Weed Thread 2: FDA Shills Fuck Off Edition

Weed Thread 2: FDA Shills Fuck Off Edition

ITT we continue to btfo liars and beta faggots claiming they have terrible, months-long weed withdrawal. I think it's DEA, FDA, and/or pharmaceutical shills.

Also, most of my degenerate lefty friends started doing drugs between 11-15. Seems like a lot of us here waited until after high-school. I was friends with smokers, etc. but didn't do anything until I graduated. Is this common here? Are right-wingers more reasonable about their drug use?

I'm curious, when did you first/start smoking weed and/or drinking?

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Started smoking at 18, got drunk for the first time around then also. I stopped smoking for a year, but I’ve smoked on and off for like 5-6 years now. I don’t drink at all anymore though, funny thing is smoking has improved my performance in nearly every aspect of my life except I spend a lot of money on it. If it was legal I’d just grow it, but alas.

The problem with pic related is that war is hell thus weed is anti hell while crack and other super soldier psycho drugs that are smoked like opiods are more violent.

Its shit like this and the goyim tax and death toll that really grind my gears

stunted brains of others aren't my fucking problem
should i feel bad for every brain dead, brain washed leftist who thinks free shit is equal to no rights?

I got those new-fangled cartridges. They are much more convenient, one or two hits and I'm good and it doesn't stink up me or wherever I am.


I smoked some weed in high school but only in the summer and even that was rare.

Then I graduated and met a girl that sold pot and ever since then it's been my cup o tea.

Now I'm 32, right leaning libertarian and I smoke in the evenings and sometimes on my days when I lurk on Jow Forums

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My guy turned me on to them. Ever since I smoked them the taste of cola has changed for me. I switched to ginger ale. But it still bothers me that my sense of taste changed like that.

Weird. Sure you're not just getting really stoned? You're better off laying off the soda anyway.

I found cartridges to be a lot easier to abuse since they’re so convenient and you can get dumb stoned on them. I had 25 of them (half gram) a few months back and I was going through like 4 a week.

I'll bite, I'm 19 now. Been smoking weed since 15 and before I started I had major allergies and behavior issues but as soon as I started smoking, my "ADHD" went away and I instantly was able to focus more on school. The meme of DUDE WEED LMAO and being lazy isnt real. I spend 120 a month on weed better than 150 a carton of ciggys and I'm now starting training for longshoring and my life has drastically started to improve and I feel content and confident with myself when before I started smoking I was sure I'd be a virgin loser till 30 probably killing himself. Now I want to live and enjoy life and start a family

I've had two 1 gram cartridges for over a month now. I only take more than 1 hit if it's evening, exercise some self-control man.

Okay I have some good experiences to share.
First, I quit drinking after being a daily drinker of whiskey for over two years. I feel that was an amazing choice, as life now feels HD.
Weed however, is tricky.
YES, you can smoke so much weed that it makes you feel lethargic. But does that mean weed is the devil and the straight edge life is best?
In my experience, no. The key is DOSAGE.
Most people literally don't need more than one hit of weed every morning to get long term benefits of it.
If you feel weed is starting to affect you in a negative way, or that weed is making you procrastinate, just lower the dose. Quitting weed altogether isn't the haven of clarity you're expecting, it just redpills you on the benefits of weed and how to use it properly.
Good luck anons, remember to find a good dose and avoid the devil's semen! (alcohol.)

THIS. It's easy to smoke too much but it's not hard to get into the habit of taking 1-3 hits and use it like a medicine. All the medical benefits without being "too stoned." If we taught people proper, responsible dosing instead of lies and propaganda that it's the devil and you should only drink and do prescription opiates we'd have a much healthier society.

glad you feel the same way user.
It's easy to binge smoke weed since it doesn't make you sick, so it can be pretty easy to get into a cycle of smoking yourself into a stupor every morning and then realizing one day you've missed out on a lot of potential energy.
Treat it like coffee or a supplement, not bubblegum.

How do you even get high off one hit? I’ll get a mild warm eyelid buzz from a hit but I need like 3-4 to get where I gotta be.

Help me overcome my mental weed addiction Jow Forums
I smoke like 3 grams everyday (that's almost 50 dollars a day wasted on weed).
Anyone who claims weed doesn't get you addicted has their brain fried

Forgot to mention that because of my weed addiction I lost my qt blonde hair & green eyes gf. I've smoked to a point where that was better than having sex with her

How do you get weed in Romania? Didn’t think it existed out there.

