Selena Gomez

so this devout christian girl posts a random pic of some unimportant shit and gets 13 million likes in less than a fucking day. (and thats only counting instagram)

This girl have literally more social power than the God Emperor and Putin put together. Not only that, virtually her entire base is zoomers

what do we make of this?

Attached: Skjermbilde.jpg (881x525, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Just shows how cancerous is the NPC mass

>roasties exude social power over social media
glad someone finally points that out.

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That people don't really deserve to be saved. That's why we should build a colony in Mars and spread a selective virus on Earth to kill (((them))) along with the NPCs and other vermin. Then wait a few generations for Earth to heal itself.

Social media needs to be shut down. The meltdown would be glorious.

I think the reason she isn’t so big is because she’s “apolitical”
I put the quotes there because I’m more than sure she would virtue signal if given the chance for the left.

The only way we can leverage her is if we turned her into some kind of symbol/synonymous for an aspect of our cause. Kind of like Taylor. Then she would serve the purpose of being a sort of net to bait normies into looking more into that topic.

But realistically? Forced memes are dumb, so unless she says something about Zionism, making her a fitting symbol to leverage her zoomed following is not likely.

An example of what I mentioned is with Trump. The left made him a symbol of “Facisim” so many people who liked Trump then we’re more open to investigate what facism is.

A great thing to do would be to turn Ilhan into a symbol of the JQ, then her followers would investigate it and be more open to looking into what they agree with it.
Good thread OP

She is also big because she is a beautiful ex-child star and that she doesn't post often on Instagram. She probably posts once every two weeks, so when she does post a photo there will be news articles. Her rarely posting on Instagram also makes people want to follow her more, which is why she is in the top 3 most followed people.

Very good point. Scarcity is a very important marketing concept.

Good points.
I honestly dont think she's ever going to be a trumpet for the leftists in america. and seeing how much the left hates Jesus I think its more likely she'll be drawn to the conservative side of politics.
I know she is latina and all but she's only hanging out with whites virtually 24/7
>she doesn't post often on Instagram
she had a break from instagram a couple of months to focus more on her Christianity she said.
She just came back now and will probably start posting more frequently

that last part was meant for

Da masses be retarded yo, I been done tellin u dat shit fo years but you ain't listen.


Ohh see I didn’t know that about her break. Also I forgot that she was Christian. That all by itself is a great influence on the youth.

Maybe she can be leveraged as a good Christian symbol. Although I’m worried that Zionist’s would immediately try hard to subvert her image.

A lot of the kids I work with always mention how Chris Pratt is a Christian. So I know celebrities being open Christians do serve an important role in giving a sort of confidence in young people’s faith. If she could do that, it would be very useful.

12 year olds and bots. Literally not important.

If you’re on any social media platform, you’re part of the problem..

I also want to bump this thread by pointing out that in modern society we have a lot of social symbol vacuums. Meaning people who can be pointed to for the embodiment of example of virtues that we want to instill in our societies.

Right now, athletes seem to be the leaders when it comes to “role models” but for me that isn’t good enough. Role models used to be people we could look to for an example of an ideal of character to strive for, that’s not what I think of when I see athletes other than their dedication to training. Which is admirable but empty compared to Marcus Arelius or Andrew Jackson.

It seems that the term role models has been watered down heavily. It means less than it used to. And the people who are seen/pushed as role models today are actually just progressive activists that only stand on their egalitarian ideas for their claim to fame rather than actual actions themselves.

So Jow Forums, who are people you would consider good role models? Doesn’t need to be modern people, but I would be interested to hear that too.

>what do we make of this?
Children are idiots?

>Also I forgot that she was Christian.
Yeah shes actually become an extremely devout Christian recently. even made Christian songs:

and yeah, just look at Chris Pratt or Mark Wahlberg, how theyre constantly hated by leftists for their Christian faith. People like that are never going to support leftist causes.. Same goes for Selena.
The greatest redpillers are leftists themselves, lol

>12 year old followers
>political movement

>free market/capitalism is bad when girls do it

18 year olds*
and even if they had been 12 year olds it would still be way more important than a bunch of (((millenials)))
"Those who win the youth wins the future"



This bitch is brainwashed and programmed by Disney satanist pedos, and also the Christian group Hillsong that she belongs to is a child abuse cult.

Selena is a false flag satanic cult idol.

Research Hillsong.

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kids and teens are supposed to be NPCs, they are trying to fit in. The adults that grow up still with views that sound read from a script that im troubled by.

J Allen Hynek

>Christian group Hillsong
werent Chris Pratt recently slammed by leftists cucks for being part of Hillsong?

Selena is ok
she's not a typical Hollywood NPC that hates conservatives, men etc
she's also not a turbodegenerate

Maybe but Hillsong is a cult. The organizers get kid and teen followers to go fuck Pratt. Selena is a yacht girl slut and they shop her around to get funding.

Bieber, Pratt and Gomez are all programmed and conditioned NWO cuck idols. They are all members of Hillsong. Connect the dots.

We could do that from the moon desu

I’ve heard about the Hillsong organization. Is the organization/Hillsong Church, the same ones who wrote many of the songs? I heard something like the song lyrics have some traces of their uorthodox ideologies. It probably deserves its own thread sometime soon.
But can you refresh my memory on the weird/cult aspects of it again? I know they have some strange unorthodox views but I can’t remember on what exactly. It was about the spiritual side of things, right?

Bumping thread btw

Likes dont mean what you think it does

>any poor bum can walk in and rub shoulders with the rich
>heteronormative marriage encouraged
Sounds based

>more social power
What kind of power do sheep have?

>devout christian girl
>addicted to narcotics so badly it causes your body to fail
choose one

Selena is Neither Christian nor a girl.


That's clearly a man

Hillsong is either a mason or Jesuit front. It's not Protestant by any means

voting, spending habits

>she doesn't post often on Instagram
wtf? i love selena gonez now?

>Selena isn't a woman
yes she is

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Jesus and Buddha

Bieber is a girl and Selena is a guy.

I had no idea she was Christian, never would have guessed

pretty much a dealbreaker for me but realistically it's her best available option considering she's been a kikewood plugpig since her barney days, it's amazing she's not an out of control heroin addict like amy (((winehouse)))

george lincoln rockwell
william luther pierce
oswald mosley
that sort of thing

I’m gonna be checking out that link.

Celeb worship is engrained in our DNA probably from ancient leaders and later kings and the elite. The jews have hijacked this with their pets. I think the only way to curb this is to once and for all take care of the jews