Documentary marathon with your main man Louis Theroux

Documentary marathon with your main man Louis Theroux.

Thai Brides
African Nogs Running Wild
Underground Wrestling
Children Smoking Weed

suptv dot org

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hell yeah dude

louis needs to go back to making weird ones

checked also, skid is a fucking HONK

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I miss Korton

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He is cute. I have seen all of his programs already. He’s cute.

Where can I watch these? It's been a while

Too bad he's a Jew.
He should really do a documentary about the Jewish role in 911.

Here, I'll get him started with the main culprits:

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read the OP?

>mfw i youtubed "louis theroux korton" and saw this dudes clips. pure gold

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Louis taught me that the westboro baptist church is actually based and redpilled

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I am retarded I read sup tv as in what's up tv here's my thread.

>Too bad he's a Jew.
He isn't. Do your research before typing.

Watch his old episode on the South African boers and the one on White Supremacists in the United States. This guy is a fucking Mossad agent.

Yes he is, he just claims not to be. He's one of those "I'm not practicing, so I'm not Jewish." Jews.

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he has a documentary on israel and how its ran by total bastards

cringe desu

>Yes he is, he just claims not to be. He's one of those "I'm not practicing, so I'm not Jewish." Jews.
he isn't a jew. Do your research.

Watch the episodes and listen to him tell you how we should mix and that we're all the same.

I'm guessing your as dumb as that neo-nazi degen in that documentary. Theroux refused to answer the question to get a reaction.


>Watch the episodes and listen to him tell you how we should mix and that we're all the same.
so? holding these beliefs does not make him a Jew. He isn't Jewish.

I have. You, do yours Bong.

>the one on White Supremacists in the United States.

You don't like Mr Humphries..? lol

Ok, provide us with your evidence. Links. Failure to do so in your next reply will be considered as a concession of defeat.

Louis Theroux:
I'm freee! [he laughs, Gruidl starts to look uncomfortable] Say 'I'm free'. Do you want to? Do you want to say 'I'm free'? I'm freee!

Jerry Gruidl:
I'm not free.

Louis Theroux:
Why not?

Jerry Gruidl:
Because our country is in bondage to the Jews.

In the Nazi episode the guy asks if he's a jew and he doesn't answer. I always took it as a symbolic gesture rather than guilt by omission

Chromecast supported. Based

Your compatriot is mentally retarded.

>that Vegas gambling doc
>the guy whose job it is to get high-rollers into the casino and pretend he's their friend
>he can't keep up the facade for more than a few rounds of scrutiny, and even though it's still his job to keep acting friendly, he clearly hates Louis by the time it's over

That was a sad.

the one guy teamed up with louis to shit on his friend the entire episode

was kino

Goat is a huge faggot. Ye is cool though.

Crime in Philadelphia is a pretty good redpill.

he is based and a real nigga

you a real nigga?