Why do we need a gf? (Aside from sex)

Why do we need a gf? (Aside from sex).

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We don’t, that’s the gag. Constient pussy > gf.

They bring you lunch when you're at work.

They do your laundry, take care of you, love you kind of stupidly unconditionally, feed you nice food, chill your beer, will have your kids and take care of them, clean everything, provide sex, stroke your ego, give you lots of attention so you're never lonely, or do an equivalent of all that like being the breadwinner, for a lifetime.

Otherwise if they can't hit that mark you don't really need a gf.




I don’t want to live alone but I don’t have the mental capacity to reciprocate with attention. Idk why, but I just don’t always want to talk to anyone and most of the time I’m already used to talking to myself in my head because that’s the only place where I can say anything my natural self want and not get judged.

You say that now but when you finally have female contact you will crave it.

It's nice to be around women but they can get annoying. I've found that occupying myself with things I am passionate about leaves me no time for feeling lonely

Sometimes its just nice to talk to someone so that they can tell you everything is fine. That they love you no matter what

Idk, I’d be stressed and exhausted because I’d have to always compensate for my shortcomings. There are better guys out there and I’ll have to ALWAYS think about pleasing her because I don’t want to get cheated on. I’m REALLY scared of it.

I had a 3 years relationship and it was exhausting. I’ve been single for 4 years, I still don’t crave for one.

How would you live when you’re old?

Do they? They would, if we go out of our natural way to please them.

Status. It's kinda like money, you're not a worse person for being poor but would you rather be rich or poor? Tell me that right now. I fucked up everything status-wise in my life.

incels like you need to just die

There are perks to being single just like there are perks to relationships, and of course it all depends from case to case. That said, it's hard not to be a better man when you're in a relationship. A woman at your side makes you more motivated, makes you feel more manly and confident. She keeps your morale up when things don't go well in your life. She is a friend of a deeper level than everyone else. For me the best thing has always been that extra energy to better myself that I could tap into, I've always been lazier and duller without a girl

Cleaning and cooking too. Yesterday my gf came to my house. First, she cleaned my room, then we fucked, and then she made me dinner. Then I slept a happy man.

What do you want.

I want someone to love me but I can’t love them back. I know they’re obsessed about me, but I’m also obsessed about me as well.

Status. Because society requires it. Because I feel like I'm less than the rest if I don't have what they have.
I'm gonna quote another user here: sex is the only reason men tolerate women

>im not an incel i swear
nice larping, faggot

Same reason you feel bad as a kid when every other kid has that cool new thing kids have but you don't have it yourself.
It's hard to have a real conversation about this issue because people just want to be politically correct but the true elephant in the room is that getting a girlfriend isn't that much different than capturing the rare pokémon.
If a guy needs sex he can have it without a gf. If a guy wants someone to hang out with he can have that with friends. The girlfriend is just a trophy.

I still remember the day I broke up with my gf after 3 years of relationship. It felt like a cuff was released from my wrists. I was liberated from insecurities and anxiety. I was liberated from jealousy, overcompensating, forcing myself to always initiate conversation, forcing myself to fit the ideal role of man because I didn’t know what I was supposed to do as a man in the relationship. It was truly liberating, and it’s been 5 years since the break up, I haven’t been in another relationship ever since.

I am a man with millions of shortcomings and I can’t compete with other guys. They’re all better than me, taller than me, funner than me, better endowed than me, friendlier than me, etc etc. I want to be liberated from all of these. I can’t always live in stress and anxiety and competition. Even in a relationship I will always have to compete against other guys. It’s exhausting. It’s like, not having weekends anymore, it’s like 100% 24/7 job with no weekends.

Women don’t love imperfections. They will always lust perfection, even if they don’t cheat, it’s the same thing and if I can’t be the best then I’m not supposed to be with them.

Love is a choice. What you're really saying is "I want someone to love me but I will not love them back". Now if you're talking about an inability to feel romantic affection that's a whole different matter altogether

that was true years ago but modern women don't want to do that.

>gf made me dinner
>it was completely burnt
>ate it with a smile to not make her feel bad
It's not like they don't want to, they can't either. Women are just as clueless as men about these things at this point

You can find them, you just need to look for them in the right place. Date only educated women from working-class families. I'm telling you, my girlfriend has a better work ethic than myself because I'm a middle-class baby. I never had to do laundry or any chores at all, always had a maid, so I'm rotten to the core and I know middle-class women are even worse because, on top of being shielded by money, women also get shielded by our culture's natural obsession with protecting women.

You have probably heard that it is white women who are rotten but this is just because white women are more likely to be middle class. It really has nothing to do with race but with class.

>Now if you're talking about an inability to feel romantic affection that's a whole different matter altogether
Ok let’s talk about it now, then.


This is exactly the same thing I have. It is sometimes a blessing and sometimes a curse

I have sex and have no gf. In fact its better that way, they go home and I can have sex with another. I have a girl that cleans and cooks for me too and don't take her anywhere.

Do you guys care about them? What kind of personality that they have, that impresses you?

Dubs checked.

Dunno. Never had one.

Are you that crazy big dick-obsessed cuck? you sound like him

I don’t remember which post, but yeah I do feel bad about it. I feel bad about a lot of other stuffs that should be felt bad about.

You'd know. He made constant threads in the past about how people can date women knowing that they are only thinking about how a bigger dick would be better. Nigga was a crazy cuck.

It’s true though. I mean they won’t cheat, but they DO believe that other people can give better sex to them. It’s just not worth the hassle and heartbreak of losing a bf. Now if you’re okay with that, cool. I’m not okay with that, that’s one of the reason why I don’t want a gf. Because I don’t want to always have to compensate for it, I don’t want to always be stressful whenever she’s out for a girlcation with her friends. I don’t know what she’d be thinking when there’s a guy with a big bulge around, and I’m scared that I don’t know what she’s thinking. And I’m tired of always having to go out of my natural way to “aww” her, to make up for my shortcomings. Etc etc. I’m lonely and unhappy but love is exhausting and stressful. Yes they won’t cheat but it’s the same thing.

Haha it IS you! He called it

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I think I'd be happier with woman in my life

nothing can keep my eagle eyes blind

don't you have some bbc cuck porn to "analyze" and get turned on to?


Now tell me, would she make the same moaning if the penis was 4.5”?

>that fucking timing

like I say every thread, get some professional help you absolute crazy cuck

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Answer the damn question you low IQ mongoloid.

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yeah pretty much. women are only good for that

Women can make us feel manly only when we got the right tools.

yeah well women dont make us feel manly. hell many of them try to do the opposite

What do you think the likelihood of her faking those moans is? Give a number or of 10.

Idk did the script call for her to moan for the 4.5 in cock? If so she probably would.

If you both are properly disposed, you can have a very meaningful relationship (aside from sex). If you're not, which is more likely considering the platform we are on, then idk.

Our lives are meaningless, with a companion to spend your life with we can pretend like we matter and our lives are not an endless cycle of the same shit different story. Its just a way to make up a meaning for our lives.

be my mommy gf :)


>oh don’t worry bro, it must be fake!

You’re really bluepilled. You seem to always fix your shit by believing in lies and delusion. I don’t buy that.

Is it normal if I’m unable to love anyone?