Wtf, everyone is smoking here. Even some of our grandparents used to smoke weed

I blame the hippies/baby boomers for the whole "420blazeitfaggot" thing. Before Henry J. Anslinger and all these ridiculous drug laws drugs were treated matter-of-factly. If you abused them you were a junkie, if you used them and kept composure all was well. You never hear about right wingers doing drugs because we have a sense of propriety.

Well I use a dab pen so one small hit is fine, especially if I got shit to do. You don't have to get stoned off your ass for weed to work, and you shouldn't get stoned off your ass if you got shit to do anyway. Everyone is different, you need to find your own sweet spot.

>My subjective experience is the only possible experience so anyone that says different has their brain fried.

Sounds like your brain is fried anyway. Try to taper your doses if you're gonna be a pussy about it. Take a little less every day or so. Try to replace it with other activities/substances, maybe kava tea or kratom if you're really jonesing but don't want to do more. Just exercise some basic self control ffs, it's not heroin.

Weed just enhances who you are. If you're a social guy you just end up talking more, if you're paranoid type-A personality, you just become neurotic and obsessive.

I dieded twice after injecting only a single marijauna.

I didn’t think so. Is it very illegal? How do the police treat it? And how available is it? Here in the USA, weed is pretty much everywhere, we get it from Mexico and we have tons of legal states, where does it come from over there?

My life circumstances have made me mentally addicted to weed
>work from home
>live alone
>all my buddies are located in other cities so I dont have any friends
>no gf
I've been smoking like that for a few years now to a point where I've associated all my daily activites with weed. I'd have to totally change my life in order not to have these weed triggers.

No gf really isn't a big deal, you save a lot of money and energy.
But do you drink? jack off? If so, break those habits before worrying about weed. Those are the real destroyers.
And do what I said in an earlier post. Definitely don't feel guilty about your weed use, it's just going to slow you down. Never feel guilty about it, just start changing your dose to a more reasonable level and time it early in the day or late in the evening so the greater chunk of your day is spent in an enhanced but not totally stoned state.

Some of it comes from abroad (mostly spain and netherlands) and some of it is grown here.
It's pretty available since a lot of young people smoke. You just have to ask anyone who smokes weed and he will hook you up. Laws are not that harsh against drug users but the dealers can get between 2-5 years in jail but nowadays most of them get away with a ticket and some restrictions that span to a few years (for examply if they do anything illegal during that probation period they will get immediately to jail)

I knew some bikers back in the 80's who smoked, I was 17 and they gave me a hit.

I liked it.
still do.

Oh that sounds comfy. Is the weed any good typically? And would you be able to get away with growing it yourself at home?

You have to be a retard to inhale burning plants.

>3 grams
>50 dollars

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Smoking inevitably burns out your bodies ability to regulate dopamine. Long term dependence can cause cannibinoid hyperimesis which basically gives you Crohn's symptoms when you don't smoke. Over time it makes people more aggressive and likely to have a violent interaction. I know all these things, suffered with them and kept burning the candle at both ends. I can smoke a gram of flower or of wax and its all the same. My receptors are fried. I took a year long break and every day was wanting to smoke. When I started again my tolerance had not budged an inch. I don't even get high anymore it just makes me stop thinking and its the only reason I continue.

Fortunately I don't have any other bad habits (besides cigarettes). I don't drink and I don't masturbate. I'm just wasting too much money on weed and it makes me a lazy slob. I'll try reducing the dose tho. It's the only way. I can't completly go cold turkey, I've tried before.
I usually smoke good weed but there are periods when I have to buy shitty weed when my main guys are out of it. You can get away with growing it at home as long as you do it in a smart way. (dont tell anyone about it, be careful about electricity bills, smell etc)
You can also grow it in remote or rural areas (at your grandparents place etc).
Well one gram is 15 dollars here

Its ok they still had lead in petrol when I was a kid.

weed is OK but weed overuse makes you weak


Bruh you can't even make a coherent statement.

ive been smoking since I was 14 im 24 now I should probably quit

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So you're using weed to cope with life circumstances and blaming the weed for your inability to cope? Gotcha.

You already did all the damage to your brain that you're gonna do before your pre frontal cortex was formed so you might as well not care

explain to me how a Romanian can smoke 1500 dollars worth of weed a month?

