Jow Forums is this world a carton box filled with mouses? everyone does it with everyone?

Jow Forums is this world a carton box filled with mouses? everyone does it with everyone?

is there any opportunity to commitment? or if you can't beat them, just join them?

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Fucking great movie

This is about that haircut, isn't it, OP?

Fucking flat earthers...

it's an honest question

Make your life whatever you want it to be, OP.

well, having a faithful partner isn't on your control, isn't it? even if you are focused on having an orderly life with a partner for life, if they fell on the genitals carousel, you can't change that fact from your life

What you say is true. So, what are you going to do about it?

I don't know. My instinct tells me to isolate myself from people, limit relations to a must: boss, colleagues, salesclerks. A part of me tells me to go with the flow and go inside the carton box, but I honestly don't think I will get my dick hard, because there is no order, no emotions. And a least, minor but still present part tells me to kill myself.

You can go into the carton box for a while and leave it if you get tired of it.

When you're on your deathbed, most people regret the things they DIDNT do, not the things they did.

I've had a decent amount of successful relationships, I don't think I will regret not being on the carton box.
I honestly don't know what I want, I am just in the blue. Disregard me.

Not to be an asshole, but you say you've had several "successful relationships." What does that mean? If we're being real here, those are failed relationships because you're not "committed" as you say. It's ok to fail, but you sound like you're criticizing the very thing you've done yourself.

I mean, long steady relationships with love and support involved. I failed them because I have problems with substances, it was none of their fault. I get what you mean, it's a way of failing to be controlled by drugs, yes, you could say I was not committed to my health and the well-being of the relation. But I never looked another woman and rejected any offer to have something by the side, treated them well and was a passionate lover with interesting purposes.

But recently I am more and more exposed to an environment filled with infidelity, casual sex with everyone around you, and lack of commitment. I can't stand it, because I think it goes against our perfection as fellows, as human beings. We have to love each other but not fuck your fellow's partner. I feel everyone around me just want easy physical contact and no compromise from it. I can't stand it.

People aren't perfect. We have urges and do things to fill those urges whether that's intimacy or substances. Someone could easily say people with substance abuses are disgusting, vile, weak people who abuse their bodies and hurt people around them by doing so. The truth is though, those are only conventional evils, not objective ones.

In order for you to enjoy your own life, you have to stop worrying about what others do to the point where it negatively affects your happiness.

Thanks for your words, I take them to my heart because you are right. People aren't perfect. I will try to focus on relating with people with less physical urges.

The problem with the last part you said is I am an hypervigilant narcissist, so I can't stop judging people or worrying what they do because it's in my nature.

That sucks man, I hope you work on that because your life can be so much more fulfilling if you let that go. Maybe therapy could help?

I am going to a psychologist, but we haven't had enough time to treat it because I have been too focused on this finite world. Problems with an ex gf having a baby with a friend of mine. But I will soon retake the wheel and treat my illness so I can be happy.

Good for you, good luck

Thanks for your insights, I wish you well

Lol you're a fucking drugie, stop judging people who are having sex for fun. Stop projecting you hangups on people and get off the smack

>get off the smack
Sorry, english isn't my mother language, what does this mean?


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