Fucking hell Americans explain yourself RIGHT NOW

Fucking hell Americans explain yourself RIGHT NOW

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>asking a board that is still 90% Trump shills to explain why Trump is a kike puppet

Stop being a faggot. Stand with Israel

All fucking Leafs must fucking hang.

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no thanks shlomo

Yeah, it's $200 billion total though (over 10 years). Amazing how they slipped this into the funding bill. AIPAC is just rubbing it in people's faces at this point.

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Trump is Israel's bitch

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The absolute state of muttland

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Stop with your antisemitism already. We gotta MAGA

lmao, Bolsonaro is an even bigger Jew than Trump. Shut up.

>even bigger jew than Trump
No, just no
Go get your daily beating by spanish police

Yes he is. Face it, you got cucked when you elected him.

Even the Jews openly say that lmao timesofisrael.com/far-right-pro-israel-bolsonaro-wins-in-brazil-president-vote/

Traitors. In every sector. While we work demanding hours they scheme in the background and slowly erode what we work for and people won’t wake up. We actually need a dem president to take the second amendment away so we have a real instigator for civil war. Sooner the better before people get comfortable with the idea of not having them.

I can finally understand why Hitler rose to power.

Gotta find where all that money goes, start following every dollar that come out of the us to all those countries.

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>all those countries.

you misspelled Israel

I don't deny that he is a kike lover, but, in no way in the same level as Trump

Just coincidence, goy

burgers even get branded at birth (circumcision) by their masters lmao what did you expect

that one is pretty much on point gj kraut

Do any normies still not understand why the Nazis rose to power yet?

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btw, the only people who are fighting this are leftists

no justice but that which you enforce

They are dumb, what did you expect? But it looks like they'll learn the truth soon


and what?
That is the truth. The only people who are doing anything for America are leftists.

Tomorrow Mueller is going to begin mass arrests
Abrams is the final piece of the puzzle
2/16 everything becomes clear

Sad but true.

i know :(

i dont want to become a part of the left, but this blatant kikery may leave me no choice.

What's sad is that it means we should be fighting this together, but the fascists here would much rather be racist (as they serve Israel) than fight for America.

This entire administration is a grotesque monument to the age old story: the people get fucked by rich assholes because they tell you you are (ever so slightly) better than minorities. For that, you sell out the country.

trust the plan goyim

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You got sauce on the 3.3 billion for Israel?

People should be asking why American Congressmen and Congresswomen are voting to fund foreign nations while depriving our own citizens of basic human rights.

Ohmar and the rest of her kind might be stupid and borderline dangerous, but they're right about AIPAC and the pro-israel representatives that were elected by Israel to push legislation and funding for their own handlers/foreign country.

Try Google ya lazy nigger

Never put your faith in retarded neo-con boomers and alt-right zoomers. Despite the rhetoric on Jow Forums, the far left has been redpilled on Israel way before the right started sperging out on the internet.

These are not Americans in charge. We have completely lost all say and influence of our own country at this point. It’s over. Our new country is going to be great. I guess I’d better start learning Spanish and Chinese.

They aren't stupid or dangerous. They are literally the only people who care anything at all about Americans.

It certainly isn't the GOP, and it certainly isn't the establishment wing of the Dems.

Omar and AOC and Bernie are right about literally everything.

This is the only politician I trust now! Fuck Trump

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Found the shill. Remember who was telling you to support Israel? It was the left and Neocons so fuck you shill kike scum


I've never seen a more blatantly false statement on all of Jow Forums.

>Herpa derp

Ignore discord trannies

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JIDF still mad looks like. Funny how the Jew cries out as you name (them)

lol you are deep in it, then

Fact: Omar is spot on about this Venezuelan coup
Fact: Omar is spot on about AIPAC
Fact: AOC is spot on about lobbyists and their shitty tactics
Fact: AOC is right about the need for an environmental jobs program
Fact: Bernie and AOC are right about the healthcare industry
Fact: Bernie and AOC are right about billionaire theft of American wealth

Fact: We are going to dominate you and your shitty, anti-American Israel servants.

