>Many girls just looking for ego boost from matches/compliments/date requests, don't actually intend to meet >Even if you have a good conversation and ask them out, majority will make up some excuse or ghost you
Like it's a huge struggle just to get someone to agree to meet. Wouldn't it be better just to go out and talk to a random cute girl in public, face to face? You're literally saving yourself hours of bullshit, flakes, etc.
obviously this doesn't apply for Chad. But am I right in thinking that dating apps are useless for the rest of us?
I never even got a real meet up. Ever. Matches in the dozens over a few months. It was useless for me.
Nathan Ortiz
More average girls are more likely to actually respond properly to more average guys.
Nolan Hernandez
It sounds like you're not really using it right. I'm an ugly dude and have no problems getting dates and hookups, hell, girls even message me first for sex sometimes.
Don't beat around the bush with women, be direct. Don't talk to women for longer than 10 messages before suggesting meeting up. And when you offer a day, make sure it's AT LEAST within a day or two. And after you two schedule the date, don't text her until you meet up. If you schedule the date two days in advance, make sure to send her a good morning text maximum to let her know you still are interested.
If she flakes without offering to reschedule, unfollow/delete her from social media and unmatch. Don't waste your time chasing girls that aren't interested because there will eventually be one that will be.
Also, I recommend choosing your 5 best pics of yourself and buying 100 credits on photofeeler. It's like $19 but really worth it if you are curious about which pics you should use first since smart photos on tinder is kinda trash.
Also, pic related, my profile. Any tips are appreciated! Idk if I should delete #4 or not.
I get matches ... it's just that like 98% of them go nowhere
Hunter Brown
Honestly it applies to Chad too. Women with personality disorders realized they blend in on the internet. So, that's where they've all run off to. By going to Tinder you guarantee maximizing your exposure
Samuel Smith
This was yesterday. She smelled good but I legit could not get hard lmfao.
This is kinda bs and doesn't apply to tinder. Tinder has an algorithm that puts you with people within your league based on who swipes right/left on you and vice versa. Just don't swipe right on EVERYONE since that lowers your ELO and fucks you over. Tinder also has been cracking down hard on alt accounts and account resets, so keep one account only.
I actually find the opposite to be true. Lots of girls I consider average or below ignore the shit out of me, while actually cute, skinny girls tend to be nicer and will actually meet up. It's almost like the ugly girls build up this personality where they and their friends think they are good enough to get ANY guy, and more attractive girls just like a guy with a good personality.
Chase Hall
I genuinely thought I was repulsive, I'm 23 and a virgin. Signed up for tinder and matched with some genuinely beautiful girls, they wanted to meet up but I felt I couldn't meet their expectations so I unmatched them
Andrew Collins
You're right. That's why I just gave up on dating, and decided that, if someone finds me attractive (which is rare anyway), they can make the first move. But if not, whatever. I've accepted that I'm too mentally dysfunctional to have a partner.
Brody Murphy
That algorithm sounds fucked up.
Nathaniel Walker
I found Tinder to be shitty. The pictures matter way too much and girls flake all the time. My favorite is coffee meets bagel followed by bumble.
Also I don't hookup, I'm a virgin so maybe that's why I have less success on tinder as far as conversation at least.
Also the picture stuff is so stupid. I'm kind of autistic but good looking but I didn't smile in my pics. I remake tinder with a worse pic of my smiling and suddenly get 100x as many matches.
Justin Martinez
>This is kinda bs and doesn't apply to tinder. Tinder has an algorithm that puts you with people within your league based on who swipes right/left on you and vice versa. Just don't swipe right on EVERYONE since that lowers your ELO and fucks you over. Tinder also has been cracking down hard on alt accounts and account resets, so keep one account only.
I think that the phenomenon is still present , that girls consider majority of guys below average if going off looks alone. It's mathematical proof that women are retarded.
it's been known for the past 5 years that it only benefits women
Benjamin Rogers
I met my bf of three years on Tinder. I got a lot of matches, and it was exhausting trying to respond to each message, or answering the same inane questions again and again. We're basically the employer looking through applications. Approach it like you would for a job you really want to get. Post interesting photos of yourself. Maybe a photo of you at a social gathering, one with a pet, and for the love of god, choose flattering photos. Your profile should be well written, paying close attention to your word usage. It doesn't matter if you're a Chad, if your profile is boring, you're going to get few matches. Instead of typing "looking for intelligent femanon", write that you like long, deep conversations. Instead of putting that you're nice/sensitive, put that you will 100% stop to pet cute doggos. Don't just say what you are, show it. I helped a friend with his tinder profile and he got 8 matches in one night. Copy pasta your Tinder "about me" and I can give you tips on how to improve it. I'll need to know what you like so I can give better advice.
Grayson Barnes
>Wouldn't it be better just to go out and talk to a random cute girl in public, face to face? Yes but this doesn't split. You have a bad dichotomy here.
anyway, yes tinder works. Though I only used it once back in 2015 in Sweden for like a week. I got two dates and fucked them both and was very happy with it.One of the girls was actually quite amazing and I miss her a lot.
