Moved from /b/ - need information on a guy

Alright Jow Forums i have a non-conventional issue at hand. I recently found out that my mother, who has been married to my father for 23 years, has been texting on her phone with another man.

Now, the only information on this scum bag i have right now is his Whatsapp number. is there anything i can do with it? i need to found out his name and address, how can i do that?

Attached: images.jpg (275x183, 10K)

Maybe google search the phone number; most people have their numbers attached to social media accounts.

Break into the phone. old people are fucking stupid and dont know how to secure shit.

You can also go down the list, from twitter to Facebook to Instagram to tinder so on so forth.

WhatsApp number? Sounds underaged...

Let us know what you find out OP

>This scumbag
Your mother is the scumbag in this situation

>the guy is a scumbag
>not calling your mom a stupid whore

I bet you're a woman

well i cant deny that but its still my mum, i cant attack her. she is the kind of person who will deny everything, even if they proof is right in front of her.

this is what i was thinking about if i cant do anything with the whatsapp number i have currently. i just have to go through the texts and all the images they have been sending back and forth. i really didn't want it to come to this because i REALLY don't wanna look at the images in particular..

there must be another way, if i do find this guys real phone number and name, how can i find more information on him. i need enough material so i can really spook him before i actually hit him up
i don't want to hurt him, i just want him to leave us alone.

Sorry to break it to you OP, you might be kind of young to understand human mating kinetics, but it is most definitely your mom seeking attention. A guy will go wherever there’s an open port. If she wants to get cock she will get it and there is nothing anybody can do to stop her.

How about you download the images here and we tell you what they are, that way you don’t have to look at them


the thing is, im the only one so far that knows about it. my mum is selfish in that way (i honestly don't know if every woman is like this) and she doesn't seem to care if she is potentially hurting the family, especially my father. maybe she thinks she can get away with it but its better if i try and put a stop to this before anything big happens

even if i cant do anything, i just wanna try for my peace of mind

Dad didn’t drink or smoke, he went to work and came home every day. Mom took my brother and I across state lines and hooked up with a scumbag drug dealer who ended up beating and raping her. Moved out of state. She hooks up with a 21 year old.

this is what im afraid of. my dad is the same and despite everything he has done. i mean, my mum has literally stayed home all her life. she goes out with friends, has a really care-free life because of him. and now she pulls this without any regards.

im willing to do a lot to stop her because i know she wont. yea if im successful she might look elseware but im too afraid of what happened to your dad, mum and you

Try to get as much evidence as you can as fast as you can.
You NEED to protect your father from any divorce-lawsuit he may face, when your whore of a mother decides she needs to "be unchained" again.
It will give her a lesson, safe at least the basic things your father has worked for to himself and it gets you to stay with your father, instead of your mother who might bring back a man that is not that nice to you.

thanks for the advice. i guess ill have to rummage through her phone and get out as much as i can. lets see where this goes...

I bet the guy is single too

Godspeed user.

OP, my father discovered my mom was cheating and I got to read in graphic sexual detail she and her lover discuss how well he fucked her so that sweet mom of yours isn't sweet but a typical tramp.

But, know your mom and mine aren't the only cheaters out there. Most married women fuck around but the husband never knows.

To your issue though and this is what my father did to find out whom, how, where and when she was hooking up and it wasn't by looking for the guy, he followed my mom.

I'll say it again. Follow your mom, monitor her whatsapp and she will call his name or make a reference about who he is, think a little about where you know she goes, who she meets and you'll find out quicker.

Just accept that if she wasn't open for business no guy could shop so its not the guys fault. He's just going for easy pussy and she's offering.

>anything I can do with it
>follow your mom

Here's an idea - have you two tried minding your own fucking business? Seriously what the hell makes you feel so entitled to tell other people what they should do with their genitals? Did your moms get up your ass for not screwing your partners exclusivley in missionarry for the purposes of procreation? No. So get out of your mom's ass and fuck off, let people screw who they want to screw and worry about your own shit

Shut up MOM

Ur fucked, get into her phone and see if she sent nudes, if yes then post them here and everyone wins.

Its not just fucking but betrayal, deceit and lies so I want to know from you. Is it ok to deceive, betray and lie to anyone for any reason or do you think if genitals are involved you get a pass? Thats exactly your position. My genitals so I can do whatever I want. That is also a way to justify rape or anything for that matter.

OP, if you really want to do that, I'd suggest simply catfishing the guy. Get a reasonably hot picture and add him on whatsapp. Take it slow, create a believable story, and you'll get everything you need in no time.