Why? She hates Jews and is pushing Sharia Law and AOC is pushing full-blown Socialism run by an authoritarian Left Wing extremist government that would have control over every single facet of your life - which would be WORSE than the current way our government keeps pushing itself into our business (because of the Socialists and Authoritarians on the Left/Right)

What are you talking about? I'm fully supportive of Omar

What more do you need explaining, Trump is a kike puppet. Better than Hillary though. Israel always gets what it wants.

look at this neocon. wow

Why don’t we make a lobby to compete with aipac?

Yea it was the center left neo-libs you absolute retard. Most far left are extremely anti-Israel and have been since the 60’s.

>pushing Sharia Law
Got a sauce for that?

Not only better than Hillary but also better than the GOP slate.

But what do we do after Trump?

In American discourse, "sharia law" is code for "criticism of Israel of any kind"

We actually don’t need that much money for the wall first off. Second, the money for the wall is only a portion of the total cost.

For once in my life i side with the leaf on this one trumps a kike shill if this bill goes through

It’s the boomer cucks’ fault they didn’t listen and got us into this situation. Ironic that it’s all the boomers’ fault Trump got elected who happens to be one of the biggest Israel shills of any president ever.

Checked and kekd

>But what do we do after Trump?
Stock up on ammo.

>Venezuelan coup
What are you talking about? They held Democratic Elections and the current President Maduro was defeated BECAUSE people didn't like his dictatorship and socialist nightmare that RUINED their country.
>Fact: Omar is spot on about AIPAC
No, she's not, she's half right about AIPAC and it's influence in America. She's wrong about her assumptions that all Jews are evil and should be purged. She's a racist pos who happens to be half right on this topic.
>Fact: AOC is spot on about lobbyists and their shitty tactics
Our constitution allows for lobbying. It's how we work.
>Fact: AOC is right about the need for an environmental jobs program
No, she isn't. Explain what her position is, user. I'm waiting.
>Fact: Bernie and AOC are right about the healthcare industry
No, AOC is wrong with her solution. And so is Bernie.
>Fact: Bernie and AOC are right about billionaire theft of American wealth
So, Bernie Sanders is a problem, right? Why do you tout him?
>Fact: We are going to dominate you and your shitty, anti-American Israel servants.
What the hell are you even saying?


>US and Brazil

And this is why I am apolitical and disregard the law. Fuck decency. Fuck civility. Fuck morals. Fuck my mom and dad. Fuck the children. And fuck you. Edgy, sure. You'll get over it. You got over being a slave to Pissrael.

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Do you even know what neocon means? I don't you do.

>supporting kikes
That’s a yikes from me

There is no explanation other than ZOG that is an accurate answer. Sorry this country is so god damned pathetic.

Venezuela - that's not what happened
She never said anything about jews needing purging
Just because the constitution allows for something doesn't mean it's not crippling to democracy and requires reexamining.

Look, so much of this is so stupid straight away, I'm not even continuing this with your shill ass. You are either a complete idiot or a bad faith shill for Israel

Yeah, is a hawkish Israel/big business sycophant who doesn't care about America beyond its corporations and is eager to get into wars to further the interests of said corporations.

They don't believe in small government and cheer fake national emergencies, because fascism is their actual mode of operations, not conservatism.

Trump or Hillary, the results would have been the same.

It's not like a humble blue collar peasant such as myself could do anything to influence any change against this. I would be bodybagged real quick if I even had a significant enough of an influence to sway anyone to join me anyway.

I'm just going to have to be comfortable with how shit is and do what I can in my own sphere to make myself happy. If I have to wagecuck until I die, unfortunately that is the way it must be.

We have no power, we never did.

Bernie would’ve told Israel to go fuck themselves but you cucks wouldn’t listen.

It's just 4d chess :p

They are really trying harf today. Hopefully their neovagines dont POP from all this effort.

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I'm a shill because I'm responding to YOU, starting a conversation with ME?

What, lmao, are you stupid?

