There is not a single country that has a bright future ahead...

There is not a single country that has a bright future ahead. Every single country that isn't already a shithole is in decline.

Has the nation state failed?

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Not an argument.

Israel is where everyone needs to immigrate to you blackpill doom and gloom kike

>Has the nation state failed?
Yes, they stopped being nation states (so they failed). And then everything started going to shit.
Open borders for Israel will fix it though.

that's the intention
to get us wanting globalized slavery.

Your country might pull through if you hang on long enough

States are so big they exist only to feed themselves, which kills the host

oh buhuhuhu wAAAAAAA

>move away from a nation state model
>everything starts falling apart as you do

You are clueless. Switzerland is going down fast.

If the nation state as you claim is so unstable and weak that it always falls apart it has indeed failed.

I didn't claim its unstable rather that we're drifting away from a nation state is what's causing the instability. Now you could say that the fact we're drifting away from it means it was destined to happen and so the nation state is fundamentally flawed but in reality everything fails when you stop caring for it. We stopped caring, that's why it's going to shit. It didn't "fail" by virtue of finding something better to replace it with.

Imagine if someone said socialism is good because for a short period of time everyone is better off. And the fact that over time the debt of overspending kicks in and everything starts to fall apart is just "because you stop caring for it".

Japan and Switzerland are balanced countries between being a cucked left wing state and a right wing oppressive shithole.

Has anyone noticed how literally every productive, even moderately civilized race on the planet has low birth rates? It's not just us, but chinks, gooks, nips, etc are below the replacement rate as well. The only races not below 2.1/woman are jungle and mud people

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both wrong. Every single jew that lives in the USA and Europe needs to immigrate to Israel. THEN, both the Americas and Europe needs to pull their funding, military support, and immigration support (allowing jews to immigrate back to where they left). The jewish people need to deal with the asymmetric warfare problem they've caused for themselves in the Middle East.

wasnt that the guy who trolled his psychotic gf?
I hate the fact that arbitrary bullshit like this occupies my memory for more than a decade

>Has the nation state failed?
no, we have failed the nation state.

China has a bright future.
They literally have reeducation camps for Muslims. They imprison homofags for degeneracy.
Imagine what they'll do to trannies?
The future's bright.

What's wrong with Switzerland? Homogenous, neutral, low taxes, weak gun control.

Israel is already fucked. Ashkenazis are a minority, lots of Arabs, mizrahi(who are basically Arabs) and horners that larp as jews (they tried to sterilize them tho)

This is true oldfag stuff back when the internet was great.
That video was art.
I talk about it still to this day and all these newfags have no idea what I'm talking about.

As a nations GDP grows, birth rate drops. The theory is that people operate on a high investment strategy which involves allocating all of their resources into a single child or two rather than 10. I suppose the reasoning behind this is clear, the more money you give your child for education, nutrition etc, the more likely they are to succeed. If you took all of those finances and allocated across several people, it would yield nigger-tier individuals.

I know that guy he's a faggot and he has a daughter with that same girl and he cries all the time because she moved back to canada. They are two retarded psychopaths that should've never had kids.

Lots of balkanites and moortugese. 35% of the population are foreign-born.


Full white. Warming up slowly. Expanding population. Economy booming. Eugenics for retards and congenitally ill.

No. What you're experiencing is the result of Jewish parasitism hollowing out and rotting what was once a working model of civilization.

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I disagree on the nigger-tier individuals point. When our countries had high birth rates and lower GDP/capita, we produced the generations that built our countries. These were people with many more siblings than us and yet they were just as intelligent and capable if not more so

There's only one city and the climate is shit. Icelanders migrate to Denmark in droves. Besides....

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No, being managed by schizo gay boomers failed.

>right wing oppressive shithole

Wow you people are so bluepilled I envy you,

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