Anyone notice how, back then, men normally didn't approach women for fear of rejection, but now...

Anyone notice how, back then, men normally didn't approach women for fear of rejection, but now, they avoid them for fear of sexual harassment accusations?

Seems that way.

Attached: sad-puppy.jpg (1536x2049, 985K)

That's only in the States, people are still normal in Europe

If you're avoiding women for fear of sexual harassment, you're being very paranoid. As much as the media is screeching about that stuff, it affects like .0001% of men.

No it doesn't. Only incels look at like Bill Cobsy and Harvey Finklenstein and whoever else and are like OH UH SEE I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG TO NOT TALK TO FEMALES ALL FEMALES ALL OVER THE WORLD AT ALL TIMES JUST WANT TO RUIN MEN WITH FAKE RAPE CLAIMS

A fourth woman just came forward with claims against Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

oh no well I guess I better cut off my dick and toss it in the river then, you really convinced me that females are evil and Me Too is a genocide targeting males

Think about people in your own life who were falsely accused. Probably zero. Stop watching tv and listening to everything the media says. It will turn you into a catastrophizing bitch.

>If you're avoiding women for fear of sexual harassment, you're being very paranoid. As much as the media is screeching about that stuff, it affects like .0001% of men.


You need a certain level of general phobia for that kind of thought process to even occur, and at that level, you were already had plenty of other problems to begin with, and most of them had to do with you, not so much women. The specific reason you don't approach them becomes is irrelevant, when that reason was a rationalizing excuse to begin with.

>Think about people in your own life who were falsely accused.
My dad by my mom during custody battle over me and sis. Ruined his life to the point he still suffers physiological effects from how people treated him after said accusations; not just mental effects.

>Think about the people in your own life who have died. SEE! 99% OF HUMANS MUST BE IMMORTAL!


This shit is why I'm never getting married and will never have kids. It takes one crazy woman to completely destroy you

Your dad was accused of sexual assaulting your sister?

You're literally retarded.

i tried to get rid of a guy in my dance class by claiming he touched my breasts. i was hoping if i played it out like he did it by accident, but still made me too uncomfortable to be in the same class with him, nothing would really come of it. he still killed himself :(

>You're literally retarded.
You are right, I apologize. I don't often use female logic but I had to.

Mom accused him of trying to beat and rape her over an argument one night (never happened). It still cost him us, his job, his closest friends, some of his family, it gave him heart attacks so severe his body is left permanently damaged, etc.

nice bait, the :( at the end really adds a nice touch to it.

Did you testify against your lunatic mother? Or were you too young

things arent adding up, user

>No honey, even though you are the love my life I cannot get married and start a family with you. I read something on Jow Forums once.


this is a Jow Forums tier topic; you are not asking for advice, just throwing yourself and fellow incels a pity party

your dad sounds like a stupid faggot giving himself brain damage because of custody lmao I wish your mom had actually raped him instead

I have multiple examples of similar things happening to people I know irl. The state of these divorced men is utterly miserable

You sound like a fucking dipshit. Neck yourself please

M U L T I P L E examples

try looking at the hundreds of millions if not billions of men who aren't beta fuck-ups.

I'd rather not take risks. No kids, no marriage at least not for a long time.

If you're too stupid to approach women without getting a sexual harassment claim, good. Please don't approach me so I don't have to be creeped out and reject you and silently fear for my body/life.

>reject you and silently fear for my body/life.

>thinking that rejected men want to kill you.
Of course...totally reasonable
>thinking that woman abuse rape allegation to destroy a mans life
In NO WAY reasonable to think! If you have that mindeset you are a fucking INCEL!

Same thing really, it's just given you a more concrete thing to project that fear onto. Like before it was
>So what if you get rejected? Just move on.
but now it's
>Come on man, the odds of getting hit with title IX are like one in a million!

I know what you're saying, that's why I haven't left my padded tin foil-lined room in 15 years and pulled all my teeth out.

Nice larp, fag