How do i initiate a kiss on the first date?

how do i initiate a kiss on the first date?

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For starters, don't ask her.

haha yeah only autists would do that haha i would never haha

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Is it that bad? I've had guys ask me before and it never bothered me.

Btw OP a few guys did this with me and I think it's a good idea to follow. Basically you need to be sure of her reactions. Is she interested in what you're saying, is she having fun, smiling, laughing a lot, looking you in the eyes? If yes, then you can try touching her shoulder while talking and then even holding her hand later on. If she reacts positively to this it's a good sign.

I dunno if you should kiss during the date, I've had it happen but I guess those guys were good at figuring out I was interested (plus I do enjoy kissing so with that I'm not conservative with). Maybe it's the best if you're very sure she's into you to do it at the end of the date?

Just experience and thoughts from female point of view, I'm sure some other guys could explain it better

how can i tell the difference between her having interest in me and her just being nice and trying not to cringe?

Well if she agreed to go on a date with you surely there was at least some interest in you, right?

As I said that's why you test by touching her innocently at first, that's what most guys did with me to see how I react. Like if she is into you and comfortable with being touched she'd give a smile or another positive signal I'm sure

Move your face 2/3 of the way and wait for her to move her face the other 1/3 the way

I'm bumpin this op

Gauge her interest, set the mood, look for an opening, take your shot.

Dont ask for permission. I've heard far more girls complain about that than say that it doesn't bother them. A girl who is not an autist and wants to be kissed will know how to give you an opportune moment to kiss her.

>Is it that bad? I've had guys ask me before and it never bothered me.
I guess you're just particularly understanding. Most girls are really off put by it, and a few will outright make fun of you if you do it. It's a mistake few guys make twice.

You should start by knowing you shouldn't even consider entering her personal space until you're at least a good ways into the date, unless she is putting off insanely obvious signs.

For me, I always took a first date to an art museum and some other stuff, but the museum was the perfect place to talk, gauge her reaction to what your saying, then decide if you want to try to kiss her.

Basically, after you've seen that she is comfortable around you, you should try to get a little physically closer, nothing crazy, maybe like shoulder touching shoulder, and if she seems good with that, look at her face, and if her expression is positive and you both maintain eye contact for a few seconds, then go for the kiss.

Idk how much experience you have user, and I'm not trying to insult you or anyone else on this thread, but also make sure you don't try to shove your tongue down her throat, save that kind of shit for when you're making out, not lightly kissing.

If its a venue where its not easy to touch, like say sitting across from each other having coffee try and have a second component like going for a walk. If you are somewhere like a museum as another poster suggested you are good to go.

Just try and get her laughing, shoot the shit, tell a funny anecdote, and touch her arm, or hand. If things are going well you might walk with your hand on the small of her back. An alternative to this is the nape of her neck, but its WAY more aggressive. I prefer it with short women though because its more logistically feasible.

After you have gotten some laughs out of her and broken the touch barrier go for the kiss. An ok rule of thumb is to be making strong eye contact, and glance at her lips and then go back to her eyes and kiss her.

you're not supposed to initiate a kiss on the first date

Some physical contact maybe hugging, touching her hands/arms play it smooth and make her feel safe. And you just might get the "go ahead".

i wasnt planning on kissing her until the date was finished

Chad here
Honestly never kiss on the first date ESPECIALLY if it's going good
At the end of the first date if its going good just look at them as if you're going to kiss them then simply rub their cheek with your thumb or playfully pat their head and part ways. Make them want it, make them wish for it, make them constantly think about it. It works best if you really charm them and they're not a complete whore

Not op but, uh if I didn't kiss on the second date how fucked am I?
In hindsight I missed some signals during, but then in my car she was still responding positively but leaning away and kept texting me after we parted.

simple, you don't at least in my opinion. quickest way to get someone to drop you. kissing on the first date is a high risk, low-medium reward gamble

Here's what works for me
>Pucker as much as you can to make a giant kissy-face with your mouth
>Point to your lips
>Then point to hers
>Then nod your head or waggle your eyebrows suggestively

Works. Every. Time

As early and as often as she'll let you.

Attached: haha.gif (474x218, 1.72M)

So I hugged her after the first and got kind of touchy the second date and she didn't shy away or anything, but she didn't reciprocate at all
idk maybe she just wants someone super dominant, I am 5 years older than her
Even still she could touch me back or some shit

Pull your dick out. Works every time.

Bad advice. Kissing shows interest. If you don't kiss on the first date, you better hope she's extremely interested enough to say yes to the second date. So , it is bad yes. If you get a third date, kiss her at some point like your life depended on it or it's over. Judging from , it sounds like she wasn't super interested. Don't completely drop her if she keeps saying yes to going out on dates, but start moving on from her and looking elsewhere for someone who will meet your energy. That will take you farther in the long run 9 times out of 10.

Well I have this red mark on my lip that won't go away and desu looks a bit like herpes, but isn't so maybe that contributed to the negative signals.
Is it a bad idea to text her and say something like word for word
>having a hard time reading you, are you into me or what?

And even after the non-kissing she said yeah to meeting up again

At this point it's not a good idea to ask them if they're into you. That's like, one step away from asking "What are we?". Second, don't say desu. Third, work on that red mark and try to get rid of it. I know even if I was really digging a chick, if it's just during the dating phase I'd be apprehensive about kissing them given the mark. But she said yes to meeting up again. Make sure it's a date. Find the right moment to kiss her. If you can't, make the right moment. It's really now or never unless she's a really reserved kind of person.