Meeting people IRL is different. It's like comparing apples and oranges. It comes down to what you want.
Nolan Allen
just whiny incels who women don’t want to date because they couldn’t even catfish if they wanted to
Juan Diaz
>it was exhausting trying to respond to each message
This is why its stupid. I hate having to feel like i'm constantly fighting an uphill battle to get someone to even respond. If I don't craft my messages perfectly then its not worth responding to because shes getting spammed by 100 other guys.
This is not normal, and probably bad for self esteem and mental health.
Lucas Nguyen
yeah the new dating apps are shitty to use. they know the people who actually hook up irl are just looking to bang and are lonely.
marriage focused ones are better but they are not for kids who are scared to socialize
Justin Edwards
I'm sure it's disheartening but it's reality. You have to deal with that shit if you're trying an online approach. To obtain anything worthwhile in life, you're gonna have to sweat for it.
Alexander Garcia
Well that's the point of the thread. I'm trying to determine if it's worth it, and it doesn't seem like it is. Better just to go out and meet people in public I think.
Jordan Baker
Tinder was great for working on my text game and getting used to chatting up strangers but I have much more success with women face to face. It's like 100x easier to get with a woman you've actually seen and had a good chat with than some rando with way too many choices
Nolan Jackson
>App makes money on people using app >'' Is it just me or is this shit legitimately useless?'' >''Like it's a huge struggle just to get someone to agree to meet'' >''Wouldn't it be better just to go out and talk to a random cute girl in public, face to face? You're literally saving yourself hours of bullshit, flakes, etc.''
You made a thead and awnsered your own question Well done
I mean that isn't really life though. meeting people face-to-face is about a million times easier. I have literally matched with girls on tinder, they ignored my messages, and then I meet them in a real life scenario and we hook up. I have brought this up too, and they would rather just trade messages hoping to land a 10/10 ultra hunk than settle for anything less, but when socializing is involved their standards drop significantly. Tinder is not meant for normal men at all
Hudson Young
You might be a grill, guy or dog But this is a good post
Jaxon Hughes
Yes its shit. stop chasing ghosts and move on instead of incessantly bitching about it
Ayden Thompson
Which is why I specified you'll have to deal with that if you're trying an online approach. Ugh but in hindsight I wholeheartedly agree that talking irl is way more effective. When I used Tinder it was in a small city in a somewhat rural area, so the pool of guys that liked videogames/anime was pretty small for me. When I moved to CA in the bay area, I used bumble to find friends and it was an agonizing experience trying to find a fucking profile that didn't say "omg swipe if you like boozy brunches, trashy TV, yoga, hiking, etc". I got 3 matches. 1st chick was kinda cool but ex anorexic and had stomach issues so we never went out for coffee or lunch, just watched TV. 2nd chick we clicked right away, but turned out she was nutters and wouldn't stop talking. 3rd chick was kinda cool but lives far away. So I guess using tinder isn't too bad if you're living in a relatively small population but gl if you live in a large population.
Sebastian Brooks
Well lay a steak on me and call me Foreman.
Chase Rivera
2 and 6 are really creepy tho
Kevin Sullivan
So right after making this thread two girls on tinder are asking me out . Funny how that shit works.
Justin Perez
I am legit a real life 7+, chad-lite bordering on chad. I've been called good looking constantly ever since I've hit puberty, by both girls and guys. I'm conventionally attractive, just take my word for it because I'm not posting a pic.
I absolutely bombed on Tinder after trying to make a profile 3-5 times. Less than 10 matches after 2+ weeks every time. No hook-ups, maybe a couple numbers, and only one proposition to hang-out but the girl seemed sketchy so I flaked.
I've come to the conclusion that: A: My profiles sucked and I'm not using good enough pictures (Very likely as I do not have many good pictures of myself, just some selfies really) or B: Tinder women are insanely picky and the hot ones will only match with you if you are a legit 8+ with a 100% normie-approved profile.
Maybe a little bit of A and B is closer to the truth. Point of the story is that, yes, OP, Tinder is bullshit but I might give it another shot if it's still around a year from now and I have better pictures of myself.
What if you just wrote a douchey bio? Men constantly underestimate written presentation online
Leo Martinez
Tried out very different bios and none of them changed anything. At first I just listed a couple hobbies and some short quip, then I tried something edgier like "Looking for a girl with daddy issues" or some shit, no dice.
Joseph Robinson
>Looking for a girl with some daddy issues
Not only would I swipe left but I’d screenshot it and complain about it
Luis Lewis
My friend told me that because I was a good-looking manly dude that I should go for something edgy and direct. It's definitely a little cringe in retrospect though
Luke Phillips
Agreed. It reminds of this picture. They are telling you, don't even try loser.
This is sort of missing the point though . Men need the great bio, coop pics showing their amazing social life, a perfect chiseled jawline. Women can take an oddly angled photo showing a quarter of their face and be inundated with more matches than they can even handle.
