White Americans truly and utterly BTFO
White Americans truly and utterly BTFO
Eli Cruz
Brody Foster
Jayden Martinez
Yes, I don't live around niggers and brownies and don't want to; and it's very funny when a leftist, who probably doesn't live around niggers and brownies and probably doesn't want to, tries to ridicule me about that.
OP is a faggot, sage.
Jace James
There he is, our first Trumper, peddling hot sauce again...
Dominic Jackson
Just look at this dystopia...
Easton Peterson
Are we sure he's not actually a nork spy at this point?
Dylan Rivera
Jayden Hughes
shitskins arnt real americans
Christopher Torres
Shut the fuck up, Canuck
Josiah Perez
Reply to this post if you hate niggers