>Make sure it's a date
How do I make sure it's a date? Last time we went hiking, going to ask to do that again cause restaurants are lame you just sit across from each other. I did reference it as a date after the fact in a non-cringy way (I think, won't bother with the context)
And yeah I need to see a dermatologist, it's been a month and a half. One of my bros said here taste this beer last time we chilled so I figured maybe it wasn't that noticeable

My current gf and I didn't kiss till our 5th date. Granted I'm terrible around women and she is inexperienced too. Though she has more confidence and initiated everything. I guess it depends on the girl. I personally would not want to kiss on the first date. Rather move slow and get to know the girl better before doing physical shit.

Lmao I've done this so many times and it has worked every time. Each girl has thought it was cute.

It depends entirely on the person you're out with.

Not exactly the same but
>be me
>cute girl in E&M class
>talk to her in class and outside of class
>generally nothing very personal because either we are in class or she was waiting for her friends amd they came over
>last week of class
>initiate conversation again
>talk a bit about what shes doing during the winter break
>she asks me what I'm doing and I reply "not much" and then proceed to ask her if she'd like to see me during the break
>"yeah if you want to" she says
>"I tell her we could go to Montreal etc."
>I ask her for her number and she puts it into my phone
>we talk for 5-10 minutes
>she was waiting for a friend again and she has to go
>three days later (now) I want to text her to ask her if she wants to study for our physics final
>pic (un)related happens
I read online that this is a common bug between android and iPhone users but what are the chances she gave me a fake? The first time I talked to her she blushed when she dropped her pen and the day after I asked for her number she blushed a lot although this time she was with friends. She blushed a few other times when I talked to her.

Alright just kidding lads, while I was trying to make pic related, instead of showing "cannot reply to this conversation" I can text normally. Now how do I not sound autistic? When I asked her for her number I stuttered and my voice was shaky. Any tips how to stop this?

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It did it again. I guess its just a bug.

Attached: Screenshot_20181208-224056_Messenger.jpg (1080x1456, 62K)

Woah this trips me out. I asked out this girl 2 days ago that I've known for a few months and she happily said yes and I just gave her my number since my phone was dead.

She still hasn't texted me and I was super confused why, maybe I typed my number in wrong, but maybe this is it because I know she has an iphone and I have an android...

can we sue these fuckers for inflicting emotional damage on us worrying that these girls played us?

My GF of 10 years always makes jokes about our first date and how she wanted to fuck the night of but I was being super safe and unassertive. We just hugged on our first date but had a small kiss at the end of our second. After that we kept making out and going to third base. She was really into me though and I never dated anyone since so Im at a loss for dating advice.

Two days is fine. I waited 3 days before texting. Of course, in my first message I made some grammar mistake just so I can look even more retarded than I already do. I made the equivalent of using you're instead of your. Someday my autism will push me to neck myself. Also, why would you give her your number? The odds that she texts you are much lower than if you text her yourself. Nonetheless, let's sue. You kys for added proof of emotional damage or I do it?

Fuck initiating a kiss. How do I initiate a hug on a first date even?!

>go for drinks
>see how the conversation is going, if you're "clicking"
>ask for her hands to read her palms or similar bullshit excuse to touch her
>see how comfortable she is with physical contact
>see if she's laughing at your stupid jokes
>if all of this goes well, go for walk
>say "well, I was gonna save this for when I walk you home, but I couldn't resist"
>go in for kiss

Probably was my smoothest ever. Met a girl off tinder, asked her to thumb wrestle. Let her win first one. Second time I said 'if I win this one I get to kiss you', she agreed and basically gave up straight away. Obviously led to sex0rz

How do I initiate a first date?

just b yurlsef

>I think I have something in my throat, but I have a severe back problem
>I'm going to need use to lock lips in order to remove the foreign object from my throat

Works every time

I've already been doing that, and I don't want to be anyone else. Now what?

Just ask her out bro. (Eventually someone will say yes, I recommend going for 2/10's)

>Nonetheless, let's sue. You kys for added proof of emotional damage or I do it?

give me another week or so of no text and I'll probably just stab myself with a kitchen knife

>Just ask her out bro.

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Ok. Here's a fact. There's a 99% chance she's gonna say no, it's the way it is. If she says yes you'll be pleasantly surprised and if the says no (the most likely outcome) you keep on going instead of torturing yourself over it.

See this is my problem. I know there's a 99% chance she's gonna say no, so I don't even see the point of asking.

You get that 1% missing to close the book. FEELS GOODMAN

Stay strong user, I am unironically getting no reply either. I still blame it on the bug but i'll just ask her before the exam. Best case scenario she didn't actually receive the message and I ace the exam, worst case scenario she ghosts me irl and I give everyone an A by killing myself in the bathroom.

Yeah but I don't even know 100 single women.

Depends on setting. If ur in a public setting like a bar theres more awkwardness for the first kiss, so wait untill ur more personal. (Outside for example).
When the setting is right u can joke a little or place a bet on something where u ask for a kiss if u win (this one is easy), or if she looks interested and she gives off good vibes you can even go for it out of the blue.
If no situation arises during the date or ur not sure what she's thinking, you can always go in for a kiss at the end of the date, she wont think its weird or creepy if she isnt interested, because its really normal for people who date to do that.

You don’t, women will let you know if they want a kiss if you pay attention to her hands pulling you in and looking at your lips. You could just lay a kiss on her cheek when you feel it’s right. If you end up making out, kiss her neck and nibble gently on her ear lobe.

Ask her back to your house at the end of the first date.
If she says no, just don't.

Don't, you'll have sexual assault charges pressed up against you. Focus on your professional career.