How to get over the fact that u didn't have sex in your teens

how to get over the fact that u didn't have sex in your teens

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just have sex in your 20's.

i hate to do this but literally /thread

Nothing that happened in your teens matters

Just decide never to have sex ever. That's what I did.

It's not even anything to get over. Alot of people don't have sex in their teens. I had sex regularly since i was 13 and it's nothing special really, only for ego boosting


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IDk man. my all time best memory is when a girl sucked my dick when i was 14

I didn't get laid until I turned 23
Nothing wrong with it. It feels good but shouldn't be something to worry so much about. Fag

There's nothing to get over. You'd be asking how to get over having had sex in your teens and not saving it for a real committed relationship if you did have sex in your teens.

I have since more than compensated. It helped to get out of my parents house because they wouldn't let me date until I was 18. I could have a guy over but my parents had to be in the room so I never bothered and I could meet guys in a group.

Freshman year of university I went away and immediately had my choice of guys to date, including sex.

Hey, anyone can buy a hooker. There's no such thing as an incel.

Oh i thougt yous was a dude

No one but the guys and my university friends know I date and have sex. My parents think no guy has ever touched me but not naive enough to think I haven't gone on dates since I'm 18. I don't let them know I see different guys though, they think its only one guy but that is causing a slight problem, they want to meet him.

But why is a guy not a whore if he does the same thing as me?

I was joking but i have an explanation.
My theory is that when a guy has sex, he has acomplished something. He has achieved something he has worked for.
When a girl has lots of sex she has let herself go and let herself be used. It's fucked up but it's all in our biology

Rules for men and for women are different. Being upset about this is like being upset that water makes you wet and that fire hurts. I don't mean that in an insulting way more than I mean it in the sense of being an exercise in futility, a raging against a nature that doesn't care about equality and feelings. It's so integral to the gender relations it's not something that can ever be wished away no matter the social engineering attempted. You're not a whore if you sleep with someone you date, but if you're dating a bunch of guys and sleeping with them concurrently then that's whorish behavior.

that's not how biology works at all though. It is how society works however

Because it is a man's evolutionary impulse to impregnate as many women as possible. That is their mating strategy. It has to do with the varying cost and risks of copulation for either sex. A woman's instinct is, or rather should be, to be selective with their sexual partners. Women who sleep around are aberrant biological specimens, and evoke a visceral reaction of disgust in all men when they consider the woman as a long term partner. No competent man will ever want to wife you as a result of your promiscuous nature, so you will now either die alone, have a relationship predicated on falsehood, or end up marrying a spineless low-value man.

A key that opens many locks is a master key. A lock that is opened by many keys is a shitty lock. Women are gatekeepers of sex while men are the gatekeepers of commitment. Women who sleep around and act slutty with many men are like men who take many women out on expensive dates but can't bed them afterwards, ie pathetic. Getting laid is only difficult for men, that is why men who can sleep around are respected. Any woman can get laid, as the majority of men have very low standards when it comes to sex. So the act of sleeping around isn't impressive for a woman, merely disgusting.

You don't, it's like someone in your family died. You slowly get over it. My entire life is fuckin garbage, I'm like the opposite of anything good as a person. So I'm just gonna quit literally everything that's even a little bad and hope for the best. And I'm gonna start going back to church even though I don't really believe, it's just a better community to be around. I could try to hang out with my classmates, they're cool and good but I'm always ditching class and being retarded.

I'm not troubled by that fact so I don't need to 'get over it'.

when I have sex we both let ourselves go, unless you consider exerting yourself having sex as accomplishing something. You're weird, I don't get what you are saying.

So, single me, accepts dates from a lot of single guys I like and they like me and we have fun but I don't have sex with all of them, I'm still a whore because I may go out with x and then y two days later and then have sex with a guy z I met at a party the next week?

The past is the past. Don't let the past affect the way you see your future, be strong and harden the fuck up. You have your whole life ahead of you.

>Women who sleep around are aberrant biological specimens
So that would also apply if she was raped by multiple men over time which was how men spread their seed, you know their evolutionary impulse.

>biology is somehow isolated from “society”

Can this meme die already? What the fuck do you think made us organize societies tge way they are? What was the source of how we invented norms?

I can't get over

Promiscuous men and women are both disgusting.

A dude has to
>ask a bunch of girls out
>get rejected most of the time
>spend money on 2-3 dates for each of the few girls that accept
>further go through the whole song and dance of initiating
>then maybe one of the girls will have sex with him
Obviously if he's a decent human being this is happening one girl at a time, but I'm condensing it for clarity.
Realistically, sex is a man convincing a woman to let him put his dick in her.

ok but I don't think I'm promiscuous

How many people have you had sex with over the past year?

You're being stupid, not everybody is going to go out with just anyone or if they do any guarantee you have a good time or make it home safely.

