Why the fuck is it so hard for men to read social cues? Why is it so fucking hard?

Why the fuck is it so hard for men to read social cues? Why is it so fucking hard?

I'm getting so fucking sick of having to explain the importance of nonverbal cues, and how most communications are done non-verbally -- but men are too fucking thick to understand it, and likely outright refuse to.

Now Neil Tyson, one of the few men I looked up to, and thought was among the only good men left in society, has had four women accuse him of rape. Four women. And his excuses were the same "I misinterpreted her signals" bullshit that you always hear from these shitty men. One of the smartest people on the planet claiming he misread obvious cues -- and interpreted them as something else. What a load of shit.

It is not that hard to read cues, you lazy pieces of shit. Just pay the fuck attention, and you'll get it. The only reason it'd be hard is because you don't care enough about anyone but yourself to notice. And now that one of the best educators has been outed as a rapist claiming otherwise is just the biggest, most transparent crock of shit you troglodytes have come up with yet.

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>wah wah i shouldn't have to say what i mean

Im tired of reading all the bs on here. So im just gonna take a shot in the blue and say fuck you both you stupid retarded disgusting degenerates.

Ok bye.

Forgotten the old saying?
When a women says yes, she means no.

Women are absolute trash at making decisions, and often regret their decisions if they feel they could have made a better one.

Just look at your decision to autisticly rant on Jow Forums; it's a trash decission.

Women are simply too immature to know what they want.

Shut the fuck up.
Use words. We're not fucking mindreaders. And bringing up the Neil Tyson case just makes you look like you're coming with an agenda - which won't endear you to ANYONE here.
In conclusion, fuck off.

it's not mens problem that you expect them to read minds, its yours. "nonverbal cues" are not appropriate in today's society, conset, both spoken and written, is what matters

So first off, this is an obvious troll, why have the mods not deleted it yet?

Second, non-verbal queues are fucking bullshit. You can't rely on people reading your fucking mind, nobody is going to try to read into every little thing and guess at what you're trying to tell them "non-verbally."

if you have a point to get across, FUCKING SAY IT. otherwise you have literally 0 excuses as to why the other party doesn't understand you.

Telepathy school is already full

As a dude with a disability that makes reading body language difficult, fuck you. I'm sick of this shit.
On a really innocent level, guys aren't "supposed" to ask permission before kissing a girl, yet it's sexual assault to kiss someone without their "explicit and enthusiastic consent". You (women) need to pick an option and stick to it. Either tolerate unwanted advances, or stop punishing men for being cautious.

>mods on Jow Forums
Ha ha, laughed the fat controller.
You are wrong.

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As a guy with extremely high social sense, I have to say: your entire gender is being unreasonable about this.

I live and breathe emotional cues. But I know guys that couldn't do it if their life depended on it. Like, that radar does not come with that system. They don't even have the port to install it. Saying 'it's not that hard' is diametrically wrong: Getting them to operate in the emotional dimension is like getting them to pat their head and rub their stomachs while reciting the numbers of pi backwards.

Here's a novel idea: men and women are different. Statistically speaking, there are more non-emotional guys than there are women. You are just going to have to deal with this. How about you promote straightforward communication as opposed to expecting men to grow an extra limb?

But then, men are generally more aggressive too. They also have an astronomically higher sex drive. So in rare cases, communicating may just not work too. So hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Carry keys between your fingers; a can of pepper spray.

If you think that's unreasonable, it's just the same as men having to expect women saying one thing and meaning the opposite. Of women materially preying on weak men; of attention-whoring; nagging; crying for no reason; being completely illogical and childish; endangering entire societies due to excessive empathy.

inb4 worrying about safety vs embarrassment: The same basis for logicality and aggression is what enables and compells men to defend nations and build civilizations -- because you sure as hell can't/won't do it.

Until humans master our own neurology, men and women are stuck with each other. So there's just going to have to be some give-and-take in cross-gender institutions.

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Fuck if I know. I'm a guy and I have an easy time reading the mood and knowing when a girl wants to talk to me or doesn't want to talk to me.
And it doesn't harm anything to simply ask whether you can kiss them or not after a date or some shit.

My personal theory is that guys tend to be too caught in their own egos to really pay attention to others.

You mean to tell me a rich and famous man was accused of rape? I don't fucking believe it!

Lmao my Stacy crush doesn’t like my chadlite ass idek how this cues work

My solution is to not interact with females unless you have to. I'll acquire a female SO once I've turned my life around and become desirable. Then females will throw themselves at me hopefully.

Women have this thing called a mouth, use it. Don't make us have to solve you like an easter egg in a game.

not Jow Forums

When your only argument is a personal attack, you admit you have no argument

tl;dr SJW OP mad that everyone knows you have to say what you mean

Also fuck NDT, pseudo science celebrity enjoying attention for actually doing very little. Give other scientists some limelight.

Have you ever thought that maybe the accusations are false?

Why, because testosterone gives you a distorted single focus that is useless to apply to things that sont require action.

I remember a woman took test for a while to see what it was like. She said it was an aweful experience.

Some days, I think living isn't so bad.
Then I come across a post like this.

Thank you for insulting half the worlds population. I'm sorry that I'm such a terrible person. The next time I try to rape a woman, I'll be sure to stop when she winks at me 3 times, and farts.

A woman who doesn't make herself clear is a fool.

This might surprise you, but you have a bias. You will always believe a woman and side with her, because you are afraid of men. There are plenty of women out there who are not clear, do NOT give the appropriate non-verbal signals, because they are nervous awkward autismas who don't know how to communicate regardless of the medium.