What's Happening in South Africa?


Power outages continue to sweep South Africa as decades of doing nothing to upgrade the electrical grid hits home despite this being a problem going back at least 10 years


ANC promised fixes to ESKOM (the state-owned power company) over a decade ago, then did nothing and pocketed the change


Helen Zille, premier of the Western Cape (the "white" province) leaves office, ANC continues to be salty that there aren't enough Bantu in the WC to give them permanent control even with all the vote fraud they push.


Hot black teacher is upset that she's getting bullied on the internet, I don't remember the hot Taiwanese teacher complaining


Inkatha (the Zulu nationalist party) is getting uppity and fighting in the streets with the ANC in some areas. Hopefully it becomes a HAPPENING.


Inkatha makes gains in Kwazulu-Natal (the Zulu province) while the ANC loses ground. Zulus probably upset that the ANC forced Zuma (a Zulu) out, are shifting back to the IFP in protest.


Patricia de Lille, corrupt former mayor of Capetown and Asian-looking person of mixed descent decides to make her own party. Will probably fuck things up for the (((DA)))

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shes made for bbc


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>board moving too fast to get a thread going

Maybe try again later

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>Maties girl
>Hot as fuck
Yup sounds about right.

Corruption and incompetence. ANC has used state owned businesses as their personal ATMs for years, bankrupting every state owned enterprise, that and the fact they are incompetent as fuck and can't run shit whilst firing skilled whites and replacing them with unskilled blacks (Eskom firing 3000 white engineers a few years ago and now have to import italian ones to come try and fix the mess they created).

>hate whites
>fire whites
>import more whites to replace the old whites
>still hate whites

niggers are operating on strategy levels I can't comprehend

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They are most likely just going to run down the shit out of it on purpose and then privatize it (pocketing the money). Can't afford more bailouts

Wakanda 4D chess are they playing

This is still baffling since this has been a problem for a decade. Do the nigs care enough to elect literally anyone but the ANC in hopes of a fix? No Mmusi movement for a semi-competent negro with whites doing the hard decisions for him?

>ANC continues to be salty that there aren't enough Bantu in the WC to give them permanent control
Yeah just wait till this election. Won't be surprised if they win the Cape. There are like 4 - 5 million blacks here now. Insanely fast demographic change. That and white people don't want to vote anymore. Coloureds are also fed up with the DA as they complain that the DA only cares about them and comes to their communities when it's election time.

I was a contractor in SA for four years as a truck driver for the SA Govt. when they had no drivers, I made $500,000 and moved back to Mississippi. Fucking stupid Niggers.

Oh also all that money came from the US tax payers. Fuck you California.

>Will probably fuck things up for the (((DA)))
De Lille won't do shit. No one takes her seriously anymore. Won't get much votes.

>muh evil commie ANC
>muh evil privatizing ANC
pick one you utter retard

She cute


Go watch that video titled "pissed off white South African". He makes a good point when he says that they didn't go for the struggle to be poor. Ramaphosa and Zuma sat next to Mandela at the negotiating tables and signed whatever because they knew that they will be in power forever and will be able to get rich. They literally don't give a shit about the rest of the blacks. The struggle was a struggle to get the same nice shit white poeple have

>No Mmusi movement for a semi-competent negro
Don't let his articulate speech fool you, he's still a dumb kaffer.


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How did you make half a million? Doing what?

Ayyy my cousins drives trucks, wants to farm but that's not an option currently. You can make good money but the distance would kill me

Who's the retard? They'll privatize to pocket the money and still confiscate white owned farms. That still makes them commies. The very first farm they want to confiscate is because it has huge coal deposits

She is but it's really hard to find white Saffer girl pictures online since it defaults to niggers.

That's why whites will handle the day to day business of the government for him



today is not a good day for this thread

This should be read by all Saffers

>The truth about Eskom


Driving a truck because the Nigger Government drove all the while away and let all their trucks fall apart. I had to ship my own truck, which coat about $25k but they paid for it, and had to cover my cab in literal armor. Had to install emergency release handle in case Niggers started swamping my trailer, etc. It was a high stress few years, but this is how SA handles everything now. Like OP said, run the whites out and then need to hire more whites at higher wages!

Take those Nogs money and then move to the American Midwest and farm there.

>What's Happening
you really need to ask? Its africa dude, they are ruled by blacks, and black people fuck things up ALWAYS

>what's happening in south africa?

pic related is the leader

Attached: i-is-kang.jpg (780x439, 48K)

This is America 2100.

We're too apathetic, and we're suffering as a result.

Patricia de Lille, corrupt former mayor of > and Asian-looking person of mixed descent decides to make her own party. Will probably fuck things up for the (((DA)))
The DA had a good thing going in the Western Cape.But they made the same mistake that the ANC did years ago(when they ran the province)by removing a popular coloured Mayor and replacing him with a darkie.Thats a fatal mistake where the majority of people in the province are coloured with Patricia Del Lille still very popular amongst coloured working class voters.