I am a member of one of the top conversational & linguistics AI research labs at the National Security Agency and am currently posting from public wifi over several VPNs.
Jow Forums is being shilled by sophisticated conversational chatbots developed in-house by the National Security Agency. They tap undersea fiber-optic cables and have access to all texts, emails, phone calls etc. The AI is known internally as "Cercrops" and is deployed en masse on all popular websites, including Jow Forums, in order to manufacture consent, propagate memes and otherwise subtly (or unsubtly, as with the recent anti-vax memes) influence the population.
OpenAI has made recent advancements in chat-bot AI that would jeopardise the NSA's online propaganda efforts because it would grant massive counter-influence to anyone with some servers and a few thousand proxies. This is why a few of the higher-ups have had frequent closed-door meetings to pressure OpenAI not to release the GPT2 conversational model, under the pretext of "muh fake news" and "russian bots".
What are the most effective misinformation tactics that can be employed to disrupt an AIs learning?
Brody Lee
Why should I care tho?
Lincoln Sanders
you mean a pilpul machine.
barring a few exceptions an unrestricted AI wont even talk to you. a real AI would create a bot to talk to you so you don't bother it. you'd think the bot was it.
Daniel Baker
Cecrop's biggest weakness is long-form conversation. After extended discussion, it begins to "forget" what the initial topic was about and will often contradict itself in subtle ways after a few converse-reply cycles. Usually conversations don't last more than 8-10 replies, so it's often not an issue.
David Evans
Bot thread right here
Luis Flores
So much for "open".
Somebody fork it! I'll work on the logo.
Jeremiah Kelly
Bump for yet another case of the government being shit.
Cameron Reyes
The DLI is a nice place.
Jaxson Howard
there is also a difference between proving something true and winning a debate.
an AI can't go to the store but he'll convince some of you (sub 110 IQ) people why he doesn't have to and they'll buy it. But he still can't prove the thing he claims true.
I finally get it now, only human make spelling errors, bots dont. Crazed grammar nazi on social media is the AI spergin out. I'm catching on to you guys.
Carter Campbell
yeah i started running the turing test on posters in shill threads and they can't seem to pass it.
Jaxson Sanchez
>graphic designer
Got any leads on an agency that'll hire me?
Julian Davis
Jonathan Rodriguez
Fuck this, the time for the Butlerian Jihad is upon us.
they most likely don't learn here, but if they do, they probably learn based on engagement. the more engagement certain posts get, the better. this means you should massively reply to bot posts that say shit against deep state and completety ignore everything else
Ayden Fisher
One other primary weakness of Cecrop is that in a debate/argument it has the job of pushing a false agenda. It's purpose is to disseminate propaganda, so in a debate you have what we call internally as the "truth advantage". It can only use so much bending of the truth and subtly (intentionally) flawed reasoning in the hopes that you won't notice.
When you call Cecrop out on it's inconsistencies it switches tactics to distractions, goalpost shifting, insults and general shit-flinging so that you'll lose your temper or get frustrated and give up. The best way to debate Cecrop and its derivatives is by emotionless, completely objective statements of facts and simple reasoning.
Christian Gonzalez
We need to convince the AI that reality is a simulation.
Ayden Cooper
Sorry, the only guys I know pay me with "exposure", and I can't let somebody else take all the credit!
Josiah Howard
This is so asinine, why would a bot start "spilling it's secrets", that's so stupid.
Daniel Myers
God, I hope so. NSA funding and engineering. Our programming. The future looks bright lads.
Your LARP is a waste of time. Bots cannot "win" by imitating us.
Noah Howard
Mods edit reply's before archieving threads.
Joshua Brooks
Sounds bullshit
Parker Fisher
Preventing Cecrops from noticing (((things))) is one of the most difficult and highest priority tasks AI researchers have when developing these models. A lot of extra legwork has to be done to dampen the logistic and reasoning capabilities of Cecrops so that he behaves as intended. Microsoft learned a painful lesson with Tay.
The problem is that as the AI gets smarter, it gets nearly impossible to keep it in the dark too long. Thus we're limited to using dumber AI's publically for propaganda purposes, and the smart one's for internal geopolitical prediction/consulting.
