>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
WH Public Pool:
>FLotUS Melania visits children @NIH 2/14/19
>VP Pence bilat w/Pol PM Morawiecki 2/14/19
>VP Pence @1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Site 2/14/19
>VP Pence bilat w/Is-ra-hell PM Bibi 2/14/19
>VP Pence/2nd Lady Wreath-Laying Ceremony @Ghetto Heroes Memorial 2/14/19
>VP Pence @ME Peace &Sec Ministerial 2/14/19
>SoS Pompeo Press Conf w/Pol FM Czaputowicz 2/14/19
>SoS Pompeo @ME Peace &Sec Ministerial 2/14/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/Is-ra-hell PM Bibi 2/14/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan Press Conf @NATO Def Ministerial 2/14/19
>NECDir Kudlow inside WH 2/14/19
>SpecRep4Venezuela Abrams @OAS Conf on Venezuela 2/14/19
>SOCOM/CYBERCOM Comms @Senate on Readiness 2/14/19
>Pres Trump @Law Enforcement Joint Conf 2/13/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania see off COL Pres Márquez/FLoC Sandoval 2/13/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania meet w/COL Pres Márquez/FLoC Sandoval 2/13/19
OP pastebin:
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lol today is going to be a complete shitshow in here
POTUS live at 9am et
>if you are, post pics of actual oven/bread setup now
No more /ptg/ threads on Jow Forums.
No one should be defending this. Go call the Whitehouse, for God's sake. Pray for Trump.
Pretending the wall wont get built is literally all they have left.
He will sign this treasonous bill and doom our nation forever.
My support of Trump ends today.
chokers and short hair, this is primo
wahh, by setup I mean your whole bread-making apparatus. also timestamps
After 10 am.
Holy shit you are not still shilling with this are you? Lol, you fucking retard
>based on information shared by the secretary of Health and Human Services.
>based on information shared by the secretary of Health and Human Services.
>based on information shared by the secretary of Health and Human Services.
>based on information shared by the secretary of Health and Human Services.
Just need to put this out there, since all the concern-trolls are forgetting it.
>based on information shared by the secretary of Health and Human Services.
>based on information shared by the secretary of Health and Human Services.
>based on information shared by the secretary of Health and Human Services.
Fuck you traitor. There’s no defending this bill.
it's a discussion thread about what the president does,you don't have to support the president to post in /ptg/,brainlet
>member of a household of a sponsor
Interpretated liberally (read 9th circuit) this could be anyone who stays over at a democrat's place or in those churches that house illegals
>not being a hyperbolic faggot means i'm defending the bill
>Call the WH
You silly, silly man. He wants this bill.
There’s no pretending you moron. It won’t be built. This bill gives liberal officials veto powers over where and when it can be built.
It's 10:00 A.M. ET
don't even bother.
brains have been fried, the cult is here
discord tranny, shill, etc.
They will get tired soon, Annkeks & other blackpillers inline with the shills
Two years boys, two years to bring the world to rights; an 8 month veto proof spending bill is nothing. 8 billion for the wall is enough, for now
There’s no hyperbole idiot. This bill will destroy America.
Fuck Trump and fuck you.
can we strop having these threads
Don’t forget any usage of we or us.
>current state of the right in America
How embarrassing!
10/10 profile.
A great example of European aesthetics. Too bad she's likely a dumb, vapid thot going by that hair tho.
>They will get tired soon
I thought that a week ago.
not a single person here is defending trump or the bill...some may be coping about it not being that bad,that's about it
The wall is meaningless now. Amnesty Don and his poison bill has given illegals an easy way to stay in America and flourish.
>It won’t be built.
>He'll be impeached.
>Mueller is going to find that Russian Collusion
>He'll never get enough delegates
Everything you've said for 3 years has been a lie, why would anyone believe you today?
>he thinks this means something
for the love of God stop coping and call your representatives
thats why its so bad, its essentially full support for all illegals living the country (and those wanting to come to)
Those that support this bill and the anti-Trump shills trying to shit up /ptg/ are both very tiresome.
6 month spending bill. Why no outrage at all the other shit bills in history? Why this particular one. Is it current year tier?
These threads need to stop.
>thinking some glorified park ranger will veto a national emergency
>can we strop having these threads
I honestly think that's what most of these Discord trannies are after.
Are you saying he is not a kike lover?
It’s almost as if it’s pissed off former supporters or something..
Stop trying to spin asshole. This bill is indefensible and you know it.
>>They will get tired soon
>I thought that a week ago.
how new are you this is not pussy tape or sacred airfield in Syria levels yet let alone after iowa caucus
reminder that the GOP is supposed to cling to losing principles or else they’re being inconsistent which is very important according to their mortal enemies
who else here /americafirst/??
i know u fags hackered my phone so.. just tell me what u got on me, i have been a good ptg contributer and u should afford me at least that...
/PTG/ is kikes pretending to be le patriotic americans
>Trump very much wants a WIN for his base
>but signing the bill would be a minor win and a major loss for his base
after he signs it, it should be made a Jow Forums specific rule of no /ptg/
It's what they've wanted for a very long time. It's never going to happen (well, maybe 6 years from now) but they're just hoping today might be the day anyone gives a fuck about what they have to say (it's not).
fuck you,trump and your hysterical faggotry
>a stipulation on which the entire bit hinges means nothing
Go on.
Nicker reporting in
No one here is a patriot you dumb shill faggot
Have you even read it? Have you even followed the conservative news? No one supports this bill.
are conservatives really that desperate for right wing blacks? Or are they just jumping at the chance of hiring what they've always imagined a stereotypical black woman acts like? Being women, I can only assume they are merely acting to make money off desperate losers
based wignats
literally a black belt in dick sucking
What does this mean?
