I’m really afraid that I won’t want to fuck my boyfriend anymore once he finishes losing his hair...

I’m really afraid that I won’t want to fuck my boyfriend anymore once he finishes losing his hair. Every time I shower at his place, the wall is plastered with lost hair. I keep picturing him with no hair and it’s going to be terrible. I’m going to Hell, right? There’s absolutely no way I could be a good person if I’m thinking like this

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Dump him for someone with hair, I’m surprise you feel a guilt at all

I mean we’re both late 20’s so I’m also scared that I’ll dump him for a guy who will ALSO go bald 2 years in

>mfw Jow Forums tells guys hair loss isn't a big deal and women will still like you

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While you can't help it if you aren't attracted to someone and shouldn't feel bad for it (although you should feel bad for fornicating in the first place), do keep in mind that everyone is ugly when they're old.

You realize that not every woman is not the exact same person and that some women absolutely cream their panties over Jason Statham, right. I sure as fuck don’t but some women do

Tell him to take medication for it, hair loss is preventable in 2018. I'm genetically predisposed to balding and have had a widows peak since the age of 7, but it never moved from there since I diet and supplement accordingly.

I asked him to take the hormone thing 3x and he was like “Uuuu no you need a doctor’s prescription” so he’s instead using hipster Rogaine and I just want to tell him my pussy is going to rust shut but I can’t do that without revealing how heartless I truly am inside. I “should love him no matter what” amirite

Are you really that naive?

That's disappointing to hear. It'd be best to break it off sooner than later then, so at least he can get a headstart on finding somebody more compatible.

I'm not balding, and I'm not overly concerned about it, but I'm curious because I've read a ton of bullshit on the subject, and I like to learn.

What kind of deal are you running in terms of diet and supplementation?

Break up now. Give the old its not you its me speech and go find someone with hair.

No, if that’s a deal breaker then it is what it is.

Let me ask you something, why are you so conflicted over this?

B8 thread.

You can't fool me, women don't feel guilt.

I know that feel, dude. I got with my bf 5 years ago and his hairline is looking like that bad photoshopped pic of moot, receding like a mofo. The worst part is he's completely oblivious and even happy he has "nice hair" but inside I'm like :x bless his heart
The different is my bf has a very cute face so he'd probably be fine as a q-ball, just not as cute. If you think your bf will become untolerable-gollum-tier just for losing some hair I'd bail now because worse shit will happen to him as he ages. That's why it's best to get the hottest dude you can land, it's your fucking life, you shouldn't settle

based anti-woman false flagger

What about this post makes me look bad? I don't make my bf feel bad for his JUST hairline and am giving OP awesome advice. Her bald bf will be happier as well without OP pushing supplements on him (imagining my bf's reaction to that makes me cringe)

Some people are oblivious to it until it's too late, I never thought it could happen to me even though most of my male family members were bald or balding. I didn't combat it until I saw dozens of strands of my hair clogging up my sink at 17. I saw a dermatologist, didn't want commercial medications so I took it into my own hands to find the root of the cause and fix it. I still have my widows peak, but it's thicker, healthier and hasn't moved since elementary school. My hair should be chin length by the end of next summer once I finish growing it out. Anyway, just give him an ultimatum or something, women seem to be good at that from what I've seen. Schedule an appointment with his dermatologist and go from there.

>drink as much water as your body can handle
>don't eat sweets, limit sugar intake to less than 20g daily
>eat a few handfuls of pumpkin seeds daily
>eat plain greek yogurt with chia seeds & flaxseeds
>eat food rich in omega 3s (seafood works well)
>eat roasted seaweed
>try to incorporate eggs into your diet
>eat chicken breast
>drink one cup of green tea once a day
>eat shiitake mushrooms

>Saw Palmetto
>Biotin 5000mcg 2x daily
>Fish Oil 2x daily
>Bitamin C 2x daily
>Vitamin D
>Vitamin B12
>generic multivitamin

>wash hair once every 2 days, avoid sulfate shampoo, use an argan oil conditioner
>let your hair dry naturally after it's wet
>don't masturbate as if you're going through puberty again, limit ejaculations to once every week or two because semen contains nutrients that are essential to retaining hair

nah I dumped my gf for being TOO hairy so the opposite is reasonable.
>I’m going to Hell, right? There’s absolutely no way I could be a good person if I’m thinking like this
well yeah

It's fine dating a guy that is bald, he just have to look like the rock instead of an egg.
If your bf is ugly and he's balding that's probably the reason why you are so worried about it.

Im also balding but I shave my head. Do all girls dislike bald guys?

only certain ones, it's not widespread across the entire gender