Webm is relevant to the subject

why is it that the west stands for sexual freedom in the form of overt sexuality and lack of shame?

kids are now coming out of high school, thinking androgyny is normal and changing your gender or being non-hetero is also normal. see tiktok where even 12yos claim to be one of the letters of LGBT.

this is not extremely new of course, the greeks and romans were this way as well, so is this change the "west" going back to the norms of those days or is this something else?

Attached: 1521972374092.webm (800x480, 2.21M)

Other urls found in this thread:


if my kid turns into a fag or nigger lover, I'll just disown and disinherit them.
Have fun being homeless.


not even a drop in the bucket. I'm talking western society at large.

All it is, is a minority being given a loudspeaker from the media and politicians.

I remember back in 2010 this was just something people laughed at. Then suddenly 2 years later it became as big as a national crisis. By 2015 saying a bad word and saying wrong pronoun was frowned upon.

In my opinion, this "change" in thought/opinion didn't come naturally and people didn't choose it. Instead some extremely clever people found a way to feed it into the brains of the masses and they fell for it.

But even then, it's still a minor issue that is being overblown. If you actually go outside and interact with people, people still laugh at this shit like it was 2010. Yet, on the internet and on the media, it seems as you are the minority instead and you will be scolded if you laugh about this stuff.

I'd fuck them.

Attached: y.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

How is it even possible for a man to get such tits?

fake tits. same way flat girls get big tits.

that women has a penis

Jow Forums has the best trap porn on Jow Forums.

Attached: 1469348840746.gif (300x225, 1.92M)

There should be scars though, from the implants.

Hereonneptune aka Daisy Taylor

video is potato quality

Sauce reeee

Hormones will give some tranny queers tits. I normally fap off to this shit daily but 2 days no fap and I'm already feeling sick that I know this much about degenerate trannies

what's her name?

how could you even fap to another man, user? Unless you're a faggot.

>see tiktok where even 12yos claim to be one of the letters of LGBT.
You mean like claiming to be B for Ben Shapiro? I don't think that really counts.

"He" is British of course he's a faggot.

Attached: Average Englishmen.jpg (432x284, 59K)


>I normally fap off to this shit daily
checks out

no you fag

Attached: 1520969175499.jpg (723x1024, 94K)

As if you weren't watching the amazing atheist and sargon of akkad as an edgy 15 year old.


armpit scars > underboob scars

>That man has tits
We need to fix this otherwise you're falling for their trap.
(Pun intended)

Attached: 1198364093.png (1210x881, 1.01M)

Yeah those people live in a bubble. Their numbers are going down.

I would

you are retarded. Kids still call other kids faggots and homos, it’s just that they aren’t allowed to do it freely anymore

Holy shit. I just fapped tho

Attached: 4aac2b61-6285-46a3-b513-79c7305d0d6b.jpg (872x480, 21K)

they call themselves pansexual and queer

I got a membership to Bailey Jay's website and feel like a degenerate.

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Why do you care so much? You idiotic faggots screech endlessly about "muh freedom," but then you get pissed when fags fuck each other.

News flash dumb nigger, most people don't care at all what fags and traps do.

>kike suggests Greeks and Romans has lgbt month

this. but honestly i think it's mostly just psychological projection. for fucks sake, look at the webm that OP clearly has saved on his computer. the kid is clearly a little queerboy. pic related, as is the following:


Attached: 1536069998952.jpg (808x773, 95K)

Kill yourself

You kikes are dooming yourselves further and further into extinction

t. scum


?? you're a flaming closet case, and this is the best you can come up with? look at you (pic related once again), no wonder you turn your sexual attention to men when no woman would want a pathetic excuse for a """man""" like you, kek

Attached: 1546534025234.jpg (576x1024, 50K)


Attached: 1491985156267.jpg (600x600, 69K)

fuck your stupid religious morals amd associated shame and fear.

puberty has always started in children. trannies need doctors and pills before their natural puberty begins.

cry more :(

why do jannies take so long to delete threads like this

>thinking androgyny is normal
>12 year olds are saying they're part of the LGBT
I knew I was when I was 13.

Thank you, very little people seem to care about their and other's freedom. It's kind of insane how we're alive at a time where people actively march to rid themselves and others of their rights.

Probably because of them made it. Seems like a raid thread.

>on reddit


one of them*

What to send me the best shit so I can webm it?

I don't really know what to make of it. On the one hand, I'd welcome a return to more pagan roots (though I think that's really a stretch; these people aren't concerned with that at all afaik); but I also value personal freedom of people to do what they want with their life/body. However, the effects of this change in society don't seem to be positive at all. The suicide rate for trans-folk is really high, and there's a lot of delusional thinking (people aren't just playing a different gender, or transforming themselves into something unrecognizable by surgery, but are actually claiming falsities about their identity).

Civilization's first line of defense is morality. These are internalized lessons which result in guilt when violated. Civilization's second line of defense is ethics. These are more or less explicit codes of conduct in various social situations which can guard against a failure of morals. Civilization's third line of defense is shame, which guards against those who cannot feel guilt due to pathology, which today is primarily narcissism but may be other things like sociopathy. Civilization's last line of defense is rule of law, in which the State uses force to suppress those without morals, ethics, or shame.

When that fails, there is no civilization.

>this shit is allowed in this board

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