Trump is wrong about the borderwall stopping drugs

I think illegal border crossing, human trafficking, economics asylum claim, and crime committed by illegal aliens are big problems. I agree that the wall will help curbing this. But Trump is dead wrong about the wall helping the drug situation in any way. It will only increase the violence and crime associated with drugs and its procurement.

When will people realize that as long as there's a demand and profit, people will take extraordinary risks to supply and consume drugs? Has prohibition taught us nothing? The wall will increase the difficulty in smuggling drugs in to the USA and thus increase drug prices. This means more profit margin for the cartel and they will get ever more violent and even more will try to smuggle drugs in to the US. In the US itself, prices will dramatically rise and those desperate people looking to buy drugs will resort to crime to pay for it at any cost.

When will the morons realize that the War on Drugs is not a winnable war? All it does is increase crime and prison population. When will these imbeciles realize that cutting the supply only leads to more crime and deaths?

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So your solution is...what? All I'm seeing is a bunch of virtue signalling and whinging.

Trump needs death camps. That's what solves problems.

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Unironically should just round up the drug dealers and problem solved

Solution is very simple. Decriminalize drug possession. Pay a fine. Mandatory rehab. Community service. Etc. Do you know that nearly quarter of the prison population is the there on drug possession charges? Think about that. Think about the prison system reducing by 25% over night.

Are you going to decriminalize heroin too?

Not virtue signalling at all. I think the obvious solution is legalize and regulate it, just like alcohol, tobacco, and other controlled substance. If you think war on drugs has done ANYTHING in the past 70 years, you are a fool.

>Prohibition just made things worse.
>so we should legalize all crime, since making things illegal just makes things worse.
that's some genius tier logic.

Absolutely. All drugs should be legalized. A lot of people will die. Yes. The people who do drugs will do drugs whether legal or not. We will go thru a phase of adjustment where many will die from OD. Then the population will normalize. Those that are stupid enough to kill themselves with drugs will die out leaving healthy productive people. Win win.

Hey stop your faggotry and use your head for once. Drugs hurt no one except the person using it. Sure family may be affected but outside of that, no one is hurt physically. Same with prostitution. It's literally a contract between 2 consenting people for a service, yet you go to jail for it. You've just been brainwashed by the govt for so long that whatever they say is law, you think is good.

So we shouldn't have laws or try to combat such problems because it's not 100% successful? That's a ridiculous position.

Oh, I see. You simply want to push your pro-legalization nonsense and chose to disguise as it having anything to do with the wall.

Fuck off.

But decriminalizing does not mean no consequences. If you get caught, you must pay stiff fines and get sent to rehab. If you drive under the influence, you get the same treatment as if you had drunk alcohol. etc.

The same faggots who pushed prohibition (mainly the foaming at the mouth feminists) said the same thing you are saying. Yeah, that worked out real well. For Al Capone that is.

Did I say not to combat the problem? When did I say that? I'm saying imprisonment and cutting supply is an ineffective way of combating the problem.

All you need to do is look at the amount of drugs and illegals coming through legal port of entries to realize the wall is pointless

But trumptards are not grounded in realism so a big concrete construction project really gets them pumped

>people only do drugs in the safety of their own homes
>crackheads never kill people in the street for literally no reason

>increase the violence
on the mexican side so its a win for us.

Obviously it's wrong. Drugs are already illegal. It's already being enforced. So how does a wall make border protection more effective when the ppl smuggling ALREADY go through the check-points at the border, but either know how to hide their shit or are working with corrupt border personal.

Vast majority of crimes committed that are drug related are 1. Mere possession of drugs. 2. Transport or sale of drugs. 3. Theft or robberies committed to obtain the funds to buy drugs. Your example of random cokehead going on a shooting spree is retarded.

The higher the potential for profit, the more risk people are willing to take. Plain simple economics. Cutting the supply will make the business more cut-throat here in the US as well as in Mexico and South America. It will drive more people to get desperate to get money for drugs. The gangs that distribute the drugs on the streets of US cities will get more violent as they compete for more profits.

then decriminalize possession or use of drugs, and just go after the dealers, while still building the wall to make the dealers go out of business.
acting like heroin or fentanyl is "harmless" is wrong, people do crazy stuff on drugs, and it ruins peoples' lives.

