How do i find encouragement and motivation to improve myself?

How do i find encouragement and motivation to improve myself?
I've made some steps in 'fixing' my life recently, but I'm still a lonely incel and I hate that.

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here's what has helped me, imagine yourself being a couple of years older down the road when you aren't really young anymore and ask yourself "was i proud of what i did when i was young?" if you think the answer is no then its time to start changing things.

I did that already, I stopped being a shut-in and went back to college, also got my license.
But I'm already 25.
Anyway, I want to hit the gym and stop being a fatass and do something about the constant incel thoughts and Jow Forums poison in my mind but I just can't.

You can, you just need to take it one step at a time. Set small, concrete, reachable goals. There's a guide to goal-setting called S.M.A.R.T. which can help you figure out the kind of goals you should set.

Pick a thing to work on and then do it. Then work on the next thing. You're doing well already, keep it up.

Also, 25 is Not Old. Everybody who is young thinks that 30 is old and that everything is over then. You're not old until you're over 50. You've had what... 7 years of being an adult? That's barely anything. You're fine. Just look at how many incredibly famous people didn't start doing the job that made them famous until their fourties.

What helps me is knowing that my time on earth is limited and could run out tomorrow.

>I'm still a lonely incel
You might want to work on that first.

>B- but I want the step-by-step instructions.

1. Read (It's literally the only good article on that site)
2. Quit the unnecessary web browsing (escpecially Jow Forums).
3. With your now won spare time. Go to work/classes; Hit the gym; Find a volunteering group. In this order.
4. ???
5. Profit

>the hit the gym meme
>the volunteer meme
>the get a hobby meme

I go to my classes and I can socialise decently well. It's just when I go back home I get lonely and go full incel mode. I guess I will make friends at college eventually, but it hasn't happened yet.
My main gripe is motivating myself to hit the gym.

I've been feeling the same way, OP. What are you currently doing to improve your social life? Do you have any group activities you can join, or friends you hang out with regularly? Are you on any dating sites or apps?

Depending on how bad your situation was at the start, the first steps to fixing your problems would have been way more noticeable. Going from NEET to getting a job or education is a big change in your lifestyle already. Same goes for working out, the first few weeks can make quite a bit of difference with regards to feeling healthier.

At some point, however, the changes become more subtle. For example, you don't go from being a shy loner to being the life of the party overnight, it requires incremental changes in your attitude. It's possible that these changes have become unnoticeable to you and therefore you feel like you're no longer getting any better. You start feeling like you've somehow peaked and are not happy with the result.

It's important that you keep going. Find meaningful ways to keep yourself occupied. Start your day by setting a goal for yourself. Make it a small one you feel like you can easily fulfill in an afternoon. For example, if you want to start dating, spend one afternoon setting up an account for whatever dating app you want, researching all the "do's and dont's". Or maybe just spend your afternoon to plan a little get-together with one or more friends next weekend. You may find that the tasks you consider too difficult now will suddenly seem less daunting just a few months or even weeks from now.

Don't lose sight of your progress. If you feel like you're stagnating, try to look at your situation objectively and compare it to how it was maybe a month ago. It might not help alleviate the loneliness, but it should remind you to keep going.

Dating is a bit far-fetched at the moment. I'm too fat and inexperienced to consider things like dating sites and women in general.
I don't have any friends, but I can at least interact with the normies at college without sperging.
My main gripe is how I can go to the gym and start losing weight.

For loosing weight dont forget diet is half the job. I currently only diet to loose a few kilos, because I need the time spent elsewhere.

I don't really know for social issues, but it's more of a problem of self-confidence to me. I remember being shy and not making moves with acquintances but it's easy to ask a buddy if you can drink a beer after college together for example.

That's another difficult part of my life, I can't control my eating habits.
Food is replacing other things I don't have in life according to my therapist. I believe if I can muster up the motivation to hit the gym then I'll be able to reduce food as well.

Imagine the reward of being the improved person and strive to that.
Imagine the consequences of failing and escape that.
Use both these and motivate yourself.
And reward yourself when you are doing good (not with bad things, obviously)

Bumping my own thread is pretty faggy, but fuck it, this is Jow Forums, normal chan etiquette doesn't apply.

Attached: 1525551396510.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

The image you choose is the sexiest one I've seen today

>with no friends
>starting college at this point in life
Good luck being 8 years behind everyone else. Once the ship sails, that's it.

Then what am I supossed to do? Resign myself to inceldom and loneliness?

You already know what to do you fuck, you just want permission and you're insecure. Live your life and stop asking questions on Jow Forums. This board is a waste of time.

I guess I need validation to keep going. I do know what to do, just not sure if it's all worth it in the end.

You won't be happier sitting on your ass and slowly decomposing so giving yourself a chance is good even if you don't get recognised in the end.

Gym or just regular physical exercise makes you happier and more energy filled, at least it helped me a lot through rough times

I really like watching speedy motivational videos to put me in the right headspace. Even the most inane ones work on me. It's magical.
And sometimes energetic music.

all i can talk about is my experience. anxiety had me living in my room for over a decade, improving one thing made me want to improve others. I started going on walks, got aid finding work, took college courses that allowed me to meet people and I made friends, met a girl there. I got a job at a farm which exposed me to a lot of new things. I got my learners license and started driving.

That's where i am now, i have a job, friends with a girl i really like, and driving with an L sticker on the back of my car. I also started going back to church and seeking God but thats a lot harder so far.

This is really impressive, congrats.
One step at a time seems like a good approach

It's about motivation, which the gym biologically helps with. You still have spare time if you give up Jow Forums, gym is part of that.

But if you don't don't productive stuff in that time beyond the gym, then yeah, it'll just seem like a meme.

thank you. reading through OPs posts it looks like he's already at where i am though, and he did it sooner, im 28 haha.

There is this massive push right now of "being the best you can be" and "always be striving to improve your skills". This desu is why anxiety, stress, and depression are crushing everyone. Its setting unrealistic expectations and goals that are either achievable or soul crushing to accomplish.
1) Do things that you like doing in balance with skills YOU want to improve in.
2) Get a ft/pt job at a place you wouldnt be ashamed to share with strangers
3) Get your own apartment/room and start learning independence
4) Sex is overrated, porn isnt real - if you focus on hobbies you enjoy and get out of the house regularly you'll eventually find someone who likes you.

>1) Do things that you like doing in balance with skills YOU want to improve in.
So, are you implying I don't want to lose weight enough in order to get motivated for it?
>2) Get a ft/pt job at a place you wouldnt be ashamed to share with strangers
Not possible due to the situation in my country. It wouldn't be worth it and it would just cockblock my studies for literal poverty wage.
>3) Get your own apartment/room and start learning independence
Not possible due to financial reasons. And no, a 3euros/h job wouldn't change that.
>4) Sex is overrated, porn isnt real - if you focus on hobbies you enjoy and get out of the house regularly you'll eventually find someone who likes you.
I don't have any delusions about women and sex. I'm not at that position yet. I'm just looking for motivation to keep improving myself, in ways that I know I want, but I can't gt off my ass and do.