Number of sexual partners

I have just met a girl i'm 26 and she's 25
Girls like her that I find interesting and fun are very very rare
We get along really well and we meet each other's expectations on many things, have a lot in common etc
Except about one thing
She told me she has fucked a little more than 20 guys at least a few were long term
>pic related my interior face when she announced it
I have only fucked 5 women so there's a huge gap there and it makes me uncomfortable, it's not something that can be changed, but it's important for me when I look at what could become my gf that I don't have to think about a huge number of dicks that have been there

Am I being a pussy for this ?
I don't have a problem with my own performance or feeling like I won't match her expectations about sex
It's purely a matter of self-respect

What can I do to deal with it if I decide to go for her ?

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imagine having such developed cucked mental illness that you spend all day thinking about the dicks of the dudes your gf fucked lol

You’re either ok with this or you’re not.

Simple as that.

Personally, I was intentionally abstinent until I was 24, and since then, have only been with 4 women (and turned down a lot more), but I wouldn’t (and haven’t) given a flying fuck if a potential gf has significantly more.

My beliefs are my beliefs. Other people’s are other people’s.

If that’s not a logic you can subscribe to, that’s just how it is. No one or nothing can really force you to be comfortable with it if you’re just not.

Not all day but even from time to time would be enough to slowly kill me inside

How can you put a ring on someone with a past like that ? only cucks don't care
Some people manage to overcome this, but I don't know how

You fucked around too, what does it matter?

There is a difference in having like 3 girls for different experiences, but why would someone go over 20 ? kid me not

Why does it matter if the guys were consenting, clean, and respectful of her body and their own? I don't get it.

I just don’t get why 5 is okay but 20 isn’t. Wasn’t she pursuing different experiences just like you?

Because I find it repulsive that she used her mouth to suck 20 different dicks
Because I find it repulsive that she used her tits/vagina/anus to rub 20 different dicks

not even sure if condoms were used I did not ask

Most people agree that there's a limit to what's acceptable though

Why though? Assuming it hasn't physically impacted her, you're disgusted by something that's solely in your mind.
I don't understand guys who care about that sort of thing outside of religious reasons.

True, but most people disagree on what the specific limit is. And by your logic here I doubt that you would consider her even having one previous partner to be acceptable. And that’s fine. I’ve noticed from threads like these that nobody can convince anyone to change their minds on this issue, so the best thing for you is to give up on this girl.

I know it's in the past and that's long gone, but it has happened and might affected her physically and/or mentally but I don't know it yet
Even if she hasn't been affected, it's not something people should do imo, trying relationships is one thing, ONS / hookups are another one

Question : Are you from the US ?

My opinion on this has changed with my own number going up, I accept a similar number to mine without problem, maybe twice as much maximum, but 4 to 5 times higher is really a lot to deal with

It's fine to dislike the idea of having many partners. But if it hasn't actually affected her in any way you can confirm yet, you have to admit you're being silly at this point.
Making up excuses to stay away from her only because she 'might' have some sort of physical or emotional problems because of her sexual history is more of an excuse to stop seeing her if you ask me.
And yes, I am.

Well in the US the hookup culture is more tolerated and usually these average numbers are pretty high

Usually in Southern Europe over 20 starts becoming a slut's body count or someone with self-esteem issues (still depends on each individual country but still)

I'm not trying to find an excuse, if I wasn't facing a dilemma I wouldn't have lade this thread
The fact that I posted this can also count as me admitting I'm being silly, which is why I'm trying to find solutions

But it's just a number?
If you were worried that she had commitment issues or was physically affected by it, that'd make sense. If you said it goes against your personal moral standards or your religious beliefs that'd also make sense.
So far, all you've said is that you think that twenty partners is bad without giving your reasoning. Parroting an idea that other people have as justification of your own opinions seems blind. If you care about her and you have no problems with anything else about her besides the number then what's the issue?

