Common anons, there is salt to mine!

Common anons, there is salt to mine!

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Should have ordered the Secret Service to to blast his ass.

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He's so mad he couldn't spell sown.

This guy is a subhuman rat scumbag

How did Obama justify Daca in the First Place?

>Common anons
Bitch please, I'm fabulous

Wait, haven’t you faggots been screaming about children in cages for like a year now?

I dunno a million illegals a year seems like an emergency to me.

Trump literally told this stooge he gets the facts from Homeland Security, A cabinet level briefing. This fool can do nothing but nay say... are we to take the word of a literally who fake news shill that he knows more about the tats than the President relying on Homeland Sec data?

he didn't even try and admitted he did not have the power to do so.

These people are in for a rude awakening if they think Trump is authoritarian.

Believe it or not, we hate the MSM just as much as the right does. They're not doing us any favors and clickbaiting instead of talking about actual policies isn't doing any favors.

you hate the msm because it wants to destroy your party and make it into the jew party.

Shut the fuck up and get the fuck off this board, faggot.

No, because it's clickbaity bullshit, race-baiting and lazy reporting, if you can even call it reporting.

Should have just referred this lugenpresse asshole to the State of the Union.

This was the bone he had to toss the base. A federal district court judge will block by Happy Hour, Trump (as he always does) will throw hands in air, "I tried guys!" and the Democrats' odious compimmreformlite.2 will proceed full speed ahead.
This is the end, my frens.

Checked and why are these crazed leftists obsessed with Trump's dick?

Sensible democrat is welcome.
I don't have to agree with policy to agree that misreporting and slander by the MSM damages everyone.

>sit diwn
Literally seething, lmao.

Because they're hell bound degenerate filth. It's all they know.

>Where is your fact?

What the hell?
Do people even know how many illegals in the prison of United States? Just that along is more than enough to shut down the border.

Thanks for making a salt thread. I think Twitter hates me, it never loads right any more for me. Could be my defense in depth ad and tracking blocking systems though.

This, plus lefties have gotten so used to people coddling them that when their smarmy bullshit is called out their feelings are extremely injured.

Lol that dude needed to wash his face

They're purposely against anyone who fights against illegal immigrants because they universally vote Democrat. With so many Democrat controlled states not requiring ID to vote, they can bus hundreds of thousands of illegals to polling stations to help vote in their people. Defending illegals is just protecting one of their political assets.

Fuck off. Your policies are enough to make me hate you.



This is absolute insanity and there's no actual evidence of it.

A lot of this misinformation comes from Russian and fringe right-wing websites. Unlike liberal leaning sources, these often times look legitimate enough to seem reasonable but promote entirely false information without citing sources or providing ANY information whatsoever.

Anyone media savvy or not deliberately seeking confirmation bias for their racist ideas will take them with a huge grain of salt and fact check and go about their lives.

You cretinous morons take it as gospel and promote these "facts" to each other endlessly in this echo chamber until you reach a point of paranoia and insanity, clinging to Trump as a beacon of hope in a world being destroyed by false narratives.

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