I'm killing myself because I have autism and I've realized that I'll never be stable enough to have a family

I'm killing myself because I have autism and I've realized that I'll never be stable enough to have a family.

I don't mean the meme form of autism that gets touted on Jow Forums, I mean the actual condition. No women will ever love someone as emotionally unstable and neurotic as me.

I've told most of my family that I'll be gone soon and I plan to off myself this weekend. I don't really need advice I just feel like telling you guys that I loved Jow Forums and am glad I've spent the last 8 years on this shitty website. The cynicism and counterculture on here really speaks to me.

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I'm not saying I could put myself in your shoes or anything like that, but suicide is always a bad option. Move away, take to studying something you find interesting, fuck if I know. There's an endless world of possibilities out there. Even if you're autismo - what the fuck does it matter?

You've convinced yourself that you're inferior because of your condition, but your condition is not to blame. What is to blame is you, blaming your condition.

How old are you even OP? Happiness comes from improvement of the self - even the fucking ancient Greeks understood this. List your problems and work on them. Happiness will come over time. Is it difficult? Fuck yes. But just by taking that step, you'll be superior to 75% of people out there, autism or not.

> No women will ever love someone as emotionally unstable and neurotic as me
You've convinced yourself this state is eternal, and as suck it probably will be. Unless YOU do something about it. Break your own self-fulfilling prophecy, OP. Beat the world.

Good luck, make sure you really die.
I am envious of every suicide, I am not ready to hurt myself yet!

Please do not kill yourself. Your family love you.

I don't have sympathy for people with a binary view on life anymore. A lot of people think they're either good or bad, autistic or not autistic. It's so stupid. Do you know what autism is? Have you bothered to learn or did you just accept your diagnosis as permanent and unchangeable? Autism is a spectrum and you can make positive changes to lessen the symptoms.

People with autism are famous for being obsessive. Why don't you obsess about the science of autism and what can be done for it?

You seem too sharp to be autistic. Not even a single typo from your keyboard shorting out on your drool. Are you sure about the diagnosis?

>No women will ever love someone as emotionally unstable and neurotic as me.

So? Lol. I'm sure there are women out there, but your "standards" are probably too high. And killing yourself because you care about what others think of you is stupid. Live for yourself and have fun, there's endless fun things to do in the world.

I like you. This is some really good advice and I hope a lot of people read and resonate with it. You're 100% right.

Good advice, smart way of thinking

Proud of you user. Wish I had the balls to do the same. People like us simply don't fit in, not in this society, not in this world. It's okay, you're going to a better place now. Godspeed user.

You and me both frend
>You shouldn't look at it so binary!
>Meanwhile the entire world only sees in binary
Well good to know you don't have sympathy for the world.

>No women will ever love
You are looking for an impossibility, don't kill yourself over it.

Do a flip, faggot.

Relax dude u dont need normies to like or love you,

Let them lead their miserable consumerist lives.

The autists are meant to vibrate on a higher level than the brains of neurotypicals. There are other autists and non-neurotypicals which u can connect fine with.

For your depression take microdoses of psychedelics,
Eat organic meat twice a day,
Do sports every other day,
Vaporize organic cannabis in the evening.

Your life will be as good as new!

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Date women with autism


This. I found a guy who seems to have autism and I feel more comfortable and at home than I have ever felt with anyone. I think he feels comfortable too.

Goodbye user. Don't fuck up your death, make it quick and painless.

Not OP but I was wondering, are there any people with autism that have achieved success in life? I mean career and money-wise, I'm not really interested in family and relationships.

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Yes, lots. The issue is that most don't

The same can be said about normies. Could you name some btw?

Well there is temple grandin. She is an animal behaviour expert

There's more than 4 billion women in the world, there will always be one that will let you breed her

Joke on you OP, there are women out there who fall for autists. I'm one of them - for some reason I only like guys who turn out to have autism or asperger's.

visit the Philippines, they beg you to marry their daughters