I'm going through this on a smaller scale, OP; only I may be worse because she's my first. There are things you can do to help. First acknolwedge that if you love her and she's worth it, you're going to cheesily go through the 5 stages of grief. Other than that, remember that women care more about love than sex, and quantity doesn't equal quality. If you're a good lay, she will be surprisingly forgetful. Talk to her about it, try and figure out why that happened. Did she honestly believe in try before you buy, etc.

Also realise how irrational it is if you grow to love her and you send her out into the wild to make it 30 or whatever. That'd be counterintuitive. Also, if she's particularly pretty, you might need to make your peace with the fact that what you're asking for is rare; rarely will a girl have a number similar to yours.

I'd say I find it morally wrong, because I don't think you need that many sexual partners to find out what you really want / expect

Alright, that's your opinion, not much can be said to change it.
But what if she just likes having sex? Assuming she wasn't being disrespectful to her partners by refusing to be exclusive or something, that should be perfectly fine.

Well she said that when her previous bf broke up with her, she found someone else in the meantime, but ex bf wanted to go back with her but she didn't want to hurt anyone and she continued having a relationship with both guys for a few months without them knowing so.. that's even more of a massive red flag than the number of sexual partners

Yeah, that's completely different. She could have not been fucking either of them, but refusing responsibility for her feelings or other guys' is pretty bad.
I mean, 20 is nothing to me but I'd say I'm more morally upright than a girl who does that shit.

I doubt she'd do it again and she doesn't seem to be the cheating type but I'd be worried
Only reason I'm not nexting her is because I am so rarely genuinely interested in a girl

That just means she's been fucking 1 guy a year since she was 5 years old. That's pretty normal for women these days.

Me again well technically it was double cheating so fml i'm going to bed
Thanks for the answers

If there may be any issues, they aren't going to be related to how many partners she's had at least.

Don't engage debates over this.
If you're not okay with it then them be the breaks. If you are okay with it then on ya go.
Me, my partner and I have one each and we both regret that one each since it could have been us and just us. (Neither side is particularly proud of the 'who' in those other partnerships too)
Your life will be endless opportunities of all sorta of varities, but you can never unmake a choice you've made. It's important to weigh yourself in as the adult you'd like to be taken for.

And that being said, decide for yourself and yourself alone if her partner count is too many. Don't let others talk you into or out of it, just stick to your own guns faithfully. You'll regret it if you don't, and might end up having sex with someone you'd rather wasn't in your history.

lol if you believe its only 20. if she told you 20 its more likely 30-40. let that sink in

You and the woman you met are both disgusting.

>I have only fucked 5 women so there's a huge gap there
So you've fornicated and are upset that she has, too? Fuck off. You made this bed, slept with other women in it, too. Now sleep with this one and quit whining, degenerate.

That 'limit' is completely arbitrary, and you are now seeing why. It's unenforcable on any meaningful level, so it quickly becomes a race to the bottom. If a woman gets to whatever 'number' you're uncomfortable with, what is she supposed to do? Stop going out with guys? No, she'll keep going out and keep increasing that number, and degenerates will do whatever mental gymnastics they need to justify that her new number is okay.
If you wait until marriage, by contrast, you have a fixed point of evaluation, and one with lasting positive consequences for behavior.

>I don't understand guys who care about that sort of thing outside of religious reasons.
Because it's something with real consequences completely separate from religion, although even if you want to go full atheist cynic (indeed, because of it), religious standards evolved for a reason. Ok, fine, let's pretend that nobody's version of God (or Gods) exist. All religions are just power grabs by ancient oppressors.
So you're telling me that, when those oppressors simply picked and chose arbitrary restrictions based on their preferences, they all independently came to the same conclusion, from Christianity to Buddhism to Hinduism, not to mention dozens of tribal belief sets, that sex shouldn't be treated in a cavalier fashion? Because that is what you'd have to argue if you want to disregard all religion.
And this isn't even getting to the data we have right now on what hedonism does. I'll post that, too, if you want.

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Why do you use a trip?

The limit is 4.

What does country of origin matter?

