Is my bisexual friend trying to seduce me?

So my friend came out as bisexual to me and our other friends a few months back. He's a guy and I'm a straight guy, just to clarify.

Ever since he's came out, I've noticed him slightly making suggestive comments to me and it makes me uncomfortable sometimes. Such as:
- He always quotes the 21 Savage lyric "You can have the pussy, I want the face" (implying that he doesn't like pussy and only likes giving/receiving oral sex)
- He quotes the Kendrick Lamar line "Head is the answer, head is the future" (same as above)
- Whenever it's just me and him (usually smoking a joint) he puts on songs with very suspect lyrics, such as "It could be me and you forever baby, This could be forever baby"
- There's a few more examples but I'm blanking at the moment

Is he trying to seduce me? I don't know how I should handle this... I want to just straight up tell him that I'm not interested. But I don't want to make things awkward between us if i'm falsely interpreting this as him having an interest in me now that I know that he's bi, like a confirmation bias sort of deal. What to do, Jow Forums?

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Yesssssss he wants you.

No. You are being insecure.

Let him suck your cock, user


well if he's not experienced with guys keep in mind that he could be at babby levels of reading dudes sexually, for now I'd just try to make it completely impossible for him to misinterpret any situation. don't be insecure about it or overly defensive but don't act "gay for fun" like many str8 dudes do, maybe you can joke around with him like that in the future when he's more experienced.

I mean I'm a handsome guy so I don't blame him but I'm pretty sure he knows I'm straight, seeing as he knows that I've dated girls and knew my girlfriend when we all lived in the same dorm.

Should I just go for the straight up route and tell him that I'm flattered but not interested, and that we can stay friends? Or should I just ignore it

Thanks user, this is helpful

Look, straight guys are a fun challenge to bi guys.

They will resist and resist until one hot night when you’re both drunk, you’ll let him have a load.

Make him crossdress into a cute girl (male) and then let her suck your cock. You won't know until you try it

And it's not gay at all

What is with your guys' obsession with traps on here

Yes,he is trying to seduce your mind through songs.

Listen here, lad.
There's only two types of boys.
The ones who want to fuck girls (male) and the ones who want to be girls (male).
Everyone who says otherwise is deluded.

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At least you wouldn’t be a virgin anymore.

Stop hanging out with black people. You'll end up getting your neghole pozzed faggot

They've given up on women but not sex.

I don't really get what the big deal is.

I have a group of friends I've known for basically 3/4 of my life. One day one of my friends came out as gay. One of my friends got weirded out as all hell about it and basically would make constant homophobic remarks like he was afraid he was gunna get raped in his sleep or something.

Meanwhile, I give no fucks.

One day we all get drunk, gay friend and I share a bed. The thing my friend seems to be absolutely terrified about happens. I wake up to him climbing on top of me and asking if I want a blowjob. I say nah. He says you sure? What if you like it? I tell him I love him, but not in that. Go back to sleep.


He rolled back to sleep. So did I. Never been a problem since.

Even if your friend *is* making passes at you. So what.

Pro tip to life: Shit can't be awkward if you don't let it be.

>He always quotes the 21 Savage lyric "You can have the pussy, I want the face"

Your friend is fucking hilarious

Tell the fag to get back into the closet, in the sense that you do not want to hear about his deviance.

The average Jow Forums viewer has bad social anxiety. They got denied friendships and relationships constanlty, so they end up becoming desperate for any interactions

Traps, trannies, and/or gays are also desperate because there is so few of them compared to well-adjusted, straight people.

Now you know how girls feel.

He is trying to seduce you...he probably won't stop...drop him as a friend or at least going over to his house...

Yes, he is gay and all gays try to come onto all men. The only way to make him stop is to punch him hard and tell him no. You will most likely need to do it several times before he stops and goes to harass other men.