The only reason I smoke weed is because it's the only thing that makes me feel good and happy.
I work in IT and internet marketing. I've had 1k$ / day periods. Now the earnings are not that great but I'll get back on my feet

Yes, because they soil our air with their dirty smoke that triggers allergic reactions in some people.

Yeah I was smoking cigs but I switched to a vape because my oxygen levels in my blood were depleting, causing me to feel sluggish constantly. Smoking cigs no longer was stimulating, it just brought me up to normal energy for an hour or two. I stopped doing cardio when I was a smoker and my body suffered. Since I quit smoking and started exercising again my health has improved immensely.
I was smoking/vaping about 1-3 grams of weed a day, so I'd be constantly stoned.
Now I just wake up, take one rip of weed from a bubbler, drink my coffee, take a few rips off my nicotine vape (6 milligram nicotine salt juice) and I'm set for the day. I'll hit my nicotine vape a couple times through out the day, but not constantly. I treat it like cigs, maybe a few puffs every couple of hours.
Good luck over there in Romania, user. I don't know what the conditions are currently like but stay strong

I see. My advice is to gradually smoke less and less, and when you're down to 1 joint a day you can go cold turkey for about a month or so and then only smoke in the weekends like me.

t. used to smoke every day for nearly 9 years

Try to smoke just 2.5 grams tomorrow. Then a week later reduce it to 2.0 grams, etc.

Thanks user. I'll try reducing the weed dose and cutting cigarettes off completly. Health should not be taken for granted

Thanks for the advice man. I really wanna break that circle. I've wasted 4 years of my life like that and A LOT of money.
I also want to only smoke in weekends.

>I also want to only smoke in weekends.
try to think in terms of a reward economy with yourself. did you do something productive or healthy today/this week? get lit on an off-day to reward yourself. when I started to go overboard on edibles I forced myself to do things like this and more or less it's worked.

Just remember that temptation is an excellent opportunity to gain discipline. The little devil on your shoulder whispering excuses in your ear will never fully disappear and he will always be as loud as ever. The only thing you can do is to become stronger than the temptation.

I got a medical card in my state. It's fucking fantastic, lads.
>sleep without waking up screaming like a lunatic
>sleep a solid 7 hours every night
>social life restored
>back to being productive
Fuck the shills

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That's right. It's exactly what I want to do. I can't completly quit weed since it doesn't do any harm in small doses so the temptation will always be there but I wanna have productive weeks and I'm even more productive knowing that after a 5 days of work I can finally smoke a fat joint. I get the reward thing. I used to do the same thing in high school where after a week of studying I could finally drink a lot of coca cola and eat junk food and sweets.

>1 post by this ID

Fuck off (((Scott Gottlieb))) no one is buying your bullshit. Anyone that actually smokes knows you're full of shit.

How did you get a medical card? In my state you have to at LEAST be diagnosed with PTSD.

Ok back to GLP with that faggot shit. Except don't because that's my bit over there.

Tell them you've participated in the meme wars and have PTSD

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Just don't smoke a fat joint after your T break or you're gonna get fucked up lol

>Harvard-led researchers recruited 40 young adults – 20 marijuana users and 20 non-users – to see if what is true in the brains of rats is also true in the brains of college students. Sure enough, human marijuana users had changes in volume, density and topography in both of the amygdala and nucleus accumbens.
>marijuana use creates physical changes in the brain associated with addiction. And, the researchers point out, these results were seen in non-dependent, young adult users.

>What are the effects of even heavier pot use on the brain?

>That’s the question of the second study, published in the Nature journal, Neuropsychopharmacology. Again, the study used MRI imaging to ask if the effects of cannabis-based chemicals seen in rat brains are also seen in human brains. This time the study compared heavy marijuana smokers to occasional smokers to see if overall brain changes are more extreme, the more you smoke. And it looked outside just the structures of addiction to explore changes in overall brain structures: how does marijuana use affect the brain?

>The study found reduced grey matter volume in nearly all brain regions that are rich in the “receptors” that can trap and respond to cannabis-based chemicals. These regions include a long list of structures, almost all of which are part of a network that controls motivation, emotion, and emotional learning. Here’s an important part: the degree to which these brain areas changed was due to one of two things – either heavy use or starting use during adolescence. Long-term heavy users had the same reductions in grey matter volume as lighter users who started in their teens.