Two main reasons: first, people are much less likely to want to get into an argument with someone they've already argued before, so if I simply went by "user", they would be more liable to see one of my posts as a "new" argument only to REEEEE at the same thing. It's why anonymous bait threads on some triggering topic (like "gf fucked black guy, wat do") always get more responses than the ones people recognize (stale pasta).

Secondly, while what I present is said honestly and from a conviction that it's right (and the statistics speak for themselves), the simple fact of it being "extreme" relative to modern convention makes it easy to impersonate without people being able to tell the difference between satire and genuine opinion. I used to post without a trip, actually. I got it in direct response to one of these incidents.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the occasional (positive) recognition, but that's not my point in using the trip--if everyone called me a worthless faggot but adopted some of the stances I have in light of statistics, I'd come away much happier than if I became some sort of board mascot but nobody changed at all.

>The limit is 4.
Okay, say a woman has dated and had sex with 4 men, but none of those relationships panned out.
What does she do now? Is she 'morally' (in quotes because that idea of morality is a farce) obligated to stop dating since she hit that arbitrary number?
The end result of thinking like this is either creating a society where none of these standards matter, a society where you are guaranteeing that a large proportion of people are whores/manwhores, or both.

Arbitrarily clinging to such a standard means nothing.

Most things you say are true but as a person who refuses to use online dating and is only interested in romantic relationships for companionship and having children in the future it's nearly impossible to find a woman who is a virgin and would only have sex after marriage. By searching for that and ruling out all other women I would be setting myself up for failure and it's much more likely that I would wind up old, alone, and childless. For those reasons my personal limit for me to want to be with someone is 4 previous sexual partners, with zero hookups, one night stands, FWBs etc.
Even those criteria are hard to meet.

> it's nearly impossible to find a woman who is a virgin and would only have sex after marriage.
True. I'm fine with dying alone for these standards, but of course there are many like you who still want a family and will 'compromise' for it.

While I don't like it, I will say that you should be looking for someone who professes a conservative outlook--the partner count is in comparison relatively unimportant (as past the first partner, the rates of divorce skyrocket and stay pretty consistent with additional partners), what you need is someone who will support raising your kids in a way that they don't repeat the mistakes of their parents. If you find a woman who, say, is a virgin by circumstance but is otherwise very liberal, she's going to fight tooth and nail to make sure your kids grow up to be hedonists.

> I'm fine with dying alone for these standards
What a nice rationalization.

Never marrying is better than marrying a slut.

Call it what you will, but I'd argue the more impactful rationalizations are from those who willingly disregard statistics they don't like.

I unironically hope you kill yourself

Don't hold your breath, degenerate.

Seems like a rather major life-altering rationalization to me.

You kind of are a mascot. The biggest change is that people know to swerve on your advice when it comes out.

That said I'm just glad truckerfag ate shit and fucked off

Life-altering, yes, but society-altering, not so much. Whether or not I'm capable of "getting any" is irrelevant in the face of the standards I advocate across society.

Easy response to all of this
If she is sooo awesome and cool why do u care about her body count lol
If you dont like it that much then fuck off and finding another girl
Ill take her off your hands desu
Personality > Body Count

I really hope you don't believe you're society-altering.

How did you get that from my post, moron?
I just want societal standards to change (or more accurately, I want them to exist where they currently just don't). I don't care who does it.

>She told me she has fucked a little more than 20 guys at least a few were long term
>tfw I just dump a girl who told me this and she was 23
I have a good reason
>date goes well after she told me she looking for a decent relationship
>gets me in the shower when her and I see her herpie covered puss
>nope out of there faster then a black kid’s dad
She had a 10/10 body but herpies are no joke to mess around with

Honestly OP it could be nothing and she has a great puss, or she has multiple sexual diseases. Don’t jump into sex with her right away, if she girlfriend material then tell her to get herself checked out.
If she said no, run

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>She told me she has fucked a little more than 20 guys at least a few were long term

how fucking pathetic this is the current state of women and with their crayon babies from multiple fathers.