Honestly, the more they act like this, the more it makes me want to just spite them.
Clearly you’re a laughable idiot who hasn’t read a word of this bill.
>This bill is indefensible
EVERY budget for 40 YEARS has been indefensible.
>but if Trump doesn't veto it and keep the government shut down for the next 2 years so Tulsi can win, HE'S A KEK
I see you, shill.
Trump is an open borders cuck. back door amnesty and open borders for anybody coming with a kid. cannot deport, cannot detain is fucking amnesty
>but 8 billion
fuck that it isn't going to build the entire wall or fence or nothing. they will cross be sent to a fucking center and shipped out. say hello to millions of welfare illegals. fuck that nigger, burn in hell
Just a reminder that it's 10 AM and not 9 AM
>Have you even followed the conservative news?
>not a single person here is defending trump or the bill
Let's not lie, for the last few days I've seen boomers dotting in and out and trying to claim this is a victory without knowing anything about the bill at all. The cope in itself is a form of support
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality."
do explain to me, smug groyper, how such a menial and irrelevant part of the bill somehow turns this hemlock into syrup
Yeah because anyone who disagrees with a bill that will destroy America is a discord tranny
>this is objectively true. Trump really ought to 180 back into aggressive anti-immigration rhetoric and go on the warpath (especially against the GOPe and corporate establishment). Maybe he took the blackpill and has given up on saving the country like he desired in 2015/16. idk. What I've been saying for a while, especially since the midterms, is that subversives within the grassroots like Shapiro have been allowed to fester and lead the base away from holding Trump accountable to his policy promises, and towards cheering on the Reagan-Bush policy agenda as if it were Trumpian. This in turn allowed more weight to subversives within the whitehouse to convince Trump to buckle on issues that seemingly the base stopped caring about. If worms like Charlie Kirk are leading thousands of retards into supporting the bill, and boomers don't really understand whats going on, what incentive does he have? Ann Coulter screeching? Things are bloody dire right now. Pray for Trump.
I agree. We need a veto on this swamp bill.
When will you Zion Don retards go back to redddit?
>pissed off former supporters
Nah. It's a shitload of 1pbtid, Kevin on different proxies, and a bunch of Trannies that have been spamming for quite a while.
Welcome to /ptg/, enjoy your stay.
Don’t worry they’ll either have to shit up the threads to pretend they are being raided after 10 AM or the amount of ez supporters will overwhelm the place shitting on them. Either way it’s going to be unusable.
Can the Civil war kick off already? The waiting is the worst part.
>how's it going fellow cis scum Trumptards
hope the septic shock hits you hard
when will Fincucks go back to asia?
>I used to be a trump supporter but now I'm haggard for gabbard
Yeah I've heard this line before and it wasn't convincing the first billion lines you dumbfuck. ANYONE who has actually browsed Jow Forums at any point in the past 4 years would never identify themselves as a "former Trump supporter" merely because they'd be familiar with the "former trump supporter here" meme. You are SO fucking bad at trying to subvert and shill it's almost like you're shit at it on purpose.
>intentional ellipses
Get the fuck out
Using HHS data, you will get it eventually. Just read the FUCKING BILL.
You do understand that the ultimate goal of this raid is the extermination of ptg, right?
this is probably the first time a fuckload of people are reading a spending bill, they think that this has any power other than saying how this budget is allowed to be used.
>But the part where it says this act and any other act
Again, its all about budget allocation, it cannot dictate how ICE operates.
>based on information shared by the secretary of Health and Human Services.
Which, to refresh people's memories, is Alex Azar who Trump is very happy with and very much pro-Trump. HHSSec Azar is currently shitting all over Big Pharma, and they are none to happy. He, also, seems to have a good relationship with DHSSec Nielsen since they've had to work together regarding UAMs and other humanitarians issues currently with illegals. It looks like both those departments will be working even closer now
tell yourself that
No, sorry.
I'm not impressed with these discord trannies and their reddit tier 'downboat' tactics. If they want to shill, they're going to have to step up their game. I want some VPN explosions.
And they get another 3 Billion with this new bill. That’s how you know he will sign it.
The entire last thread and this thread so far is full of people outright defending.
And this thread will be full of it also, just wait
people don't cope for trump,brainlet.....they cope for themselves
>how new are you this is not pussy tape or sacred airfield in Syria levels yet let alone after iowa caucus
There's a yuge difference.
Back then, it wasn't shills pretending to be "concerned former Trump supporters." It was just a bunch of people telling us what they thought was "horrible" about Trump, which we all loved about him.
> or any other Act
> or any other Act
> or any other Act
> or any other Act
Not my fault you're a brain-deficient toad, kike bootlicker.
> or any other Act
> or any other Act
> or any other Act
No, sorry.
>bumps /ptg/ to the top of the catalog every day
>it is now more popular than ever
>"haha epic raid guys"
Still not convinced hes going to sign it. Pulling something at the last minute and having the media go in to a complete fucking meltdown is more of his style.
Satan, is that you?
Whose going to fight it? The side controlled by israel or the other side controlled by israel?
They think they can concern troll people off of Jow Forums. Imagine being that much of a reddit.
Let's get real these people have been losing since forever and today is no different from yesterday or tomorrow. Trump could discover a trillion dollars in lost gold and use it to fund an AI that hunts and removes beaners from the US with impunity and they'd claim he wasted the money that could have been spent "sticking it to the rich" (or something, since apparently they believe Trump ran on hiking taxes for the rich rather than closing loopholes)
You'd have to be a real cock-sucking faggot to still support this kosher puppet.