Real talk, how the fuck is anyone in a relationship ever depressed

Real talk, how the fuck is anyone in a relationship ever depressed...

Nothing can be more soul crushing (except maybe cancer or illness or something) then living life alone,

I don't know how much longer I can do...

Please, anyone tell me how can you have a girlfriend and ever not be happy?

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My boss frequently talks about how he’s bored in a relationship. He loves his girlfriend but I think he might have commitment issues, and I also think he might be settling. The simple answer is, they may just not be with someone they’re IN love with, you know?

I'm not even looking for love any more, Id be totally content with a woman who can just tolerate my penis in her for 5 minutes a month

Trust me dude, a lot of couples are see are fucking miserable. It's not that great if you force it, which I feel is something you would do if you ever get a chance to get a gf

I"m 30 and a virgin

this is a fucking walking death

it has to be better then this, anything has to be better then this

Heh. Loneliness is a simple pain with an obvious solution. Relationships can be complicated, and often trap you from the inside.

Yeah but not everyone thinks that way. They also have to put up with the bullshit their partner might give them. Relationships are complicated

what can happen thats so bad? if you have just a boring relationship like mentioned, thats still better then being alone

Depression in my case was 100% a brain imbalance thing. I stopped functioning, I broke up with my ex, I dropped out from University... There was no real reason although I always had a tough life with many shitty humiliating episodes. My brain simply cracked at some point.

Read relationship advice forums and you’ll get it. Some people are the scum of the earth, and then you realize a lot of fights are due to small shit, and a relationship can implode in seconds or years.

How many girls have you asked on date this year?

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Yeah I can't do that, because i see how awful some men can be...and then I think, they were still able to find a woman...and I can't, there fore,

I am a worse person to be with then a wife beater,

I am the scum of the earth

He probably has high functioning autism or crippling social anxiety. You posting this implying that you can ask out girls easily is just rubbing salt in his wounds, stop making these masturbatory posts. His best option might be suicide. Don't ever let yourself think you tried to be helpful.

I can't even approach women, whenever i talk to a woman my first instict is to just start apologizing for bothering her, I'm so fucking awful why would she even want to look at me?

That would the second one I have.

Well, it's not like you get into a relationship knowing without a doubt that the other person loves you. You shouldn't, anyways. People are only human. It can be exhausting to providing an enriching experience. Failure to perform up to expectations fills you with self-doubt, and makes you question the validity of the relationship. Insecurity riddles your mind with endless questions from the way that they phrase their sentences, to the music that they listen to. Every second is kept mentally, and anything that can't be accounted for is a question that may never be answered. Trust is exposing your back long enough for somebody to stick a knife into it. One moment can make you question years of memories you may have held dear, and every happy moment suddenly becomes another moment where you realize that you may have simply been living an ignorant lie. Sometimes the gravity of the reality of the situation sets in and you realize that the only real thing you have going for you are the unique memories you've created with that person.

I mean, I get the pain of being alone. I was alone for a long time. Being in a relationship is just a different pain. I guess it could be considered more wholesome, but I don't know. I think my girlfriend and I make each other a bit better. It's been a rough road to get there, though.

I dont care. What you described is consequence of X happened in your life. You need professional and reverse that X.

Pic related. Go fuck yourself. Posters like you are the worst. Go back to your containment board.

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hi, umm, I kinda sort of have schizophrena

Getting deep here, but I had this breakdown where I thought that I was a psychopathic child, who gave brain damage to a girl playing duck duck goose, pushed her sister infront of a car, and did other horrible things (mutilated a babys penis with scissors, punched multiple pregnant women, ect)

I had hallucinations and false memories that every time something good happened in my life one of my uncles (one of which I thought was the father of the two girls) would appear, tell me how they set me up to think something good happened, then punch me and knock me out.

I am taking 10 mg of Olanzipine (down from 20 over a period of 3 years since the break down)

Like literally every sucsess I've ever had with a girl, getting a date, everything, i thought it was all a ploy because with each girl I got a little further

ask a girl out for the first time...she stands me up, UNCLE "She never got a first date"

ask another girl out, don't get to walk her home "She never got to walk someone home"

Another girl, get invited to her bedroom to play playstation, I made a move and she rejected "She never got to get laid"

lmao go fuck yourself.
Thank you for proving me right.

Relationships are hard work m8, there can be lots of conflict and confusion and tough moments. You should listen more when other people talk about their problems instead of just being like "yeah well MY thing is worse!!!!"



Something is always better

>Nothing can be more soul crushing then living life alone,
How about being in a relationship but still living life alone, revealing that you're actually just incapable of connecting with people and thus condemned to this fate no matter what?

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The amount of ignorance behind "dating someone makes all my problems go away" is so staggeringly unapproachable that I've got absolutely no idea how to reply other than to point out the incredulity and narrow-mindedness.

I could cede a lot of points, but you're on some next level delusion if you're genuinely convinced that relationships annul depression and causes of depression. It's those flavour of statements, really, that tell me someone has no idea what depression really is... it speaks of someone who's entitled and not getting everything they want.

Whether or not that's you I won't say, but your statement is no less the talk of a complete dunce who's let sex replace most value in their life.

Whether that's true or not - "better" does not mean "easier." Loneliness is painful, but it's low-maintenance and stable. A relationship presents little problems and conflicts and misunderstandings every day. You might feel that your condition is worse, but relationships still present real difficulties and emotional ups and downs that need to be dealt with by the people involved. I don't know wtf you're expecting, of course people are wrapped up in their own problems just as much as you're wrapped up in yours. Are you expecting everyone to drop what they're doing and send you flowers in sympathy for your pain?

Abuse, emotional abuse, emotional manipulation.

that something could be worse. like a person with cancer is not better off because they have more body than a normal human. they are tumors and will kill the person. for this case the relationship won't fix the problems with the person and will just make life harder because it's added responsibility and on top of that the person who can't love themselves has to provide love for someone else. many people feel lonely in relationships, which is worse because you are obligated to that person.

You might not understand.
But its stressful, you’re basically responsible for them in some way and have to sacrifice your time for them often.
Youhave to keep the house cleaner, and take better care of yourself. The bed becomes smaller , and if they cheat on you your life is turned upside down as youd rather go sleep in a fucking ditch then share the house with that whore.

Women are like... immature men. Dont take them seriously.