Be me

>Be me
>Get into bar fight
>police gets called
>police asks for my name, phone number, and address but doesn't ask me for my id
>tells me im off the hook but that they will have to write up a report on what happened
>says if it happens again i will go to jail

Are the popos bluffing? They didn't take my id so even if it happens again, how will they 100% confirm that it is me. The name, number, and address could have been faked by another person. It obviously won't happen again, but im curious as to whether the police was bsing

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>be me
>get into bar fight
>police called
>ask for name, phone number, address
>don’t ask for my id
>get bright idea, decide to lie
>blurt out the first name, number and address that comes to mind
>”I-I’m anonthy Opiederson...”
>”alright son we went over this last week, you were warned, we gotta arrests you now”

>My name is Jimmy Fitzsimmons
*runs away*

Police don't need to see your ID. Cops recognise faces.

You got a warning, take it seriously.

Cops can regonize faces, like someone else said.

They can also check their system to see if your name matches the description. Like if you call yourself Dave Davidson and they run that name and it shows that Dave Davidson is a tiny elder Asian man, they'll have reason to suspect you. Same with fake IDs and whatever else.

But this happened in a city 2 hours from where I live. I'm going back home soon. How would a different cop recognize me?

If you've got features that stand out like long hair or you dress like a wigger or you've got tattoos or something.

I'm a guy and have a long hair and was pulled over more than once cause the police thought I was some other long-haired faggot.

Seriously who cares

>Jow Forums
>place to ask retarded questions
>"seriously who cares"
Why so many brainlet these days

In this case you're definitely safe. However the best advice is to stay out of bar fights. They will SERIOUSLY fuck you for job hiring if they're on your record. By law companies aren't allowed to discriminate based on this but they do.

Because he should have just been arrested in the first place, but he got a pass; so instead of thinking of how lucky he was, and that perhaps he should act a bit more mature and possibly considered drinking a bit less and controlling his mouth and fists when in public, no he comes here wondering when he fights again if the same officer will be around and recognize him by sight and arrest him this time.

>yeah... I’m the brainlet...

He said in his post "it obviously won't happen again" let's give op the benefit of the doubt even though he was retarded for doing it in the first place

Then he should just ask Rick & Morty since it’s just transcendental speculation on his part.

The police were probably serious, they will act and arrest on reasonable suspicion. However it will have to hold in court and if it was fake it never would. You could demand CCTV or something to show you were or weren't there.

I'm safe even if they know my house address and name? Damn..

If this happens again and your name is run, the report this guy writes will come up. He's not bullshitting you (though jail might be a bit of an exaggeration), just stay out of trouble. It's not hard.

Yeah, I'm telling you this cop just let you off because he didn't want to fuck with the paperwork. I guarantee nothing was filed over it, but you got a golden ticket this time. Don't waste it.

They don't have to 100% confirm it was you. If you get in a bar fight, you can go to jail, even if it's your first time.

Okay then what if it's for misdemeanor instead of a bar fight? Honestly it's not that I will do it again. I'm actually just genuinely curious how they'd identify me

they have to write a report on every policing action

a. you’re a degenrate, not cute.
b. the police obviously aren’t lying about being able to take you to jail for what would either be considered assault or mutual combat.

“Actors left the scene before our arrival; spoke to bar owner, advised him to call if the return.”

I already can’t fathom why someone would be a tripcoding attention whore, but it’s even worse to pretend to be a specific tripfag. We know you’re not the same guy, please stop.