Jace Rodriguez
I think it's almost more important to show off your personality than your looks . Like there's a lot of fucking creepy dudes and it's a big hurdle just to prove you're not one. If you can take pictures with friends and especially with other girls, doing fun stuff, it's much more effective than any selfie.
Christian Walker
>Cool pics showing their amazing social life See, this is also one of my theories. In all of my pictures I never had any with other people, except for one with a girl but I had to stop using that because she goes to my uni and things didn't end well with her (lol)
I legit don't have close enough friends to just take a photo with, and I'm honestly not the kind of person that likes taking pictures just to have in their phone/post on social media or whatever.
Anthony Gray
I had like an hour long message exchange with this cutie on tinder and it seemed like it was going well, then the next day I set up a date with her for 5 days later. We worked out the details and she agreed to it. I didn't message her at all after that because I wanted to save the conversation for when we met up but she ended up cancelling last minute with some dumb excuse. I'm guessing she found a better date or just wasn't in the mood anymore. Should I have been messaging her leading up to the date?
Owen Garcia
I know what you mean, it can be very awkward to pull out a phone and start taking photos like a teenage girl. I think it's necessary though. Posting shit on IG means you can basically game dozens of girls at the same time without even having to message them.
Brayden Barnes
You shouldn't have been on tinder at all. When are you fucking people going to learn?
Brody Campbell
Why not? I've gotten laid from tinder before, it's not all that bad.
Jack Cooper
>inundated with more matches than they can even handle. This is the problem. They get so many matches that even if you are attractive and have a great profile, you still might be ignored. I bet it actually leads to the girls hooking up less than they usually would. Imagine having a giant, never ending face book of girls that you could have sex with. Every time you flip the page there is a new girl. How will you ever choose? If you choose this one you might miss out on a better one. So you just keep flipping the pages looking for that perfect one. Most guys would probably just bang as many as they could, but girls are going to be more careful about who they pick.
Benjamin Campbell
I think your mistake is trying to set things up 5 days in advance. Girls are literally getting spammed by dicks on these apps so don't expect them to have an attention span of more than 1 or 2 days.
John Nelson
One other thing I read once is that professional/modeling pics do well too. Is that true? I have an acquaintance who's a big photographer and he might just take some shots of me if I ask.
Justin Rogers
Oh, if your only goal is using some slut to make your pee pee feel good then get a vasectomy and go for it.
Jordan Edwards
It probably wouldn't hurt. Make sure you're doing something cool though and not just posing like a soiboi
Ayden Williams
You're probably right. I should have done it sooner but I chose a far away date because I felt like I needed to "mentally prepare" I guess.
I'm still salty about it. She was the cutest girl to show interest in me.
Jackson Butler
Like doing what exactly? I'm not exactly an exciting person. I only have a few interesting hobbies.
Michael Thompson
I think just focus on continually improving your profile on tinder and ig. This way you're building "funnels", like a marketer would, that are passively bringing girls to you. Don't get too hung up on any one interaction, the flakes are inevitable.
Thomas Watson
Idk. Like throwing a frisbee or playing with a dog is much better than just standing there looking gay.
Caleb Cruz
Post some examples, user.
Camden Parker
My first day of making tinder i had a girl telling me about her pierced nipples who was cute.
I wasn't used to this sort of attention, we met up, had a good time for 3 hours, she drove me to my car and wanted something hot and heavy. I actually turned her down and said maybe next time, she ghosted me after.
It hurt my feelings cause i'm not a hookup kinda guy. Fast forward to 3 weeks later and i'm hooking up with chicks in their car on the 1st date.
Tinder really desensitized me because almost everyone on there wanted to be physical and quick.
Let me just say if you're not good looking though it's gonna suck and even if you are good looking it's gonna fucking suck. I'm a painter and talk about it in my bio, i get girls who say paint me and then never respond to me again. It's total bullshit.
It's a complete numbers game/luck thing. As a guy its a real fucking bitch.
Chase Brown
I don't want to post my pics here but I have animated loops of me making girls laugh and shit. I just pull out the phone and crack some jokes and take a video, then find the moment where she looks the most turned on and put that on tinder.
its basically impossible for a girl to assume im a creep after theyve seen my profile
The thing that bothers me in the back of my mind is what you said, combined with the fact that girls are getting spammed by chads. like how many guys are they fucking? i cant even imagine
Carter Gonzalez
Probably depends girl to girl. I'm sure some girls use it to hook-up a lot, some only occasionally, and others use it only for validation/attention purposes. Take what I say as a grain of salt though, I'm not an expert on women.
Liam Reed
Just go to a fucking bar and talk to the girls there pussy
Ryan Morgan
Why not both?
Tyler Turner
I don't think it would have mattered what you did. Did you ask her about setting a new date? I had a girl that said she was sick and so we set up a new date 7 days later and we met up for pizza.
She then spent the first 15 minutes of the date calling her work mates idiots and complaining about them.
Jackson Walker
Hinge had been very good Rule of thumb is that a dating site is only good for 6-12 months before minorites and bots get a hold of it.