What? Here from the U.S we think of Europeans being more loose, specially the french

If she's clean then you're just being a cunt, nothing wrong with fucking loads of people

The real issue here is that you're insecure

She’s a whore, pump and dump. Don’t get stuck in a emotionally damaging relationship with a woman who doesn’t love you.

fuck you bitch you are never going to change male nature. men don't want sluts that carry STD's and that indicate instability issues. you either have some mental problems or you have some daddy issues to have such a high fucking number.

I cant decide who is bigger idiot: the one asking for body count or the one who doesnt lie and admit real number.

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OP you seriously can't be entertaining a relationship with a fucking whore and dare I say it, falling in love with it. Have some self respect you utter subhuman. Does the idea of her swallowing the gallons of cum of 50 chads turn you on?

Women who sleep around have zero value. I sincerely hope you're aware of marriage/divorce statistics of slutty women.

This bro. It doesn't matter if she fucked 200 guys while you fucked 2. There's no reason one should be okay while the other isn't.

you are mentally ill

If a girl had a boyfriend for past 5 years, she probably got cucked several times more. Whats the matter if its multiple different cocks for that amount or just one cuck that wasnt yours. The chance of HIV is higher, but else it only could mean, that she knows what she wants and gets it or she has some self esteem issues or she just isnt the relationship type of girl. And even if you aren in a relationship, it is normal to fulfill your needs. Also if your younger you tend to experiment, that could be with different people.
Added to that, she is a woman, she can choose. Hadnt you also chosen 20 girls if you had the opportunity to fuck em all if they are hot? Why not, whats the matter, its all experience. She probably could have fucked 100+ guys, but she likely just rejected them.
Dont make yourself a headache about things like that, just try her. If it doesnt match then go on in life

>"She doesn't seem to be the cheating type"


when OP said he's rarely genuinely interested in a girl what he meant was he's from the bottom of the barrel and sloppy 20ths is the best option available to him.


t. just found Mr. 21

found the roastie post

OP Here, actually there's a virgin everything girl who really likes me but she's 18, she's totally wife material (cute but never had a bf is virgin, knows how to cook well, likes cleaning,...) but we don't like the same things and I'm worried I'll become quickly bored, I don't want to damage her for a temporary thing

You cannot tell if someone is wife material at 18. She is still a kid and will change a lot.

There are 18 year old wives.

She'll stay wife material if you reward her for it
Except if a few years in she falls for the roastie propaganda that 1 or 2 guys in a lifetime is not enough to be fulfilled
I don't know if her or her parents' other values are conservative or lefty

And most of them end up divorced.

>baww why are women such sluts they ruin their lives
>that should be my job by pumping and dumping them and taking advantage of their emotions in the first place

How do you think she got like this? Getting jerked around by men that hide their secret desire to pump and dump to her and thinking she is to be used. Starting to think certain men are like the scorpion on top of the frog's back when it comes to this issue. In the same breath you disparage women like this and then in another you contribute and openly encouraging contributing to the problem. And it happens all the time, across many boards, consciously and unconsciously. You're just as bad if not worse than this girl.

Do not override your gut reaction to this, the misery is not worth it and you will be miserable.

Lets say you are repelled by a particular color and want to buy a rare but not impossible to find car. You come across one but its that repulsive color and you cannot repaint it ever. Would you pay top dollar for that rare but not impossible to find car and be content with your purchase?

I like the comparison
Except the other cars might have a bit less repulsing color but the cars themselves are average

It's terrible that girls have become like this
I have a fem friend that bragged about fucking 12 guys in a single week via tinder
I wouldn't be surprised to hear her total is >100
She said she was enjoying being celibate because she's making one of her FWB into a real relationship apparently, the guy isn't the Chad type at all and totally oblivious to what's going on (obviously she never told anything)

I won't judge you user, but if you're not ok with how many people she fucked you shouldn't date her. It will eat at you and you will fight over this

I also won't judge that massive slut you're dating lel

OP here, this guy wasn't me
I also have the feeling I should give it a try and see how it goes, without getting too emotionally engaged in case shit goes wrong