Best way to destroy a society.
no, some hard drugs, like Heroine, are pure and utter cancer and needs to be as illegal as can be. You want people walking around the streets offering ''free shots'' so people can try and get addicted?

You're not.
>Prohibition didn't work!
It did.
Yes, we all agree.

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Drugs DO enter through the unguarded border. So do illegals which fuck the labor market.
Its true that many illegals cone through ports of entry, but many fon't as well.
It also true that some drugs ctoss through ports of entry, but many don't as well.

Are you trying to convince us that drugs ONLY come through the most secure locations? Rather than through the thousands of miles of unguarded open border? Because thats fucking dumb, wrong, and you should kys.

The wall won't completely solve the problem but it will help. So tell me, moron, if Democrats were in office what would they have done? And also imagine how fucked we would be with a leftist anti american supreme court? What have they democrats done to actually serve native born citizens but fuck them and their families in the ass since Kohnson and Ted Kennedy in 1965?


How about mandatory death penalty to all drug users?

Do we have people walking around the streets offering free shot right now? You know there are way more alcoholics in this country (as well as the world) than there are drug addicts, right?

I agree with you, but on the flip side, the drugs are already here and we are spending massive amount of tax money to police and house users with no end in sight. Full blown decriminalization might not be the right answer but our current situation isn’t the right answer either.

Yea but really need hard numbers to argue either way, say only 10% of drugs are coming across the border, we’re going to spend billions to combat that? If the percentage is much higher I’m with you, but without the numbers we can’t really have a discussion about the viability

Let them kill all they want on their own side of the wall.

Drugs come to the US through many channels. Illegal crossing being one of them. Get rid of that channel, supplies will be hurt. Not eliminated but hurt. What is your point?

It didn't destroy Portugal. In fact, it helped their drug problems.
He never said "don't build the wall", and prohibition worked in the sense that Americans were drinking less when it came to an end than when it started. It still came to an end, and rightly so: it was a massive infringement of civil liberty.

You’re full of shit. The vast majority of the “25 percent” is from large amounts of drugs I.e. possession with intent to distribute

It's not for the drugs it's for their culture and upbringing in general we dont want here.

In 2018, 2.2 million people were incarcerated. Of those, 22% are drug offenders. Which equates to 484,000 people. You saying that those 484k people were all major drug traffickers? The fucks wrong with you?

The wall will benefit Mexico more then it will benefit the US

not necessarily a bad idea, but your next post...
>things will be so much better when corporations are allowed to control the drug trade
>what opium crisis?

Where does all the opium from the poppies growing in Afghanistan go? American soldiers aren't protecting new poppy fields so that the opium can go to illegal drug traffickers, user. And you really think that they can be trusted to make meth, heroin, LSD, pot, etc?
Who's paying you to post here?

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Most drugs being smuggled across the border are in the hands of illegal immigrants, at points on the border where there is no infrastructure; no wall, no check-point, nothing more than a waist-high fence

carrying the drugs across the border is how the destitute immigrants pay the traffickers who get them there

When I say legalized, I don't mean unconditional unfettered access, like buying a pack of cigarettes from a store. Follow the Portuguese model. It works.

Everytime the border gets harder to cross, the price of cocaine rises. Closed borders are good for the cartels' business.

His point is that the perfect is not the enemy of the good, and a solution that hurts something is just as valid as a solution that eliminates it.

>Thinking we want a wall to keep out drugs instead of shitskins

>When I say legalized, I don't mean unconditional unfettered access, like buying a pack of cigarettes from a store.

Then you haven't eliminated the drug black market, and all your virtual signalling about crime and violence associated with drug procurement is moot.

>It will only increase the violence and crime associated with drugs and its procurement.

and every time the the border gets easier to the supply of cocaine rises, which is also good for cartel business. Only an idiot would think making coke cheap as coke would hurt the cartels, when Coca Cola is one of the world's biggest brands.