>Billions are the people ruining this country!
Then why do you tout a Billionaire that's pushing for socialism but drives a sports car and lives in a mansion and kept all of his donations to run for president when he threw the towel in?

You don't want to continue the conversation that YOU started because you're an imbecile.


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Unbelievable. How can people be this stupid?

>The Crisis at the border is a Humanitarian Crisis
says the Left and Right
>The only way to stop children from being sex trafficked and to stop women and families from being exploited, raped, murdered and left in the desert is to put up a wall and deter the majority of people from trying to cross it

You literally don't care about the immigrants dying getting here. You're the real fascist pos.

No, you're a shill because what you are saying a shill lies

What billionaire am I touting? what are you even talking about?

What does this have to do with any of the things I wrote?

You are a neocon because you value Israel and corporations over Americans

Both of these are years old

All someone has to do is look in the archive, but of course you're a shill and know that already

You literally have been advocating for billionaire socialists, rich women from rich upper class families, and are advocating for more government intervention and control of your life and mine. You're a complete retard, utterly devoid of intelligence and so delusional you can';t remember what you posted not even 30 minutes ago.

Bernie WAS Israel.

Don't you get it? If you want to play politics you have to play by the rules, you have to be pro-Israel. Every fucking politician that wants to run, plays this way, even if they never started out that way. You play for Jews or you don't play at all.

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what discord server is this?

Tomorrow Mueller is going to begin mass arrests
Abrams is the final piece of the puzzle
Key spies will be arrested tomorrow
These are names
>Adam Green
>Ryan Dawson
>Jake Morphonious
>Vincent James
>Jimmy Dore

This is the first wave of arrests
Second wave TBA at a later date

You literally responded to my original, first post ITT where I claimed Ohmar is right about AIPAC but her and other people on her side are dangerously stupid and pose a threat to America with their bad socialist ideals as well.

Are you trolling or are you this much of a nut case?

Nobody is advocating for government control over your lives but conservatives (police impunity, restrictions on abortion). Leftists want government regulation on corporations. That will be to your benefit and all regular folks.

But like any neocon, you don't care about regular Americans.

>What billionaire?
Ok, kid, keep playing stupid.

Ah yeah I remember this board being spammed with AOC threads in 2017

Right, and you brought up the border apropos of nothing.

Again, you only care about corporations and israel

lol, no response. Good one, shill

nigger literally let the IDF into Brazil

Trump is a Zionist and his whole family are Jews
If you support Trump you support your own demise, unless you are a Jew


or, beat your meat, or, play lots of videogames. Whichever distracts and subdues you best.

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Bye, also daily reminder that trannies will never be women and they are disgusting freaks of nature.

all trump posters are kike shills funded by israel to spread disinformation. Look at the wall gofundme. All generic names like "Pete Peterson" with 1000+ dollar donations SEVERAL TIMES. Youtube streams of his speeches filled with poor english speaking bots supporting him with accounts only 1 day old. Trump is a kike subjugate. Trump is a kike puppet. He is president because they want him there. If you deny it you are a kike shill.

>Abortion is for your benefit
Your body isn't yours when you have another life growing inside of you.

You can't smoke, drink, engage is dangerous behaviors and activities or deprive yourself of nutrition as a pregnant woman, why should you be able to give birth and then commit murder, and why should you be allowed to murder another living thing because you change your mind? Where do this slippery slope stop, when you can decide to murder your 17 year old child because you changed your mind about having to pay for college because it puts emotional stress on you?

Nobody is advocating for "Police impunity" what the fuck are you going on about?

Yeah, you're not serious here, there is no way that you are this ignorant.

We need to abolish bipartisan politics altogether.

>Blantant aoc reference
>Years old
Oh hunny!

you can literally do all of those things when you are pregnant, btw

everything you have written in every post is incorrect, factually

I"m not responding to you anymore, kike shill

I think you're forgetting which person you're responding to, Shareblu. I responded to another person bringing up the border wall funding issue.

You're new recruits are pretty weak.