Sicilian mafia

Is stuff like the Godfather all a myth or is it really that dramatic living in the mafia?

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Everything is exactly like it is in the moviesx, especially when Jews are writing, producing, and directing films about ethnic whites

Do Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola sound like Jewish names to you?

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Maybe in the post-WW2 era there was some similarity with the movies, now Sicilian mafia are politicians and judges.

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How can I start my own cinematic mafia? Please tell

The Godfather explains EVERYTHING. All the redpills are contained within it, you just need the ability to see them.

Begging your pardon but I refuse to believe anyone from Finland could be such uninformed trash. of course there was a mafia

This reply was probably a meme but I unironically felt so when I saw Godfather with my own eyes. I finally understood what it means to be a man and how to succeed in life

>Unironically looking up to murderers and thieves

>Y I K E S
>being Austrian

>being austrian
>Y I K E S
>being mutt

Check out Michael Francese , a former La Cosa Nostra capo who made it out of the life, one of the only people ever who was able to make it out and publicly speaks about it.

Got invited to the Cypriot mafia once. A guy I met said a club he knows the owner of needs a resident musician. I asked what sort of thing he was looking for and it's your standard shit. Play covers British people like. Later on talking about it he mentions if I get the job we'll be like family and made clear in no uncertain terms I would have protection. Didn't go to the interview because FUCK that.

Same for Kosher Nostra, but they got some (((corporations))) too.

>implying working in the mafia is much different from working in government

Just because you live in Italy and speak italian doesn't male you an Italian, if you catch my drift.

Part of the genius of the movie is that it successfully finds a way to make the viewer sympathetic to the people in an organized crime family.

the mafia is something the government made up to take away the rights of italian americans and americans in general.

This. Then again this is a slide thread so it was a dumb question to begin with. Sage

Yeah like no jew was involved in the making of that movie. You can't make a movie without jew permission. Or you can make it but (((they))) will never (((promote))) it.