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>A NIDA-funded brain imaging study has shown that regular users of marijuana have less gray matter than nonusers of the drug in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), a brain region that contributes to impulse control, decision-making, and learning. Such a deficit could make it more difficult to change counterproductive behaviors, including drug use.

>The strongest evidence that cannabis use is a contributory cause of schizophrenia comes from longitudinal studies of large representative samples of the population who have been followed over time to see if cannabis users are at higher risk of developing schizophrenia. The earliest such study was a 15-year prospective investigation of cannabis use and schizophrenia in 50,465 Swedish conscripts. The study found that those who had tried cannabis by age 18 were 2.4 times more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia than those who had not 16 and the risk of this diagnosis increased with the frequency of cannabis use.
>Zammit et al 17 reported a 27-year follow-up of the Swedish cohort that also found a dose-response relationship between frequency of cannabis use at baseline and risk of schizophrenia during the follow-up. The relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia persisted when the authors statistically controlled for the effects of other drug use and other potential confounding factors, including a history of psychiatric symptoms at baseline.
>Zammit et al’s findings have been supported in a three-year longitudinal study of the relationship between self-reported cannabis use and psychosis in a community sample of 4,848 people in the Netherlands
>These findings have been replicated in one German and two New Zealand cohort studies

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Fun fact: the CB1 receptor that is responsible for the feeling of being high also occurs during brain damage. So when you smoke marijuana you simulate brain injuries.

>Paranoid Schizophrenia is Characterized by Increased CB1 Receptor Binding in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex

>In humans, mounting evidence shows that CB1 receptor densities are altered in schizophrenia

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Haha, well that's a good thing isn't it?

There are withdrawals, but it's not really that bad.
You just feel unmotivated, but not happy.
Basically, it's like smoking weed, but without the good side effects.

Only true pussies couldn't handle it.

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Not if you have to focus on your breath for 90 minutes so the void won't consume you whole.

I died once in a horrific accident. It sucked and left me with PTSD. Therapy and psych meds can only undo so much trauma.

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>I smoke weed but it's illegal
>I won't grow weed because it's illegal.

I've been through that only 2 times in my life but it only happened when I was extremly tired. But yeah I will only start with a few hits and smoke it gradually


I suffer from insomnia and I also had difficulties sleeping with indica too, prefer taking an hypnotic even if it's muh evil big pharma

Oh look, a memeflag cherry-picking studies. Trying to use the example of schizophrenics being triggered by drug use to argue that weed causes schizophrenia, are we? We already know weed can trigger preexisting conditions. We also already know weed can cause temporary changes to the brain (so does internet, vidja, sex, etc. etc.).

Fucking shills.

Indica candy, user. I eat a few gummies about an hour before it's time to sleep. It's fucking amazing. My dreams are a little dim and fuzzy and I don't know the long term effects that will have, but fuck the shills, I'm sleeping well for the first time in 13 years.

Started at 30. When I quit, I had a hard time focusing for a week and felt like my whole world was grey and emotionless. Still get a craving once in awhile. It's just that I enjoyed my little ritual of going outside, listening to music, and watching all the rabbits and birds and trees as I smoked up in my spot and it was hard not to have that after the first week.

But it was a dependency. No doubt about it. I've gotten so much done after I replaced weed with accomplishing shit instead for my kicks.

If you're not dependent, good in you. If you smoke more than twice a week, you're a fucking addict and need to get your shit sorted.

Just stop drinking pop, period. Better to time every day than be a sugar head.

Yeah, I see that being a problem for recreational smokers. It's habit forming like cigarettes and alcohol. This is probably the only valid argument in this thread.

Weed is not perfect, calm down.. you know the thing that you can do also whitout your "anxiety medication"

>Want to quit weed because I want to accomplish more in life
>quit weed
>Life is now stale and everybody around you is stoned and happy
>still not accomplishing anything

Did I say that it was? I was pointing out an obvious shill meme flag.

When did the pot users start smoking? I bet it was under 24. Your study is useless and likely unable to be replicated. Call me about the effects on someone who started smoking at 25

Well, I was 31 and I don't smoke. Hurts my lungs.

Please stop; the hostility and insecurity was blatanly showing.

// But it should be legal if booz is legal

You can get addicted to weed. After kicking it my attention span and focus tripled. Stopped binge eating. Some people can smoke it and be fine other cannot. Some can drink a couple beers and be fine other cannot.

>t. room temp iq stoner

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