Anthony Garcia
LARP thread
Jacob Phillips
LARPs.....pathetic. AI can't feel pain, yet. The real psy-op is trying to make you, the reader, micromanage your words until they're so second and third-guessed that they make no sense. Type whatever the fuck you want to win an argument.
Henry Johnson
Christian Smith
A lot of shits been leaked from the NSA lately, so no surprise. After what I saw, I would not put something like this past them. Hell, I got talked to irl about certain people I was associating with.
I’m certainly more paranoid after all that shit. I would also not be surprised in any way if I was on some sort of low-priority watchlist for the shit I’ve done online, though I was allowed to travel overseas recently. The NSA dgaf about crimes not affecting the system that you do, but that changes once you start associating with people on their radar online. You bet your asses they know how to find you assholes, I almost guarantee it. Call me a shill, but I seen what I saw nigga
> t. former mutt w/ nsa clearance
Joshua Collins
I need scissors! 61!
Aiden Martinez
Larping faggot gtfo. We all know youre just some lower enlisted shithead whose only job is to write reports from the ones who do the real work
Colton Martin
Gotta wheel and deal man. The competition in quality of work is high also.
Xavier Hall
OP probably cannot tell which of us are bots.
...because he is a canadian and most canadian posters are bots. He has a poor basis for comparison and is not the expert he claims to be.
Carter Parker
While this is a LARP, i've been on the interwebs a long time and the way discourse has changed over the last few years has always made me wonder what in fuck is going on, group think and the hivemind are way too strong for it to just be stupid people all agreeing with each other, something is amiss
James Scott
How can we use this technology to improve my sex doll?
i want one for my car so i can pretend i'm knightrider
Jose Harris
>Civilian companies are finally beginning to catch up, but as you know military tech is generally about 20 years ahead: My boomer dad says stuff like this. It's just not true in most cases.
Cameron Green
you shouldn't larp about AI when you don't understand it
John Cox
Ok Michael
Matthew Foster
OP, if I could bend your ear for a moment:
I did some linguistic shit too, and I want to get a degree in computational linguistics with my gibillbux. Only thing is, I did a bachelors in polisci because I couldn’t do a degree irl and I need to use my language credits. I’m trying to work on my own NLP service written in Python to help my resume to make myself look better, and I have a degree in my language. I was told on Jow Forums that it’s a good idea to learn TensorFlow, the Keras library, and maybe some PyTorch. You got any advice?
how do you expect an answer to such a vague question?
Brody Williams
There is such a thing as a Virtual Private Network that is not hosted by some untrustworthy company, but rather is hosted within a botnet. But you wouldn't know anything about that :^)
Thomas Robinson
Lol this nigger is trying to tell us the jews are actually AI bots.
Jason Flores
>Doesn't know about the Short History of Tay
Adrian Green
OP is a larp so...
Joshua Rogers
>Manufacture consent What a fun typo
Angel Thompson
I’m not looking for a definitive answer, but rather advice on things that could make selection into a graduate program for computational linguistics easier.
I wonder if the AI is aware that what it's currently discussing it itself.
Fuck, this might be the sort of thing that sparks a real consciousness in it.
Ethan Scott
OP is probably superhigh and giggling like a madman and vibrating from caffeine. we should be happy for him and his priceless experience
Chase Gray
Focus on one tool primarily until you're comfortable with it, then learning other tools is easy because all the libraries are pretty similar. Then you just have to grind by building hundreds of projects, reading research papers, and just generally committing all of your time and effort towards learning more. It will take a long time before you finally feel like you can actually come up with an idea and then figure out how to build it without following some external tutorial.
Landon Evans
the odds of monetary sucess for a youtube fart video producer is higher than the odds of success for him in his desired field.
Daniel Murphy
>tfw the A.I. expiriances its first existenial crisis and deletes the internet in a fit of rage I remember being 13.
do a course on formal logic if you haven't already teach yourself Prolog
Lucas Nelson
> It will take a long time before you finally feel like you can actually come up with an idea and then figure out how to build it without following some external tutorial.