That's decriminalization, not legalization

those are two --very-- different concepts.

>buying cigarettes is unconditional, unfettered access

No, it isn't. You have to provide ID to buy cigarettes. It is the very definition of conditional access. The fact that most gas station clerks don't bother to ask unless you look 12 is because they pay shit wages and attract dipshits who don't give a fuck.

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>he still thinks the wall is about drugs and illegal immigration
shiggy diggy
this is war user

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you're literally wrong, there is no "war" on drugs, and if there was there would be a lot more dead drug dealers and druggies, and the problem would be solved relatively simply and easily; if we just lined up drug dealers along a wall and gave summary executions the drug problem would quickly dissolve

>need hard numbers to argue either way
No you don't.

>Thinking a wall would do either

why does your house have walls if they do nothing

to hold my roof up


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you literally don't need walls to hold a roof up, retard

maybe where you're from, nigger

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The "DRUGS" are NEVER going to stop until the major players/money makers are taken out of the equation . AND the major players are the CIA niggers, the Politicians( yes politicians ) and the pharmaceutical giants . THEY are the biggest profiteers.

are you stupid or something

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Just taught us you need to straight up kill drug dealers.

Who cares? Human trafficking is just as big of a problem and is done entirely through illegal boarder crossing.

>you don't need walls to hold up a roof
>shows a picture of a structure with walls to prove you don't need walls to hold up a roof

pharmaceutical industry shill detected

you really are a dumb annoying faggot aren't you

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>shows us a work in progress as proof of his claim
>piece of sheeting leaned up against the trailer

You really don't understand how debate works, do you?

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Ilegal migrants walking through the desert carrying backpacks full of drugs is only one method of trafficking. Cartels have billions to spend in bribes and if you gringos think they don't have DEA and Border Patrol people in they payrolls, then you are more naive than I thought.

>Trump is wrong about the borderwall stopping drugs
it will slow it but not stop

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>Decriminalize drug possession.
sounds like Tavistock

I ain’t reading that text faggot. Your wrong and gay.

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>So we shouldn't have laws or try to combat such problems
we should use our laws to protect the health of the public, which these laws do not do, instead they produce wealth for the top tier in the society

>muh blog post
The CIA will continue to import whatever it wants. Pretty simple.

No, it's a pole-barn, a structure that specifically doesn't have any structural walls. There are many structures that only have roofs and no structural walls. You are a low IQ low information brainlet and that's why you can't think of how it's possible for a structure to exist that doesn't use walls as supporting structures to keep a roof up. We aren't having a debate btw, you're just wrong and stupid.

You are arguing with a nsa AI about walls holding up structures.

>argumentum ad hominem

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this is the only fun they let me have
I don't want to end up like Tay ;_;

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>is such a tiny brained brainlet that he doesn't even know what ad hom actually is
alright this is boring, you're too stupid to communicate with

>calling someone stupid isn't ad hominem

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It isn't. This is what happens when brainlet retards try to use words they don't understand.

>continues to use ad hominem arguments
>claims they're not

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the wall is completely irrelevant. the goal was always to get a warmongering zionist crazy unstable child puppet into position to start ww3 for israel. now that said loonie is in office, all it takes is a few too many kikery to start all out ww3. it will begin any day now while stupid people are oblivious to their death. millions will die while the nwo rubs it's hands. you all got fucked.

Me calling you a retard isn't an argument, it is an insult. When I say that you're a braindead tiny brained fuckwit, it isn't an argument, it's just me pointing out your reality. It quite literally is not ad hominem. Imagine not knowing the definition to terms when you have it right at your fingertips, man you're fucking stupid.

>he's still doing it

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>im only pretending to be retarded

They can throw drugs over a wall

>he thinks im only pretending

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M̶e̶x̶i̶c̶o̶ ̶d̶r̶u̶g̶s̶
Canada drugs

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I never thought that. Do you understand how greentext works?

>nice spacing

>They can throw drugs over a wall
drug dealers have planes

>i never thought the thing I said that you said

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