Project: Maximum trigger

Imagine you have 150000$ to buy an ad on national tv to specifically trigger feminists. Which slogan or image would you use?
Note that it will not be televised if it is obviously marked as hated speech, so the message has to be seemingly innocent in order to be impactful.

Attached: trigglypuff.gif (480x427, 3.62M)

“It’s ok to be white”

It’s been proven to annoy the fuck out of them and redpill normies.

>150000$ to buy an ad on national tv

A 2 second advertisement? uhhh Just text that says: (((They want us dead))) and shows wholesome white families. 2 seconds is not a long time, but for that, quite sufficient.

I like the way you think, Straya.

Obvious slide thread

"Sandwiches: They Don't Make Themselves" by the National Sandwich Council, featuring smiling dutiful housewives lovingly making sandwiches and handing them to their husbands and children.

A family insurance ad with an aryan family.

"Stay on the defensive only, goy!"

I'd do a soap AD and show some smelly jews and a nice white family teaching kids to take showers everyday

Make a long ad thats just a guy at the office kindly opening doors for women and helping them carry heavy stuff, and them getting bitchy about it. Make them all fat or jewy or pink haired. Then he arrives home to his trad wife, blond, blue eyed, skinny, and his two kids. Trad wife asks him for help opening a jar and kisses him when he does it, says "don't knkw what id do without you" or whatever. End with the message about how true masculinity is being a man all the time, even when it isnt appreciated