that America, Canada, Australia, Britain etc. should be one identity under 1 word with no wiggle room for any tolerance of outsiders.
Shut up boomer.
The USA is the greatest nation in history, there's no debate. No other country grants you inalienable right like America does. It doesn't matter your race, nor your creed, all are welcome (legally). Britain and Germany are great nations but they do not give the rights to their citizens that America does. Also, yes, we won the war and could do it a thousand times over. You're welcome.
Depends on the metric, yes, jews won.
Yeah I agree with you on that. I wish we would all team up and have eachother's backs as Africa and Asia's populations explode
>Do you legit think your country is the best?
Yes, although it quickly turning to shit
>Do you legit think your country is more important than britain and germany?
>Do you legit think your country WON world war II and your not just saying it for beef?
Wish people like this would leave the USA. None of you know how great you have it, but that's what happens when you become complacent. America is the greatest place on earth. Deal with it.
> Do you legit think your country is the best?
No it's Jew land and it sucks cock. These mother fuckers couldn't run a society for shit. Because they can't. It's garbage.
> Do you legit think your country is more important than britain and germany?
Not anymore.
> Do you legit think your country WON world war II and your not just saying it for beef?
No we lost because Hitler did.
>no we lost because Hitler did.
wait.. if he won then it must means you lost either way..
You were used to drop the bombs, the UK gave you the plans for making them and didn't want the death toll on their hands you mutt
what rewards??..
The US was the primary reason the war was won in the Pacific and an indispensible component in any victory scenario for the Western Front. We did not “win the war” nor did Britain, etc.. You fell into your own trap on this however as you think that in a world war, it’s all about the bit you were involved in. In the part of the world you fought, you were vital indeed and obviously paid the higher cost. In the larger war, it was the US and Russia (and pals). So no, the US did not singlehandedly win the war you fuckups allowed to begin.
As for the other topic, yes, the US is more important than Britain/EU combined by every measure of importance. Note that this is not uniformly a good thing, but it’s how it is. Eventually, some American or Chinese will buy England to use as a golf course.
>flag hider.
We prefer the term "meme flaggot", you burger nigger.
I wish I could have my head in the sand like you.
We didn’t win WW2 but given our hyper power status we’re definitley more important than the UK and Germany from a military standpoint
So they did win, then.
Yes. I can make my own beer and legally call a nigger a nigger and also shoot him when he tries to fight me. I don't care about wars, Jews run the wars. We are the most powerful however. Most of the world watches our movies and music and most of the world wishes they could live in the USA. Fuck off faggot.
Sort of. Our proxy state, the USSR, was the reason that the Zionists won WWII.
Yes to all. Greatest country on earth.
>>Do you legit think your country is the best?
The constitution is just a silly meme at this point, neither side are willing to actually apply it.
>>Do you legit think your country is more important than britain and germany?
>>Do you legit think your country WON world war II and your not just saying it for beef?
>Saying that they won the war might be a stretch, but they certainly ended up on top once it was over.
That's because they were the only industrialized nation that wasn't decimated by the war.
And after the war they copied the German and the British tech because their own tech sucked.
They essentially were at the right time and the right place.
You’d love to be here faggot
> America
> Culture
Pick one and only one!
>Do you legit think your country is the best?
Yes, but it could be far better which is why I and everyone else bitches about it.
>Do you legit think your country is more important than britain and germany?
LOL, obviously. It isnt 1910 anymore.
>Do you legit think your country WON world war II and your not just saying it for beef?
Yes, because zerg rushing like the Soviets did is stupid. I mean it worked but why the fuck would we have done the same? USA won WWII.
>The real grand alliance would be uncucked USA-GroßDeutschland-Russia. This would be unstoppable.
If you had any real understanding of geo-politics, you would know that this union is as unattainable of a goal as world peace.
>Do you legit think your country is the best?
Yes, in the "world spanning" sense. Yet, we're very much in the decline of our empire. It's a weird feeling to feel nostalgic for a time so close to now. When the world seemed to be on the up.
Otherwise? No. We've failed to provide the best standard of living for our people or a cultural legacy that will withstand time.
>Do you legit think your country is more important than britain and germany?
>Do you legit think your country WON world war II and your not just saying it for beef?
We definitely got the most out of it and comparably didn't cost us very much. So, yes.
> China
> No tradition of media censorship.
Chang, I..
>be me tourist in china
>see protester holding up sign (In chinese) - just sitting on street corner not bothering anyone
>5 minutes later 4 policemen come and take him away
nope, no censorship here.
Dude, in China, you get imprisoned for practicing an ancient form of Chinese meditation.
Every activity that Chinese citizens engage in has to be approved by the Chinese government.