I'll give you annoying but not work but its annoying like needing to charge my phone all the time. I have to do it though or I can't use my phone.

The only person that knows that is me and its staying that way. Like I said, my friends and the guys I have slept with know I have sex but its no ones business with whom/or whom-else or frequency.

>not everybody is going to go out with just anyone or if they do any guarantee you have a good time or make it home safely.
Hence why women aren't "supposed" to have a lot of partners. You're expected to carefully select the good ones only. You may not like it, but this is why it is.

Ok, just know what the definition of promiscuous is, because it seems to apply to you judging from your earlier post .

thats not what you mean really is it user? you want me to wait for only you but I'm supposed to know its you before you even know its me as you sleep around trying to find your assigned at birth virgin.

Thats not happening

you mean defined by you, as in a number? But I'll throw you something to get upset over. I've had sex with more than one guy and it felt wonderful every time and I'm certain I'm going to do it again, maybe even tomorrow night and the guy doesn't even know yet. Its gonna be a surprise.

No. Personally I don't really care about a woman's partner count, though I'd slighty prefer a non virgin.

If you wanted a specific number I couldn't give it to you without knowing more about your sex life, such as whether the times you had sex were within a relationship or not. Something feeling good is not a reason do that thing when it comes with negative consequences. I really do not care about the sex life of a complete stranger, it just confused me that you didn't think you were promiscuous when you actually were.

>negative consequences
like what negative consequences, there is no law against it, it doesn't hurt anyone and no one else knows

Sex outside of marriage is a sin.

says who? bunch of old men that mess with kids?

God proclaimed that sex without marriage is a sin.

>I have a theory that I'm always right and you're always a whore

As a 26 year old attractive man with an active sex life (I basically fuck every weekend from chicks I pick up at bars or meet online). Nothing will ever beat the first time I had sex at age 14 with my current gf at that time who was also 14.

She had come over to my house on the weekend that my parents were out of town. We had no preparation whatsoever other than the typical sex ed class, and a promise that we would have sex. I recall how we spent hours exploring each others bodies, learning about one another, touching and feeling each others warmth and softness. I kissed her everywhere that I could, and I felt safe asking her questions, and she asked me questions, as we both tried to figure out what the hell we were doing.

I keep remember how soft and tight her skin felt, and how she whimpered the first time I thrust into her, and I assured her that it would be alright. She kept asking me if I loved her, and at that point I thought I really did, so I answered her as such. Eventually we caught our rhythm, and we did it over and over again throughout the entire day until she went home.

I can still remember vividly the both of us nude and embracing together under my sheets. I wanted that moment to never end. It was genuine love, and innocent even, something I can never capture again now that i've banged countless of them.

Of course i lost her later that year, but I'm always gonna remember my first time as the best ever.

I'm 26, the usual khhv whatever.
I'm actively working on getting my life on track. Is it even worth trying?

not really, unironically consider kys

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Thats a nice theory but it's not what i said

The past is set in stone and tomorrow isn't promised so focus on today. What do you want to do today? Every time you start feeling regret about the past refocus your mind with this question.

Stud is hard slut is easy...ever see a fat ugly stud but a far ugly slut yes

Not much time left either...

I'm 22, KHHV, incel. I couldn't care less about foids or sex.

My problem is the crushing realization that life is inherently meaningless, that I must create my own meaning, that I'm condemned to be free, and that I'm afraid and can't seem to settle on something.

I wasted my 20s wallowing in apathy

Get married so you can fuck whenever you want for years and years. Agree early on that you never ever say no to each other unless one of you is sick, then get in bed and do it even when you aren't in the mood. Just do it because it's good for you. Getting naked together and making out will make you horny, that's how it all started.

After years and years of this you're not going to remember what it was like not having sex. You might even look back fondly on that time because it will be completely alien to you.

I've never had sex before. Im 27, I'm worried that this will continue and its making me anxious. I don't know what to do.

>couldn't care less about sex
Seems to be a contradiction here.

Also, would you prefer that someone/something else was your meaning? That's what cults/religion/ideology/etc are for!

Count your blessings that you weren't sucked into a pit before you knew better, and make a voluntary decision to wait until marriage now that you do know.
>Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."
>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."

>But why is a guy not a whore if he does the same thing as me?
Because "whore" applies to females. I call them manwhores, and they will be lined up right next to you as the degenerates they are.

Why does it make you anxious?

Sex isn't that great. Nothing in life is that good actually. Personally I enjoy having a nice hot meal and relaxing in front of the computer. All sex gets you is stds and drama. Consider yourself lucky you didn't impregnate anyone in teens. Those bastards are wishing they hadn't been so foolish.

bro buy a hooker

Just remember that sex is nothing like porn. You don't really have to be good at it, because most girls are terrible at it. Just stop watching porn and maybe you will be less nervous about it.