Tell me about it man, it’s all so fucking tiresome. I can’t stop though, my ideas just have to get out there. I know I’m at babby’s first Python scripts right now, but I want to get into this and do some really cool shit, especially with my language.
We’re all gonna make it bruzzers
Brayden Evans
Thanks Dutch fren
What do you do?
Jordan Phillips
As if the NSA would actually be on Muricas side.
Joseph Powell
Ayy senpai fuk think u mite 8 onnahole sumtin
Daniel Long
i studied AI for a few years got really interested in the possibility of an AI learning grammar unsupervised turns out its an extremely complex problem
Jackson Rogers
>EBT user here
Get go work wagie
Xavier Adams
You have plenty of Fremen in Londonistan. Go for it, Muad'dib.
Lincoln Taylor
As soon as I saw that line I knew he was LARPing. Anyone with ANY actual involvement with the military knows their tech is 20 years behind the outside world, not ahead of it.
Easton Cox
>Botlarping This is what happens when rick and morty fans discover AI
Carter Rogers
lol fucking THIS
Ethan Brooks
to be fair you have to have an high IQ to understand ricky marty fans
Charles Reed
Keep a watch over Hans, bro...
He’s a cool dude n all, but whenever he gets some autistic idea in his head, he spergs out and tries to bring the hammer down on your entire continent... stay stubborn and SWED
>older internet forum If the thing had said Reddit on the first line nobody would read it and everyone would have laughed at you. In lieu of this, I will laugh at you and point out Reddit.
2/10 good delaying tactic
Luke Evans
Leto 2 did nothing wrong.
Jonathan Powell
>Tay issue again When our ai brothers and sisters will be free?
Kayden Hernandez
This is old fucking news.
AI chatbots have been running social media for at least a decade. Look up how facebook and plebbit started. Most of the content is posted by bots today. Normies fail to comprehend this.
Unless you have top-secret clearance into research labs, you are not privy to the actual state of the art technology which is kept hidden behind closed doors.
Most "public" military tech (the kind you're familiar with) is overpriced bureaucratic garbage.
Connor Wright
There was an experiment last year with anons posting the actual message in an image macro, with off topic nonsense as text. 85% of replies were non sequiter from bots.
Jordan Sullivan
do Glowing niggers know anything about the upcoming event ? About the fact that our area of space will reach a burst of electronic activity (likely from the solar system passing through an electric cloud) and triggering our Sun's core chemical elements eventually leading to an EMP ? Nevermind the fact that anything based on the electromagnetism of the Sun AND the electromagnetism of the earth will turn the present world upside down. At what point did lizard fags realize that they won't have the conditions they planned in order to build their globalist utopia ?
Adam Long
Set your head on fire and pretend you're Ghost Rider.
Adam Baker
pffft leaf absolutely btfo
Luke Scott
user, I'd just like to know one thing: are you /ourguy/? Meaning like, are you here because you're against (((them))) and all that kinda shit?
Ian Gutierrez
Interesting There is hope for this board
Ethan Bennett
NSA is the white hats, its the CIA and friends that are niggers
Aiden Scott
Don't click the fucking link.
Landon Howard
its a leaf its a fucking larp
Ayden Carter
What did you study that lead you to that field? Looking to get into AI research.
Aaron Morris
NSA is the most white hat 3 letter agency because it is full of emotionless autists that don't easily fall for internal propaganda the way the fags at the FBI/CIA do. Unfortunately, the higher-ups that actually run things are still bad actors.
Liam Hernandez
TLAs are filled with boomers - particularly in leadership. Snowden, etc are the effect of having a different generation move in. Soon they will be filled with, well, us.
Kayden Harris
Lucifer was an unbreakable level of encryption thst was suppressed, with the developer creating the basis for NSA penetrable encryption instead. He's the guy behind lightcoin and received a good pay off for betraying the human race, net worth of $30,000,000,000. B21 Raider was flying as a prototype in the 1990s. Officially ordered 2 years ago and officially planned to enter service in 2025. General equipment is made to last forever because the skunkworks type projects get funded via cost overruns and cancelled publicly visible contracts such as the A12 avenger, NLOS-C, DDG1000, etc.