I hate looking at photos from the 50s. It looks surreal...

I hate looking at photos from the 50s. It looks surreal. Knowing that our ancestors suffered and toiled for thousands of years only for it to be destroyed by a single generation of hedonists fills me with rage. Now we get to live in hell world while the boomers will be dead before the bill for their degeneracy comes due.

Attached: 43bead75-e687-45c1-945d-8842539c3318_2x.jpg (1500x936, 769K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Boomers are garbage.

>It looks surreal
It's just the camera settings that make things seem more dramatic

That's the mid to late 60s

Volkswagons are shit cars. 50s are not far back enough. Jews flooded us after WWII. Even in the OP you can see usury being advertised like some product to buy.

I drive where this picture was taken fairly often and it looks almost exactly the same.

Attached: France.webm (360x246, 2.92M)

>destroyed by a single generation of hedonists
Practical Idealism is heroism; practical materialism is hedonism. Who does not believe in
an Ideal has no reason to act perfect, or to fight for ideals and to suffer. This is because
he knows and recognizes only a single value: the desire, just one evil: the Pain. Heroism
is to believe and commit to an ideal: the belief that there are higher Values rather than
greater evils such as pleasure and pain. This contradiction runs through the whole of
human history, it is the antithesis of Epicureans and Stoics. This contrast is much deeper
than that between theists and Atheists: for there were Epicureans, who believed in gods,
as Epicurus himself, and there was Idealists who were atheists, like Buddha. So this is
not about belief in gods - but the belief in values. Materialism is presuppositionless - but
unimaginative and uncreative. Idealism is always problematic and often becomes
entangled in nonsense and madness: yet Humanity owes to it their greatest works and


if filmed today this vid would be full of niggers


Attached: paris suburbs.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

Pretty sure that Beetle is a 1960 model.

I like to look at photos of Russia before 1917. pastvu.com

>This is because
>he knows and recognizes only a single value: the desire, just one evil: the Pain. Heroism
>is to believe and commit to an ideal: the belief that there are higher Values rather than
>greater evils such as pleasure and pain. This contradiction runs through the whole of
>human history, it is the antithesis of Epicureans and Stoics.
You can tell kalergi had no soulfulness nor any real conviction if he actually believes this

Jesus there's locusts or something all in the air. You can see them. It's probably why old people still drive so slow. Fuck me.....

>destroyed by hedonists
you mean Zionist jews

the people in those pictures are the same people that destroyed it

it's over init'?

But it's interesting concept.

The 60s destroyed America

Where's the camera setting that makes the hordes of spics and niggers disappear?

"it's over isn't it?" You mean that?

it's like "Штo" for "What"

isn't it > izn' it > idn'it > init'

WW2 destroyed America. We had the only intact manufacturing base and money poured in from all over the world as American products rebuilt entire continents. That much easy money was always going to encourage hedonism and the next generation of Boomers considered it their birthright and never once considered the lucky circumstances they were born into, they think they earned it.

Its glossed over but the rot was definitely present in the 50s. By the early 60s the President was openly having an affair and everyone was ok with that, you don't get there over night.

Attached: marilyn-monroe_a-G-9733941-14258387.jpg (366x488, 18K)

Everything in life has a peak point. We were born too late.

Right there.

Attached: [email protected] (800x800, 55K)

kali yuga!


Boomers are based, lived like kings on borrowed money, then once the bill came due left it to shitskins and the children of illegal aliens to pay off


feels bad

Attached: 1544798542530.jpg (1920x1325, 308K)

You let the enemy in.
Enemy that with smiles on their faces and hatred in their hearts have worked for generations to destroy you.

Attached: jewish_anti-white_hate.jpg (780x1574, 212K)

>be destroyed by a single generation of hedonists fills me with rage.

It's women.
Abd those 'ancestors' gave en rights.

I walked down Champs Elysees a couple of years back. Wew lad, felt like I was in Egypt.


We need a new Worldwide Nazi Party.

Attached: PepeLivesInDeath.jpg (1200x760, 184K)

Watch the whole thing.

It was all decided and doomed long before the 50's. You are like a starving person nostalgic about eating a rat

This so much!


This is a video that pasta-user made about the Yellow Vests in France, but the folk song that plays at 0:35 sums up how I feel about my parents' generation fucking EVERYTHING up.

>Jewish controlled media played a big part in fucking up America

Cool video, this isnt a surprise to anyone here. Kill your television.

I walked down Champs sporting goods and it felt like I was in Sheboygan


Degeneracy and hating your country is great!
Commies are cool!
Don't forget to be an edgy race-mixer!
Oh, and have lots of different partners, ladies!


Its so funny to see you crash and burn.

>tos from the 50s. It looks surreal. Knowing that our ancestors suffered and toiled for thousands of years only for it to be destroyed by a single generation of hedonists fills me with rage. Now we get to live in hell world while the boomers will be dead before the bill for their degeneracy comes due.
There is only one truth: zoomers are pathetic betas and don't stand a chance in a mildy inconvenient world. KYS

Attached: 52051145_1969785436465198_2110407969882505216_n.jpg (530x850, 37K)

laugh it up schlomo. without us there will be no one to defend your sandbox.

so that's the power of the west...

Attached: 1539084364682.jpg (533x761, 49K)

That's bullshit because EU is even worse and their entire continent was fucking collapsed.

You incels wouldn't last a second without video games and the Internet, stop kidding yourselves.

Guess what the ZOG is fucking with and making absolutely joyless? Video games and the Internet.

>chugging this much CT Kool aid
wewest of lads